Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel of Abundance on the Gift of Abundance
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
This message from the Archangel of Abundance is a message of hope and Love as she explains more deeply what true Abundance is and how to open our lives more fully to it. She speaks of opening our Hearts to ourselves to find our own Abundance, as well as sharing it with our brothers and sisters around the world, including those we call extraterrestrials. It is a beautiful message.
“Yes then, beloved children, it is I, the Archangel of Abundance, and I would speak to you at this moment in time about the gift of Abundance. So far, each message that you have heard during this Season of Peace celebration as we discuss the different attributes of Peace, and the Dimension of Peace, and the Age of Peace, and so on. Each of them has been rather
in encouraging you to look within, to find your Peace, to change your lives, basically, so that you may change your world.
And, some of you, at this point, may be feeling rather low,
because the messages have not been flowery, and soft, and gentle, and uplifting, as many feel that Archangels should be. There are many who are accustomed to the words of angels only coming as being soft and sweet, and only being “positive”, and never “negative”. And, I say to you that Life is neither positive nor negative.
Life simply is.
But, I would give you a message of hope,
and a message of Love,
and a message of Abundance.
For, you see, if you are to experience the true Abundance of Life, you have an Abundance of Love, and of Joy, and of Peace. All the beautiful gifts of Life are yours.
And, this is what you find
in the Dimension of Peace, in the Time of Peace, in an Age of Peace. And, this is within your grasp right now.
You see, beloved ones, you do not have to live in Illusion. You do not have to live with violence and war. You do not have to live with greed and lack. You do not have to live with others controlling you
with fear,
with manipulation,
and so on.
You do not have to be hungry.
You do not have to starve for food or for Love, for warmth or for shelter, for clothing, nor for any other part of Life that you consider to be necessary. Everything that you need for Life is already here. It is already waiting for you. It is a simple matter of coming into alignment with who and what you already are by nature, by design, by Divine Will. Your very presence is testimony to the fact that each of you has been Divinely created.
And, so, if you would know Abundance
all you must do is open your Heart, and see what is there, and live accordingly.
You must stop letting the world control you.
You must stop letting traditions, and people control you.
I do not mean that each of you should be a rebel without a cause, or a rebel in his or her own cause. I mean to say it is time to put aside Illusions and join hands in Illumination, for that is where real Abundance is. You will find it no other way.
There are those who live grandly in Illusion, and they have all the comforts a creature could ever want.
But, they do not live in real Abundance,
for their lives
are only as deep
as their pockets.
And, while some may say that they have deep pockets, I say to you that true Abundance is without an end.
It is limitless.
It is infinite.
We do not need pockets for Abundance, for Abundance is All That Is.
When you align yourself with All That Is,
you have aligned yourself with Abundance.
Your every desire,
that comes from your Heart,
is met. It is provided. It is lived and shared. It is experienced and expressed.
If you are to find true Abundance in your Life, you must open your Hearts first to Love,
to Love and accept yourself unconditionally, to Love and accept unconditionally those around you – your family, your friends, your co-workers, (your) community, your countrymen. And, then, you must open your Hearts further and accept every being of Life, your brothers and sisters around the world in human and non-human form.
And, it is time, my beloved children, for you to come to terms with the knowledge -
not an idea, not a belief, but knowledge -
that there are many other beings of Life who are present.
There are those who call them extraterrestrials. There are those who call them “ETs”. Sometimes they are referred to as “MDBs”, or multi-dimensional beings. They are other beings of Life who are vastly intelligent. And, while they are – as with all beings – some good and some bad, you might say, they are beings of Life who are also your brothers and sisters. And, there are those here that would help you,
and help your world at this time, for they reside in a different dimensional space, mostly.
But, they can help. And, there are others here not to help, but to hurt. You must discern between the two.
But, I say to you there is an Abundance of Life, and there is an Abundance of those of you who are ready to live it and share it in Peace. It is time to let Peace reign in your minds,
and in your Hearts,
in your bodies,
in your homes,
and so on. It is time to let Peace reign throughout your world. It is time to let Peace reign throughout the Universe of Universes. Then all shall know true Abundance.
Can you imagine that for just one moment?
What if there was never a want that you didn't already have?
What if you never had a need that wasn't already met?
What if every being of Life always had everything that they needed whenever they needed it?
And, the same for desires of the Heart?
Would this not be a wonderful way to share every moment of every day -
in true Joy, sharing the greatest blessings of Life together?
It can happen. And, it is waiting to happen.
The choice is yours.
When will you accept the Abundance that is offered to you? When will you embrace it with all your Love and all your Heart? When will you accept the Abundance of yourself? Most of you only know a fraction of your true selves.
And, I say to you that if you would know true Abundance,
you should look within.
And, as you look within, you will see the most magnificent, beautiful being of Light and Love that is you.
There are very few of you who actually shine the Light that you are, so to speak. There are very few of you who Love to the capacity that you can Love. And, I say to you that the more you Love, the more Abundance will come into your Life, for Love and Abundance are also synonymous.
And, so, if you would have a message of hope, let it also be a message of Love.
Follow the path of Love.
Open your Hearts and minds to it.
And, in so doing, you open your Hearts and minds to true Abundance.
And, as your Hearts and minds open, so then does your Life. And, when you share this with others, then their lives also open to true Love and true Abundance. And, as you spread this throughout the world, then the choices become One. And the One becomes the reality. And, the Dimension is opened. And, all of you share in true Abundance forever in a state of Peace and Love.
