Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
Archangel Uriel on the Gift of Trust
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, the Archangel Uriel,
and I would speak to you at this time on the gift of Trust.
What is Trust?
Do you know?
You Trust someone with your Love. You Trust someone with your Life. What does it really mean? Do you Trust someone to speak the Truth? Do you Trust them to take care of your money, your children, your home, your vehicle? You Trust, and yet, what is Trust? And what does it mean to you? What is the Truth of Trust? I will ask you this question. What is the Truth of Trust?
And I say to you this.
Trust is Love.
Trust is the absence of fear.
Trust is the absence of violence, or the expectation thereof. You see, Trust is many things, and I could go on and on with more definitions as to what Trust is. But the bottom line is, you might say,
Trust is Love.
And when you Love completely and unconditionally, accepting Oneness with all, then you Trust. There is no other choice. There doesn't need to be one.
When you share Love in Illumination with all that is, with all creatures of Life, all forms of Life, every aspect, and function, and nuance, and subtlety of Life,
there is no need to do anything other except Trust, for there is no fear. There is no violence, there is no greed. There is no need to even contemplate these things. And yet when you look around you at this moment, how many people, how many situations, how many beings of Life do you actually Trust, right now here today? How many people do you Trust? Let us begin with yourself.
Do you Trust yourself? “Of course”, you might say. But do you really? Do you Trust yourself to always do the right thing, say the right thing? How about think the right thing? Do you Trust yourself to follow your path according to your Heart? Do you Trust yourself to make the right decision every time? Now, most of you will say, “Well, no. Perhaps I don't”. So I will ask you this, then.
Do you Love yourself?
Do you Love yourself?
Think about that for a moment. Do you really Love yourself?
Because if you do, if your answer is yes, then you can say, “Yes, I Trust myself”.
And you see, the key to this is to not Trust yourself to be perfect, for none of us are meant to be perfect. Only the Great Mother, Creator, God, the All That Is, only she is perfect.
But the rest of us, in our imperfection, are perfect to her.
You see, because each and every being of Life is learning, is growing.
Consciousness is expanding.
We are ever evolving, and as we evolve, as we learn. As we grow, we make mistakes.
What is perfection?
Is it the image of the Creator?
What is perfection?
Something that has no fault.
Ah. There's your key right there.
If you are doing the best you can according to the knowledge which you have at any given moment, and you are living according to that knowledge, and you know that knowledge or feel that knowledge to be correct, and you follow it to the best of your ability, then you have no fault for mistakes that are made.
Therefore, in your imperfection, you are still perfect.
Therefore it is okay for you to Trust yourself, as long as you commit to yourself to always do the best you can, to always follow the guidance of your Heart,
to always follow the highest Truth that is available to you,
and sometimes not the highest Truth that there is is not available to you,
if you follow your inner Truth with dedication and commitment,
then you
Therefore you can Trust yourself.
When you can learn to Trust yourself, then you can learn to Trust others who are also like-minded, like-Hearted, because they, too, will be doing the very best that they can according to their Truth. And you see, when each and every one of you truly taps into your Heart, and you tap into your own highest Truth, you find that it is the same Truth, because that Truth is Love.
And when you are unconditionally loving each other, and accepting each other, in your state of Oneness and Love,
So let us talk about something besides people at the moment. Let us speak about the highest Truth, as I mentioned a moment ago. Sometimes you are not privy to the highest Truth that there is. For example, take a look at your foods. Do you feel they are the highest Truth you can receive? You buy a food, for example, you believe the food is organic, it has not been tampered with by any scientists in a laboratory somewhere, because this is your choice, you are going to eat organic, clean, non-tampered with food. And you go to a store and you purchase this. Or you grow it yourself. And you sit down and you consume this food.
Now, you are living according to you highest Truth at that moment. But what if you find out that the grocer who sold you that food was not Truthful and deceived you?
Perhaps it wasn't the grocer. Perhaps it was the food manufacturer, as they are called these days. Perhaps it was the person or company putting together this food and they claimed that is was all organic and not tampered with and so on, but perhaps in order to cut costs and make more money,
they slipped in some food that really wasn't clean and wasn't organic and so on.
So you unknowingly strayed from your Truth. So you see, you were not at fault in that situation.
So still, it is alright to Trust yourself. So who do you Trust, then, when it comes to doing business and interacting in the world with people who perhaps you do not know as your immediate family, your friends, the people with whom you are personally connected with? Yes, you are connected with all beings of Life at a greater level, in a state of Oneness. But you only interact personally, in a first level, you might say, or first degree, with so many people in your Life. And so when you are reaching outside that scope of connection,
the intimate connection, you might say, when you reach outside that, how do you Trust people? Do you Trust governments?
