Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
Archangel Michael on the Gift of Rebirth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Michael, and I would speak to you at this time and in this place of the gift of Rebirth.
Rebirth comes in many forms.
Rebirth is also connected to this time of Peace, for, you see, each and every one of you who Transcends into the time of Peace must be reborn. You must be Rebirthed, as you might say. And for some of you, this will come through death and being reborn into this new dimension. But for the majority of you, this is going to come through the processes of letting go of the old and coming into the new. You will become a new person. As we have spoken of many things now, accepting family, unconditional Love, and so on, making choices and decisions and changing the way you live. All of these things, you might say, add up to a Rebirth.
Many of you must make drastic changes in your lives in order to experience this Rebirth that is necessary, in order for you to Transcend into the Dimension of Peace, into a time of Peace, a place of Peace, a space of Peace, and a state of being that is of Peace.
It sounds like a very lofty endeavor. And it is. You see, each one of you needs to make changes. Sometimes the changes will be subtle, and sometimes they will be, literally, earth-shaking, you might say, for your world, anyway, your Earth. And I speak not of Mother Earth, but that which you call your world.
Your reality. It must change.
You must change. So how does one go about this process of Rebirth? What happens? And I say to you this. You become a new person. You become a person who, literally, walks the walk as you talk the talk. You find yourself inside. There is a you that is not cloaked, you might say, is not cloaked by ego. It is not cloaked by what others have told you of yourselves. So many of you do not know yourselves. You know what others have told you of yourself.
Your identity must be found within. It cannot come from what your drivers' license says, from what the neighbor down the street tells you, from what your friends say to you, and your family, and your coworkers, and so on and so on. This is not your identity. Your job is not your identity.
Your role in Life, as a mother or father, brother or sister, friend, coworker, whatever it might be, these are labels. These are roles that you fulfill. These are not, not, not your identity.
Think about that for a moment. Who are you? You. Not the friend. Not the son. Not the father. Not the husband. Not the wife, the sister, whatever. Not the label. Not the role. Who are you?
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Why are you in your body?
What are you on this Earth at this time for?
It has been spoken that each of you has a purpose, and it is true. Each and every one of you has a reason for being. You have a reason for being in Life at this time. You have a reason for being in your biological bodies right now. What is that reason? Who are you?
You cannot experience a Rebirth until you find who you are. And when you find who you are, you set yourself free. And that is your Rebirth. You cast aside all of the shadows that cover up your own Light, you might say. You must find your Truth inside, and when you do, you begin to know yourself. What is important to you, inside, your inner thoughts that you never share? Sometimes thoughts that you don't even like to admit to yourself.
Do you let these out?
Do you live by these inner thoughts,
these inner convictions and passions?
If money were never a concern for you, would you be doing the job that you are today? Would you be living in the same condition that you are today?
Would you drive the same cars and eat the same foods, live in the same communities, and so on? If money were not object to you, what would you do with your Life?
Now some of you would have very high ideals, and you would wish to help the world and end world hunger, and poverty, and so on. And these are very noble thoughts. Others of you may say, I want to take my family on a vacation, I want to buy cars, and whatever, and whatever. Let me ask this question again. What if there were no money?
What if there were no money?
What if Life's support systems were simply present, equally shared with all?
What if there was no monetary system?
You see, so many of you identify yourselves by how much money you do have or you do not have.
And you live your Life according to money. Money is dictating your Life, you might say. It tells you when to get up. It tells you when to go to bed. It tells you what to eat and what to drink and what clothing to wear and what friends to have. It tells you what car to drive and what place to live. It tells you how to live your Life.
And this is wrong. This is an Illusion.
Money is an Illusion. You've all agreed to it, so you've made it a reality. When you stop agreeing to it, then it becomes a non-reality.
How would you live Life if there were no money?
What if each of you supported the other with the thing that you did best? What is the passion inside you that you Love to do and you Love to share with others?
This is a part of your Life's purpose.
So you see, when you put aside the blinders of Illusion, and you start looking at yourself from a different perspective, (ask yourself a question), “How would I live Life if I had no constraints?” Money is only one, there are many others. Sometimes it is simply societal expectation. Maybe it's the expectations of your families and your friends. You do this because it is expected of you. What if those expectations were not there? What would you do? How would you live? How would you interact? What makes you experience the greatest Joy? And what is it that you wish to share?
Does it make you happy to plant a tree, to grow a garden? Does it make you happy to teach little children how to draw, how to sing, how to write, how to read? Does it make you happy to help others with their bodies? Or maybe it makes you happy to sew clothing.
There are many, many, many ways in which you can share with others. Ways that make you happy, and ways that make others happy. And you must look for these things. Look for your passions inside. Look for your Truths, because your Truths are your passions. And your passions are your Joys. And as you start living by these, then you start putting aside the Illusions. Do not let the Illusions hold you back.
You must make the choice to live in Illumination. This is where you find your Peace. This is where you find your Rebirth.
This is where you find your Truth, your Joy, your state of Grace, and so on and so on. You must stop living by the box, so to speak.
There is no box.