Think of these things, beloved ones,
and choose wisely.
Be not afraid,
for true Abundance has never caused harm to any.
There is always enough for everyone to experience plenty.
With these words I shall leave you then,
with the greatest of my Love, which comes in great Abundance.
And, I thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
in encouraging you to look within, to find your Peace, to change your lives, basically, so that you may change your world.
And, some of you, at this point, may be feeling rather low,
because the messages have not been flowery, and soft, and gentle, and uplifting, as many feel that Archangels should be. There are many who are accustomed to the words of angels only coming as being soft and sweet, and only being “positive”, and never “negative”. And, I say to you that Life is neither positive nor negative.
Life simply is.
But, I would give you a message of hope,
and a message of Love,
and a message of Abundance.
For, you see, if you are to experience the true Abundance of Life, you have an Abundance of Love, and of Joy, and of Peace. All the beautiful gifts of Life are yours.
And, this is what you find
in the Dimension of Peace, in the Time of Peace, in an Age of Peace. And, this is within your grasp right now.
You see, beloved ones, you do not have to live in Illusion. You do not have to live with violence and war. You do not have to live with greed and lack. You do not have to live with others controlling you
with fear,
with manipulation,
and so on.
You do not have to be hungry.
You do not have to starve for food or for Love, for warmth or for shelter, for clothing, nor for any other part of Life that you consider to be necessary. Everything that you need for Life is already here. It is already waiting for you. It is a simple matter of coming into alignment with who and what you already are by nature, by design, by Divine Will. Your very presence is testimony to the fact that each of you has been Divinely created.
And, so, if you would know Abundance
all you must do is open your Heart, and see what is there, and live accordingly.
You must stop letting the world control you.
You must stop letting traditions, and people control you.
I do not mean that each of you should be a rebel without a cause, or a rebel in his or her own cause. I mean to say it is time to put aside Illusions and join hands in Illumination, for that is where real Abundance is. You will find it no other way.
There are those who live grandly in Illusion, and they have all the comforts a creature could ever want.
But, they do not live in real Abundance,
for their lives
are only as deep
as their pockets.
And, while some may say that they have deep pockets, I say to you that true Abundance is without an end.
It is limitless.
It is infinite.
We do not need pockets for Abundance, for Abundance is All That Is.
When you align yourself with All That Is,
you have aligned yourself with Abundance.
Your every desire,
that comes from your Heart,
is met. It is provided. It is lived and shared. It is experienced and expressed.
If you are to find true Abundance in your Life, you must open your Hearts first to Love,
to Love and accept yourself unconditionally, to Love and accept unconditionally those around you – your family, your friends, your co-workers, (your) community, your countrymen. And, then, you must open your Hearts further and accept every being of Life, your brothers and sisters around the world in human and non-human form.
And, it is time, my beloved children, for you to come to terms with the knowledge -
not an idea, not a belief, but knowledge -
that there are many other beings of Life who are present.
There are those who call them extraterrestrials. There are those who call them “ETs”. Sometimes they are referred to as “MDBs”, or multi-dimensional beings. They are other beings of Life who are vastly intelligent. And, while they are – as with all beings – some good and some bad, you might say, they are beings of Life who are also your brothers and sisters. And, there are those here that would help you,
and help your world at this time, for they reside in a different dimensional space, mostly.
But, they can help. And, there are others here not to help, but to hurt. You must discern between the two.
But, I say to you there is an Abundance of Life, and there is an Abundance of those of you who are ready to live it and share it in Peace. It is time to let Peace reign in your minds,
and in your Hearts,
in your bodies,
in your homes,
and so on. It is time to let Peace reign throughout your world. It is time to let Peace reign throughout the Universe of Universes. Then all shall know true Abundance.
Can you imagine that for just one moment?
What if there was never a want that you didn't already have?
What if you never had a need that wasn't already met?
What if every being of Life always had everything that they needed whenever they needed it?
And, the same for desires of the Heart?
Would this not be a wonderful way to share every moment of every day -
in true Joy, sharing the greatest blessings of Life together?
It can happen. And, it is waiting to happen.
The choice is yours.
When will you accept the Abundance that is offered to you? When will you embrace it with all your Love and all your Heart? When will you accept the Abundance of yourself? Most of you only know a fraction of your true selves.
And, I say to you that if you would know true Abundance,
you should look within.
And, as you look within, you will see the most magnificent, beautiful being of Light and Love that is you.
There are very few of you who actually shine the Light that you are, so to speak. There are very few of you who Love to the capacity that you can Love. And, I say to you that the more you Love, the more Abundance will come into your Life, for Love and Abundance are also synonymous.
And, so, if you would have a message of hope, let it also be a message of Love.
Follow the path of Love.
Open your Hearts and minds to it.
And, in so doing, you open your Hearts and minds to true Abundance.
And, as your Hearts and minds open, so then does your Life. And, when you share this with others, then their lives also open to true Love and true Abundance. And, as you spread this throughout the world, then the choices become One. And the One becomes the reality. And, the Dimension is opened. And, all of you share in true Abundance forever in a state of Peace and Love.
Think of these things, beloved ones,
and choose wisely.
Be not afraid,
for true Abundance has never caused harm to any.
There is always enough for everyone to experience plenty.
With these words I shall leave you then,
with the greatest of my Love, which comes in great Abundance.
And, I thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.