Do you Trust companies?
Do you Trust the banks?
Do you Trust workers across the world,
who might be growing food that you buy, for example?
How do you Trust?
How do you Trust your world?
How do you Trust the events that happen in your world?
There is a great deal of misinformation, some of it intentional, some of it not. Sometimes people speak what they believe to be the highest Truth, and they share that, only to find out later that perhaps it wasn't entirely true.
But again, are they at fault? No.
So how do you know who to Trust?
How do you know what to Trust?
How do you know when to Trust?
And I say to you the answer to these questions lies within your Heart. You must look inside and find your Truth. Follow the path of Love. When you do, you know who to Trust. You know how to Trust. You know when and where and what to Trust. And, perhaps most importantly, you know why to Trust it. Because if you are all Loving each other, if you are sharing Love, in Illumination, not Illusion, if you are sharing Love in Illumination, you are sharing Truth, what else is there but Trust?
There is nothing.
In many ways, Trust has no opposite, for you either do or don't.
There is no Trust in Illusion.
Some might call that betrayal.
And in some ways, you might consider it to be that way. However, betrayal might have a different definition.
What is a betrayal? A lack of Love.
You see, when you Love someone, and you are sharing Love with someone, and I do not mean intimately and romantically, and so on, I simply mean through a state of Oneness. You are all connected. You Love each other. There is nothing wrong with saying the words “I Love you” to a total stranger, to your friend, to your neighbor, to your acquaintance, it doesn't matter. Someone across the world whose name you've never heard before the previous second, you can say, “I Love you” to them, this is okay. When you are sharing Love with people, then there is Trust. And if there is no Love shared, there is no Trust. And so when someone betrays you, they are not Loving you.
The circle of Life and Love is broken.
Look at the world around you today. How tight would your web of Life be if all the circles of Life throughout your world, throughout a world of Oneness, if they were all connected and all intact, how tight would your knit of family and community be, your web of Life, your circle of Life? And yet what you see are many, many broken strands.
You are like a great wound that needs to be Healed, all of humanity, all of Life. You have broken apart from each other.
In many cases, you've broken apart from yourselves,
from your children, from your parents, from your families,
your spouse, your lover, your friends, your communities. You are all broken. You are shattered.
Where is your circle of Life?
Where is your Trust in Life? How many of you actually Trust Life itself?
And I say that Life will always go on. Always.
And it is time for each of you to participate in it fully. And in order to do this, you must put aside these blinders of Illusion.
You must put aside the paradigms of greed and power, of violence, and self importance.
You must embrace the concepts of Oneness and Love,
and live together in Peaceful Harmony
to bring your world back into Balance,
to mend your circles of Life. In many ways, you are all the walking wounded, you might say,
because you bear the wounds of this Lifetime and another Lifetime, and another. And these wounds have been perpetrated over and over and over and over and over through the eons.
And what will Heal them?
Trust. Because Trust is Love.
And Love is the greatest power in the Universe,
which also makes Trust the greatest power in the Universe.
How many of you know, when we speak of Karma, that part of Karma has to do with Trust?
Because, you see, when you Trust someone, any being of Life, on any level,
when you Trust someone, you create a Karmic contract.
If that Trust is broken,
then the one who breaks the Trust bears the Karma of the betrayal of a Love.
Because it is also a contract of Love, you see, and we are back to the greatest power in the Universe.
It is like two people holding the rubber band. But the one who cuts the rubber band is the one who gets popped with it. It comes back to bite you, you might say. And the same is true with Trust. When you Trust another, you are under Karmic contract with them.
You share a bond of Love, and there is no greater bond in the Universe than that of Love, consequently, that of Trust.
Think about that for just a moment. Think about how that can impact your choices.
I Trust you to Love me.
Do you, or do you not?
Do you, or do you not?
You must Understand that something as important as Love and Trust in your Life is going to be something that is as important to others as it is to you, and at many higher levels, as well. To begin to Trust, you must first look into your own Heart and learn to Trust yourself.
As I have spoken, do you Love yourself?
When you answer yes, then you know that Trust is also in place.
Do you Love your Creator?
Do you Trust your Creator?
What about the guidance?
Each and every one of you has an angelic family beside you at all times, with twelve members. Twelve members of your angelic family. They are present with you at all times.
Do you Trust them?