You live within a circle, the circle of Life. And it is cyclic. It will come round and round and round. Opportunities always will come back to you, in one form or another. But underneath it all, they are the same opportunity. And they will continue to be presented until you accept them or reject them.
What do you want to do with your Life? Who are you? Why are you here?
What brings you the greatest Joy in Life is a part of the reason you are here.
But you must dig deep inside to find it. And let me tell you this. As I speak not only as an Archangel of Rebirth, but also the Archangel of Life, I will tell you this. If you believe, for one moment, that a part of your Joy and your passion is to take the Life of another, you are absolutely wrong.
It does not mean the Life of another human being, or even the dog up the street, or the neighbor's cat. I speak of any Life form.
Think of that for a moment.
You are at a time in the evolution of humanity and the evolution of all beings of Life throughout the Universe of Universes where you are being called to a higher level of living. A higher level of responsibility. A higher level of Karma, you might say. And the time has come when you must acknowledge that you are One with all that is. With every being of Life. These are your brothers and sisters. You have already had this spoken to you, and I will not repeat it. It is not necessary. But I will tell you this. If you persist in taking a Life and causing harm where it is undue, you are generating Karma that will prevent you from experiencing your Rebirth and your Transcendence into a time of Peace.
We have come to the point in the evolution of humanity in particular where it is no longer appropriate to mince words, so to speak.
I must be blunt. If I am not, then perhaps you will not Understand my words. And Understanding, as you know, is of great importance to Life itself.
So Understand who you are, and Understand your brothers and sisters. And you see, this is going to call for a radical change of thought for many, many, many of you. And as you do, then you experience your Rebirth. You will find your Peace. You will find your Truth, and so on and so on.
You must think of these things. But I will also say this to you. When you find your Truth, when you find your Joy and your Grace and your Rebirth and so on,
you will also find the greatest Freedom you have ever known.
To be reborn is to be alive in a way that you have not ever experienced. If you think your senses are sharp right now, with touch and smell, taste and hearing, and sight and so on, I say they are nothing compared to what they will be in your state of Rebirth. For you will see the world anew. You will see each other anew. And you will see yourself anew. And Life will be refreshed,
It is new.
It is like the new flower that pops its head out of the soil in the spring with vivid, brilliant color, and it shouts to the world, “I'm alive”. And so shall you. Work for your Rebirth. Allow the changes to lead you.
Follow your Heart. It always knows the path of Truth, the path of Peace, of Joy, and Understanding, and so on. Always live in Illumination, for there you shall find your Rebirth.
I give you these words from the depths of my Heart. And I hope you accept them with the Love that I give them to you in. And with that said, I shall also say that is all for this moment.”
Rebirth comes in many forms.
Rebirth is also connected to this time of Peace, for, you see, each and every one of you who Transcends into the time of Peace must be reborn. You must be Rebirthed, as you might say. And for some of you, this will come through death and being reborn into this new dimension. But for the majority of you, this is going to come through the processes of letting go of the old and coming into the new. You will become a new person. As we have spoken of many things now, accepting family, unconditional Love, and so on, making choices and decisions and changing the way you live. All of these things, you might say, add up to a Rebirth.
Many of you must make drastic changes in your lives in order to experience this Rebirth that is necessary, in order for you to Transcend into the Dimension of Peace, into a time of Peace, a place of Peace, a space of Peace, and a state of being that is of Peace.
It sounds like a very lofty endeavor. And it is. You see, each one of you needs to make changes. Sometimes the changes will be subtle, and sometimes they will be, literally, earth-shaking, you might say, for your world, anyway, your Earth. And I speak not of Mother Earth, but that which you call your world.
Your reality. It must change.
You must change. So how does one go about this process of Rebirth? What happens? And I say to you this. You become a new person. You become a person who, literally, walks the walk as you talk the talk. You find yourself inside. There is a you that is not cloaked, you might say, is not cloaked by ego. It is not cloaked by what others have told you of yourselves. So many of you do not know yourselves. You know what others have told you of yourself.
Your identity must be found within. It cannot come from what your drivers' license says, from what the neighbor down the street tells you, from what your friends say to you, and your family, and your coworkers, and so on and so on. This is not your identity. Your job is not your identity.
Your role in Life, as a mother or father, brother or sister, friend, coworker, whatever it might be, these are labels. These are roles that you fulfill. These are not, not, not your identity.
Think about that for a moment. Who are you? You. Not the friend. Not the son. Not the father. Not the husband. Not the wife, the sister, whatever. Not the label. Not the role. Who are you?
Who are you?
Why are you here?
Why are you in your body?
What are you on this Earth at this time for?
It has been spoken that each of you has a purpose, and it is true. Each and every one of you has a reason for being. You have a reason for being in Life at this time. You have a reason for being in your biological bodies right now. What is that reason? Who are you?
You cannot experience a Rebirth until you find who you are. And when you find who you are, you set yourself free. And that is your Rebirth. You cast aside all of the shadows that cover up your own Light, you might say. You must find your Truth inside, and when you do, you begin to know yourself. What is important to you, inside, your inner thoughts that you never share? Sometimes thoughts that you don't even like to admit to yourself.
