Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
Archangel Raphael on the Gift of Joy
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, the Archangel Raphael,
the Archangel of Joy,
and I would speak to you at this moment of the gift of Joy. Now it has been spoken already that this is a time and era of Peace, and so yes, I will speak to you about Joy as it pertains to Peace.
And of course, you would ask yourself, “Where is my Joy? “
And of course, I would answer for you and say, your Joy is deep within. How can you find your Joy if you have not found your Peace?
You heard Michael speak of Illumination and Understanding, and you heard the Archangel of Truth speak about Truth, and Gabriel speaking about Peace, and I will speak to you about Joy. And I say to you that they are all related. You must look within. There lies your Joy. Now how can you have Joy if you cannot have Peace? And I say you cannot.
If you are to experience your Truth of Joy, then you must seek Joy in Illumination, and not in Illusion. So what does this mean? I mean that many of you find your Joy in simple pastimes that have no meaning. They have no purpose. They have no contribution to Life. There are many of you that do not, and many of you, of course, that do find some measure of true Joy. But I say that you cannot find your full measure of Joy until you have found your inner Peace. You must Understand yourself and Understand your Life, and as you do, little by little, you experience your true Joy right along with it. Each discovery should bring you Joy. Each discovery of Truth, each Understanding, each moment of Illumination, each moment of Peace should bring you Joy. And when you find the Joy within, then that Joy touches everything that you touch. It is like King Midas' golden touch, you might say. Everything that he would touch would turn to gold, and everything, likewise, that you will touch will turn to Joy. So, consider for a moment. If you think about the way you live your Life, you think about the flowers you like to plant. Well, do those flowers serve any purpose other than to please your eye? Yes, they might please your eye. They might bring you moments of Joy. However, how much Joy do you receive when you plant a flower that also feeds the neighborhood's butterflies, or bees, or hummingbirds, or other creatures that may be in need of sustenance? And these beings can be fed simply by the flower that you choose to plant in the windowsill of your home, your garden. Think about the contrast in Joy. Does it only please you? Or does it also please many others, therefore multiplying exponentially the Joy that you can receive from one simple choice, one simple act?
Think about that for a moment. And that is only a flower that I am using an example. What if the same principle were applied to everything that you do in Life? Everything. What if you prepare a meal to eat? Does it satisfy only your tongue?
Or does it satisfy your entire body? Think about that for a moment. Are you pleasing your tongue only? Or do you please your entire body with what you eat? Do you please your entire family
or those who share your sustenance with you? Are you pleasing them? Are you pleasing their tongues or their bodies as well? And so how much Joy do you take in consuming something that simply tastes good on the tongue versus the Joy that you receive by consuming something that not only tastes good to the tongue, but also feels good to the rest of your body because you are nourishing it?
What about the clothing that you wear?
Everything that you do in Life, you see, can be a Joyous event, a Joyous interaction, a Joyous exchange. The question is, to what degree is it going to be Joyous? And I say to you this depends upon how much you are following your Heart. If you look inside your Heart and it says, you should go and plant flowers today, okay, you can go and plant flowers today, and you will experience Joy, and you have followed your Heart. But to what degree? If you are truly following your Heart, as it speaks to you not only of Joy, not only of pleasure, but also of Truth, of Understanding, of Peace, and mutual support for other beings, Illumination, and so on, then perhaps you are choosing the flower
that feeds all the other neighborhood creatures who depend on flowers for Life, such as the bee and the butterfly and so on.
You see, you can go through Life living with your Joy in first gear, you might say. Perhaps you are experiencing ten percent of your potential. And perhaps you don't even know this. Perhaps you feel that your Joy you are living as wide open as it could possibly get. But you've never looked into your heart to find out what your inner Truth is.
And as long as you don't know that inner Truth, then you will never know your inner Joy. And if you can't know your inner Joy, you can't know your outer Joy.
So what I am telling you is if you really want to experience Joy in your Life,
look inside. Because you'll find the keys to the car there that are going to take you zipping down the road of Joy
in a way that you can't even comprehend right at this moment.
There are many people in this world that shake their head and scoff at spirituality. And they scoff at the concept of choosing Peace, and making Peaceful choices and decisions, and so on. They feel that they're too busy having a good time to stop and be so serious,
so pious, perhaps.
They don't want to take time away from their fun to sit back and meditate and look inside.
They don't want to turn off their football game or their TV show or what they're listening to on the radio.
They don't want to take time away from their friends or their nightclubs or their fishing poles or their hiking shoes or whatever it might be. Some people don't want to take the time away from their fun
to actually find out what real fun for them truly is. Now you would think, for someone who really Loves Joy and Loves to have a good time,
they would be doing everything possible to find how they could get more.
And sadly, they do not. So they go through Life with a shallow version of the Joy that they could have
when they could have the whole “shebang”, so to speak.
There is tremendous Joy, you might say, programmed into the Heart of each and every one of you. And the way you unlock that Joy in your Life is to look inside and find your Truth. And when you find your Truth and you find your Peace, then you will know what brings you Joy. And that Joy is Joy in Truth. It's Joy in Illumination. And it is Joy beyond measure.