Most of you do not know they even exist, and that is a great sadness. For if you would but Trust the guidance that they can provide you, you would find it much easier to follow your path of Love and Life. And you could Trust your path. That is another important aspect of Trust, is being able to Trust in your purpose, Trust in your path, Trust that the choices and decisions that you make every day are the right ones
because they are following a journey filled with Love and Joy, of Peacefulness, of acceptance unconditionally, of Oneness with others,
and so on.
How do you Trust in a world, such as you live in today?
You never know when your neighbor might report you for this or that. Whether or not it's true is of no consequence. But you are left to deal with the ramifications of that breach of Trust.
How do you live in a world like this?
How do you Trust the neighboring country not to invade?
How do you Trust that there will be food to put on the table and money to pay your bills?
How do you Trust?
And I say to you this. If you would Trust in this type of world, then you must find your Truth inside, you must find your Love, and you must, absolutely must, start walking the path of Peace today.
Right now.
Pray for guidance,
And listen.
Guidance speaks in many, many fashions. Sometimes it comes in symbolism. Sometimes there is a messenger. Sometimes it is just an inner knowing. And sometimes it is much more pointed and drastic than that. But you will know because you have your Truth inside, and you measure every guidance you ever get from anyone against that Truth, always, so that you may Trust yourself and Trust that guidance, and Trust the choices that come from it.
If you do not start now, following the path of Peace, the path of Love, the path of Truth, and so on, in Illumination, you will never be able to Trust. And you will see the deterioration of your world to a point that you cannot even comprehend, if you do not, each and every one, begin now.
I cannot stress that enough. Right now.
Find your Trust. Find your Truth. Find your Love, and your Peace, and live it. Share it. Experience it. Express it. Share it. Let it be who you are, and what you are. I can speak no greater Truth than what I have.
And yet, there is so much more I could speak. But for this moment, there is so much for you to think about. For those of you who are sincere about walking the path of Peace in this Lifetime, and making your world into a place in which you can all share the Abundance of Life, Joyously, without fear, without harm, without hurt, and so on, in equality, in Oneness,
those of you who are serious, hear my words.
Those of you who are sincere will make changes.
The necessary ones, and there are so many.
And so at this time, those of you who are sincere about making these changes, I will offer a gift to you. A gift of Trust.
Trust my words.
Trust my words.
And let them serve to guide you.
And we shall be under Karmic contract, for I shall support you, Karmically, as you make your choices in sincerity.
With that thought, I will leave you now,
with my Love and my Trust.
That is all for this time.”
and I would speak to you at this time on the gift of Trust.
What is Trust?
Do you know?
You Trust someone with your Love. You Trust someone with your Life. What does it really mean? Do you Trust someone to speak the Truth? Do you Trust them to take care of your money, your children, your home, your vehicle? You Trust, and yet, what is Trust? And what does it mean to you? What is the Truth of Trust? I will ask you this question. What is the Truth of Trust?
And I say to you this.
Trust is Love.
Trust is the absence of fear.
Trust is the absence of violence, or the expectation thereof. You see, Trust is many things, and I could go on and on with more definitions as to what Trust is. But the bottom line is, you might say,
Trust is Love.
And when you Love completely and unconditionally, accepting Oneness with all, then you Trust. There is no other choice. There doesn't need to be one.
When you share Love in Illumination with all that is, with all creatures of Life, all forms of Life, every aspect, and function, and nuance, and subtlety of Life,
there is no need to do anything other except Trust, for there is no fear. There is no violence, there is no greed. There is no need to even contemplate these things. And yet when you look around you at this moment, how many people, how many situations, how many beings of Life do you actually Trust, right now here today? How many people do you Trust? Let us begin with yourself.
Do you Trust yourself? “Of course”, you might say. But do you really? Do you Trust yourself to always do the right thing, say the right thing? How about think the right thing? Do you Trust yourself to follow your path according to your Heart? Do you Trust yourself to make the right decision every time? Now, most of you will say, “Well, no. Perhaps I don't”. So I will ask you this, then.
Do you Love yourself?
Do you Love yourself?
Think about that for a moment. Do you really Love yourself?
Because if you do, if your answer is yes, then you can say, “Yes, I Trust myself”.
And you see, the key to this is to not Trust yourself to be perfect, for none of us are meant to be perfect. Only the Great Mother, Creator, God, the All That Is, only she is perfect.
But the rest of us, in our imperfection, are perfect to her.
You see, because each and every being of Life is learning, is growing.
Consciousness is expanding.
We are ever evolving, and as we evolve, as we learn. As we grow, we make mistakes.
What is perfection?
Is it the image of the Creator?
What is perfection?
Something that has no fault.
Ah. There's your key right there.