Do you let these out?
Do you live by these inner thoughts,
these inner convictions and passions?
If money were never a concern for you, would you be doing the job that you are today? Would you be living in the same condition that you are today?
Would you drive the same cars and eat the same foods, live in the same communities, and so on? If money were not object to you, what would you do with your Life?
Now some of you would have very high ideals, and you would wish to help the world and end world hunger, and poverty, and so on. And these are very noble thoughts. Others of you may say, I want to take my family on a vacation, I want to buy cars, and whatever, and whatever. Let me ask this question again. What if there were no money?
What if there were no money?
What if Life's support systems were simply present, equally shared with all?
What if there was no monetary system?
You see, so many of you identify yourselves by how much money you do have or you do not have.
And you live your Life according to money. Money is dictating your Life, you might say. It tells you when to get up. It tells you when to go to bed. It tells you what to eat and what to drink and what clothing to wear and what friends to have. It tells you what car to drive and what place to live. It tells you how to live your Life.
And this is wrong. This is an Illusion.
Money is an Illusion. You've all agreed to it, so you've made it a reality. When you stop agreeing to it, then it becomes a non-reality.
How would you live Life if there were no money?
What if each of you supported the other with the thing that you did best? What is the passion inside you that you Love to do and you Love to share with others?
This is a part of your Life's purpose.
So you see, when you put aside the blinders of Illusion, and you start looking at yourself from a different perspective, (ask yourself a question), “How would I live Life if I had no constraints?” Money is only one, there are many others. Sometimes it is simply societal expectation. Maybe it's the expectations of your families and your friends. You do this because it is expected of you. What if those expectations were not there? What would you do? How would you live? How would you interact? What makes you experience the greatest Joy? And what is it that you wish to share?
Does it make you happy to plant a tree, to grow a garden? Does it make you happy to teach little children how to draw, how to sing, how to write, how to read? Does it make you happy to help others with their bodies? Or maybe it makes you happy to sew clothing.
There are many, many, many ways in which you can share with others. Ways that make you happy, and ways that make others happy. And you must look for these things. Look for your passions inside. Look for your Truths, because your Truths are your passions. And your passions are your Joys. And as you start living by these, then you start putting aside the Illusions. Do not let the Illusions hold you back.
You must make the choice to live in Illumination. This is where you find your Peace. This is where you find your Rebirth.
This is where you find your Truth, your Joy, your state of Grace, and so on and so on. You must stop living by the box, so to speak.
There is no box.
You live within a circle, the circle of Life. And it is cyclic. It will come round and round and round. Opportunities always will come back to you, in one form or another. But underneath it all, they are the same opportunity. And they will continue to be presented until you accept them or reject them.
What do you want to do with your Life? Who are you? Why are you here?
What brings you the greatest Joy in Life is a part of the reason you are here.
But you must dig deep inside to find it. And let me tell you this. As I speak not only as an Archangel of Rebirth, but also the Archangel of Life, I will tell you this. If you believe, for one moment, that a part of your Joy and your passion is to take the Life of another, you are absolutely wrong.
It does not mean the Life of another human being, or even the dog up the street, or the neighbor's cat. I speak of any Life form.
Think of that for a moment.
You are at a time in the evolution of humanity and the evolution of all beings of Life throughout the Universe of Universes where you are being called to a higher level of living. A higher level of responsibility. A higher level of Karma, you might say. And the time has come when you must acknowledge that you are One with all that is. With every being of Life. These are your brothers and sisters. You have already had this spoken to you, and I will not repeat it. It is not necessary. But I will tell you this. If you persist in taking a Life and causing harm where it is undue, you are generating Karma that will prevent you from experiencing your Rebirth and your Transcendence into a time of Peace.
We have come to the point in the evolution of humanity in particular where it is no longer appropriate to mince words, so to speak.
I must be blunt. If I am not, then perhaps you will not Understand my words. And Understanding, as you know, is of great importance to Life itself.
So Understand who you are, and Understand your brothers and sisters. And you see, this is going to call for a radical change of thought for many, many, many of you. And as you do, then you experience your Rebirth. You will find your Peace. You will find your Truth, and so on and so on.
You must think of these things. But I will also say this to you. When you find your Truth, when you find your Joy and your Grace and your Rebirth and so on,
you will also find the greatest Freedom you have ever known.
To be reborn is to be alive in a way that you have not ever experienced. If you think your senses are sharp right now, with touch and smell, taste and hearing, and sight and so on, I say they are nothing compared to what they will be in your state of Rebirth. For you will see the world anew. You will see each other anew. And you will see yourself anew. And Life will be refreshed,
It is new.
It is like the new flower that pops its head out of the soil in the spring with vivid, brilliant color, and it shouts to the world, “I'm alive”. And so shall you. Work for your Rebirth. Allow the changes to lead you.
Follow your Heart. It always knows the path of Truth, the path of Peace, of Joy, and Understanding, and so on. Always live in Illumination, for there you shall find your Rebirth.
I give you these words from the depths of my Heart. And I hope you accept them with the Love that I give them to you in. And with that said, I shall also say that is all for this moment.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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