And not only is it Joy for you, but when you share it,
then you exponentially
expand your experience of Joy. Because Joy shared is not just doubled. It's not just quadrupled.
It is infinitely expanded.
And it ripples back to you.
The Joy that you share in Life comes back to you, sometimes instantly, and sometimes it takes a while. And sometimes it never quits coming back. So if you would open the doors to Joy in your Life, then you must look inside and find it in your Heart first.
And let the doors come wide open. And you should also Understand that great Joy comes with great Love.
You've got to Love the flower that you plant, because when you do, every time you look at it, every time you smell it, every time you see the bee buzzing around it or the butterfly hovering near
your Joy will just explode and fill you inside in a way that nothing else can.
When you give Joy to another being, you are also giving Joy to yourself.
And you get not only the Joy of giving, but you get the Joy of sharing in that being receiving.
And the same is true whether we are speaking of bees and butterflies or people up the street. It could be someone in a land you do not even know. Perhaps it's another place in the Universe. But when you share Joy, you radiate Joy. It touches everything and everyone. And Joy has a powerful energy. It is part of Love. They are synonymous. You cannot have Love without also having Joy. And if you do experience Love and you are not experiencing Joy, then whatever you are seeing is the Illusion of Joy.
Sometimes people mistake sadness as a bad thing, and I tell you that sadness is the opposite of Joy. Sadness happens when you do not see the Truth of Joy, rather you see the Illusion of it. And sometimes that comes from hanging on and trying to make more of something than what it is meant to be. Appreciate what is given, but do not try to take.
Understanding this will help you get back on track with Joy, you might say.
And so at this time, I tell you this. If you will find your Joy, share it. Make sure you are finding your Joy in Illumination. Look inside and find it. One of your other keys is knowing when you have recognized Joy. And I would say to you that if you have recognized Joy, then you will not be bored. You will not be impatient. You will not be distraught. And you will not be left empty or dissatisfied.
When you have found you Joy, you feel content. You feel satisfied. You feel eager. And mostly, you feel Love and Peacefulness. And then the Joy can blossom. So think about these things, and always search for your Joy inside. Joy comes with the path of Truth, of Light, Love, Peace, Understanding, Illumination, and so on. They are all part of the true path of Life, if you will live it in Illumination rather than Illusion. And as always, we are always waiting to help you. Simply ask for greater Joy to come in your Life, but be open to seeing it, and be open to searching for it.
That is this all for this time, my beloved children. I leave you with my Joy.”
the Archangel of Joy,
and I would speak to you at this moment of the gift of Joy. Now it has been spoken already that this is a time and era of Peace, and so yes, I will speak to you about Joy as it pertains to Peace.
And of course, you would ask yourself, “Where is my Joy? “
And of course, I would answer for you and say, your Joy is deep within. How can you find your Joy if you have not found your Peace?
You heard Michael speak of Illumination and Understanding, and you heard the Archangel of Truth speak about Truth, and Gabriel speaking about Peace, and I will speak to you about Joy. And I say to you that they are all related. You must look within. There lies your Joy. Now how can you have Joy if you cannot have Peace? And I say you cannot.
If you are to experience your Truth of Joy, then you must seek Joy in Illumination, and not in Illusion. So what does this mean? I mean that many of you find your Joy in simple pastimes that have no meaning. They have no purpose. They have no contribution to Life. There are many of you that do not, and many of you, of course, that do find some measure of true Joy. But I say that you cannot find your full measure of Joy until you have found your inner Peace. You must Understand yourself and Understand your Life, and as you do, little by little, you experience your true Joy right along with it. Each discovery should bring you Joy. Each discovery of Truth, each Understanding, each moment of Illumination, each moment of Peace should bring you Joy. And when you find the Joy within, then that Joy touches everything that you touch. It is like King Midas' golden touch, you might say. Everything that he would touch would turn to gold, and everything, likewise, that you will touch will turn to Joy. So, consider for a moment. If you think about the way you live your Life, you think about the flowers you like to plant. Well, do those flowers serve any purpose other than to please your eye? Yes, they might please your eye. They might bring you moments of Joy. However, how much Joy do you receive when you plant a flower that also feeds the neighborhood's butterflies, or bees, or hummingbirds, or other creatures that may be in need of sustenance? And these beings can be fed simply by the flower that you choose to plant in the windowsill of your home, your garden. Think about the contrast in Joy. Does it only please you? Or does it also please many others, therefore multiplying exponentially the Joy that you can receive from one simple choice, one simple act?
Think about that for a moment. And that is only a flower that I am using an example. What if the same principle were applied to everything that you do in Life? Everything. What if you prepare a meal to eat? Does it satisfy only your tongue?
Or does it satisfy your entire body? Think about that for a moment. Are you pleasing your tongue only? Or do you please your entire body with what you eat? Do you please your entire family
or those who share your sustenance with you? Are you pleasing them? Are you pleasing their tongues or their bodies as well? And so how much Joy do you take in consuming something that simply tastes good on the tongue versus the Joy that you receive by consuming something that not only tastes good to the tongue, but also feels good to the rest of your body because you are nourishing it?