If you are doing the best you can according to the knowledge which you have at any given moment, and you are living according to that knowledge, and you know that knowledge or feel that knowledge to be correct, and you follow it to the best of your ability, then you have no fault for mistakes that are made.
Therefore, in your imperfection, you are still perfect.
Therefore it is okay for you to Trust yourself, as long as you commit to yourself to always do the best you can, to always follow the guidance of your Heart,
to always follow the highest Truth that is available to you,
and sometimes not the highest Truth that there is is not available to you,
if you follow your inner Truth with dedication and commitment,
then you
Therefore you can Trust yourself.
When you can learn to Trust yourself, then you can learn to Trust others who are also like-minded, like-Hearted, because they, too, will be doing the very best that they can according to their Truth. And you see, when each and every one of you truly taps into your Heart, and you tap into your own highest Truth, you find that it is the same Truth, because that Truth is Love.
And when you are unconditionally loving each other, and accepting each other, in your state of Oneness and Love,
So let us talk about something besides people at the moment. Let us speak about the highest Truth, as I mentioned a moment ago. Sometimes you are not privy to the highest Truth that there is. For example, take a look at your foods. Do you feel they are the highest Truth you can receive? You buy a food, for example, you believe the food is organic, it has not been tampered with by any scientists in a laboratory somewhere, because this is your choice, you are going to eat organic, clean, non-tampered with food. And you go to a store and you purchase this. Or you grow it yourself. And you sit down and you consume this food.
Now, you are living according to you highest Truth at that moment. But what if you find out that the grocer who sold you that food was not Truthful and deceived you?
Perhaps it wasn't the grocer. Perhaps it was the food manufacturer, as they are called these days. Perhaps it was the person or company putting together this food and they claimed that is was all organic and not tampered with and so on, but perhaps in order to cut costs and make more money,
they slipped in some food that really wasn't clean and wasn't organic and so on.
So you unknowingly strayed from your Truth. So you see, you were not at fault in that situation.
So still, it is alright to Trust yourself. So who do you Trust, then, when it comes to doing business and interacting in the world with people who perhaps you do not know as your immediate family, your friends, the people with whom you are personally connected with? Yes, you are connected with all beings of Life at a greater level, in a state of Oneness. But you only interact personally, in a first level, you might say, or first degree, with so many people in your Life. And so when you are reaching outside that scope of connection,
the intimate connection, you might say, when you reach outside that, how do you Trust people? Do you Trust governments?
Do you Trust companies?
Do you Trust the banks?
Do you Trust workers across the world,
who might be growing food that you buy, for example?
How do you Trust?
How do you Trust your world?
How do you Trust the events that happen in your world?
There is a great deal of misinformation, some of it intentional, some of it not. Sometimes people speak what they believe to be the highest Truth, and they share that, only to find out later that perhaps it wasn't entirely true.
But again, are they at fault? No.
So how do you know who to Trust?
How do you know what to Trust?
How do you know when to Trust?
And I say to you the answer to these questions lies within your Heart. You must look inside and find your Truth. Follow the path of Love. When you do, you know who to Trust. You know how to Trust. You know when and where and what to Trust. And, perhaps most importantly, you know why to Trust it. Because if you are all Loving each other, if you are sharing Love, in Illumination, not Illusion, if you are sharing Love in Illumination, you are sharing Truth, what else is there but Trust?
There is nothing.
In many ways, Trust has no opposite, for you either do or don't.
There is no Trust in Illusion.
Some might call that betrayal.
And in some ways, you might consider it to be that way. However, betrayal might have a different definition.
What is a betrayal? A lack of Love.
You see, when you Love someone, and you are sharing Love with someone, and I do not mean intimately and romantically, and so on, I simply mean through a state of Oneness. You are all connected. You Love each other. There is nothing wrong with saying the words “I Love you” to a total stranger, to your friend, to your neighbor, to your acquaintance, it doesn't matter. Someone across the world whose name you've never heard before the previous second, you can say, “I Love you” to them, this is okay. When you are sharing Love with people, then there is Trust. And if there is no Love shared, there is no Trust. And so when someone betrays you, they are not Loving you.
The circle of Life and Love is broken.
Look at the world around you today. How tight would your web of Life be if all the circles of Life throughout your world, throughout a world of Oneness, if they were all connected and all intact, how tight would your knit of family and community be, your web of Life, your circle of Life? And yet what you see are many, many broken strands.
You are like a great wound that needs to be Healed, all of humanity, all of Life. You have broken apart from each other.
In many cases, you've broken apart from yourselves,
from your children, from your parents, from your families,
your spouse, your lover, your friends, your communities. You are all broken. You are shattered.