What about the clothing that you wear?
Everything that you do in Life, you see, can be a Joyous event, a Joyous interaction, a Joyous exchange. The question is, to what degree is it going to be Joyous? And I say to you this depends upon how much you are following your Heart. If you look inside your Heart and it says, you should go and plant flowers today, okay, you can go and plant flowers today, and you will experience Joy, and you have followed your Heart. But to what degree? If you are truly following your Heart, as it speaks to you not only of Joy, not only of pleasure, but also of Truth, of Understanding, of Peace, and mutual support for other beings, Illumination, and so on, then perhaps you are choosing the flower
that feeds all the other neighborhood creatures who depend on flowers for Life, such as the bee and the butterfly and so on.
You see, you can go through Life living with your Joy in first gear, you might say. Perhaps you are experiencing ten percent of your potential. And perhaps you don't even know this. Perhaps you feel that your Joy you are living as wide open as it could possibly get. But you've never looked into your heart to find out what your inner Truth is.
And as long as you don't know that inner Truth, then you will never know your inner Joy. And if you can't know your inner Joy, you can't know your outer Joy.
So what I am telling you is if you really want to experience Joy in your Life,
look inside. Because you'll find the keys to the car there that are going to take you zipping down the road of Joy
in a way that you can't even comprehend right at this moment.
There are many people in this world that shake their head and scoff at spirituality. And they scoff at the concept of choosing Peace, and making Peaceful choices and decisions, and so on. They feel that they're too busy having a good time to stop and be so serious,
so pious, perhaps.
They don't want to take time away from their fun to sit back and meditate and look inside.
They don't want to turn off their football game or their TV show or what they're listening to on the radio.
They don't want to take time away from their friends or their nightclubs or their fishing poles or their hiking shoes or whatever it might be. Some people don't want to take the time away from their fun
to actually find out what real fun for them truly is. Now you would think, for someone who really Loves Joy and Loves to have a good time,
they would be doing everything possible to find how they could get more.
And sadly, they do not. So they go through Life with a shallow version of the Joy that they could have
when they could have the whole “shebang”, so to speak.
There is tremendous Joy, you might say, programmed into the Heart of each and every one of you. And the way you unlock that Joy in your Life is to look inside and find your Truth. And when you find your Truth and you find your Peace, then you will know what brings you Joy. And that Joy is Joy in Truth. It's Joy in Illumination. And it is Joy beyond measure.
And not only is it Joy for you, but when you share it,
then you exponentially
expand your experience of Joy. Because Joy shared is not just doubled. It's not just quadrupled.
It is infinitely expanded.
And it ripples back to you.
The Joy that you share in Life comes back to you, sometimes instantly, and sometimes it takes a while. And sometimes it never quits coming back. So if you would open the doors to Joy in your Life, then you must look inside and find it in your Heart first.
And let the doors come wide open. And you should also Understand that great Joy comes with great Love.
You've got to Love the flower that you plant, because when you do, every time you look at it, every time you smell it, every time you see the bee buzzing around it or the butterfly hovering near
your Joy will just explode and fill you inside in a way that nothing else can.
When you give Joy to another being, you are also giving Joy to yourself.
And you get not only the Joy of giving, but you get the Joy of sharing in that being receiving.
And the same is true whether we are speaking of bees and butterflies or people up the street. It could be someone in a land you do not even know. Perhaps it's another place in the Universe. But when you share Joy, you radiate Joy. It touches everything and everyone. And Joy has a powerful energy. It is part of Love. They are synonymous. You cannot have Love without also having Joy. And if you do experience Love and you are not experiencing Joy, then whatever you are seeing is the Illusion of Joy.
Sometimes people mistake sadness as a bad thing, and I tell you that sadness is the opposite of Joy. Sadness happens when you do not see the Truth of Joy, rather you see the Illusion of it. And sometimes that comes from hanging on and trying to make more of something than what it is meant to be. Appreciate what is given, but do not try to take.
Understanding this will help you get back on track with Joy, you might say.
And so at this time, I tell you this. If you will find your Joy, share it. Make sure you are finding your Joy in Illumination. Look inside and find it. One of your other keys is knowing when you have recognized Joy. And I would say to you that if you have recognized Joy, then you will not be bored. You will not be impatient. You will not be distraught. And you will not be left empty or dissatisfied.
When you have found you Joy, you feel content. You feel satisfied. You feel eager. And mostly, you feel Love and Peacefulness. And then the Joy can blossom. So think about these things, and always search for your Joy inside. Joy comes with the path of Truth, of Light, Love, Peace, Understanding, Illumination, and so on. They are all part of the true path of Life, if you will live it in Illumination rather than Illusion. And as always, we are always waiting to help you. Simply ask for greater Joy to come in your Life, but be open to seeing it, and be open to searching for it.
That is this all for this time, my beloved children. I leave you with my Joy.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.