Where is your circle of Life?
Where is your Trust in Life? How many of you actually Trust Life itself?
And I say that Life will always go on. Always.
And it is time for each of you to participate in it fully. And in order to do this, you must put aside these blinders of Illusion.
You must put aside the paradigms of greed and power, of violence, and self importance.
You must embrace the concepts of Oneness and Love,
and live together in Peaceful Harmony
to bring your world back into Balance,
to mend your circles of Life. In many ways, you are all the walking wounded, you might say,
because you bear the wounds of this Lifetime and another Lifetime, and another. And these wounds have been perpetrated over and over and over and over and over through the eons.
And what will Heal them?
Trust. Because Trust is Love.
And Love is the greatest power in the Universe,
which also makes Trust the greatest power in the Universe.
How many of you know, when we speak of Karma, that part of Karma has to do with Trust?
Because, you see, when you Trust someone, any being of Life, on any level,
when you Trust someone, you create a Karmic contract.
If that Trust is broken,
then the one who breaks the Trust bears the Karma of the betrayal of a Love.
Because it is also a contract of Love, you see, and we are back to the greatest power in the Universe.
It is like two people holding the rubber band. But the one who cuts the rubber band is the one who gets popped with it. It comes back to bite you, you might say. And the same is true with Trust. When you Trust another, you are under Karmic contract with them.
You share a bond of Love, and there is no greater bond in the Universe than that of Love, consequently, that of Trust.
Think about that for just a moment. Think about how that can impact your choices.
I Trust you to Love me.
Do you, or do you not?
Do you, or do you not?
You must Understand that something as important as Love and Trust in your Life is going to be something that is as important to others as it is to you, and at many higher levels, as well. To begin to Trust, you must first look into your own Heart and learn to Trust yourself.
As I have spoken, do you Love yourself?
When you answer yes, then you know that Trust is also in place.
Do you Love your Creator?
Do you Trust your Creator?
What about the guidance?
Each and every one of you has an angelic family beside you at all times, with twelve members. Twelve members of your angelic family. They are present with you at all times.
Do you Trust them?
Most of you do not know they even exist, and that is a great sadness. For if you would but Trust the guidance that they can provide you, you would find it much easier to follow your path of Love and Life. And you could Trust your path. That is another important aspect of Trust, is being able to Trust in your purpose, Trust in your path, Trust that the choices and decisions that you make every day are the right ones
because they are following a journey filled with Love and Joy, of Peacefulness, of acceptance unconditionally, of Oneness with others,
and so on.
How do you Trust in a world, such as you live in today?
You never know when your neighbor might report you for this or that. Whether or not it's true is of no consequence. But you are left to deal with the ramifications of that breach of Trust.
How do you live in a world like this?
How do you Trust the neighboring country not to invade?
How do you Trust that there will be food to put on the table and money to pay your bills?
How do you Trust?
And I say to you this. If you would Trust in this type of world, then you must find your Truth inside, you must find your Love, and you must, absolutely must, start walking the path of Peace today.
Right now.
Pray for guidance,
And listen.
Guidance speaks in many, many fashions. Sometimes it comes in symbolism. Sometimes there is a messenger. Sometimes it is just an inner knowing. And sometimes it is much more pointed and drastic than that. But you will know because you have your Truth inside, and you measure every guidance you ever get from anyone against that Truth, always, so that you may Trust yourself and Trust that guidance, and Trust the choices that come from it.
If you do not start now, following the path of Peace, the path of Love, the path of Truth, and so on, in Illumination, you will never be able to Trust. And you will see the deterioration of your world to a point that you cannot even comprehend, if you do not, each and every one, begin now.
I cannot stress that enough. Right now.
Find your Trust. Find your Truth. Find your Love, and your Peace, and live it. Share it. Experience it. Express it. Share it. Let it be who you are, and what you are. I can speak no greater Truth than what I have.
And yet, there is so much more I could speak. But for this moment, there is so much for you to think about. For those of you who are sincere about walking the path of Peace in this Lifetime, and making your world into a place in which you can all share the Abundance of Life, Joyously, without fear, without harm, without hurt, and so on, in equality, in Oneness,
those of you who are serious, hear my words.
Those of you who are sincere will make changes.
The necessary ones, and there are so many.
And so at this time, those of you who are sincere about making these changes, I will offer a gift to you. A gift of Trust.
Trust my words.
Trust my words.
And let them serve to guide you.
And we shall be under Karmic contract, for I shall support you, Karmically, as you make your choices in sincerity.
With that thought, I will leave you now,
with my Love and my Trust.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.