Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel of Love on the Gift of Love
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
As always, the Archangel of Love is soft and gentle with his explanations on what Love really is and how we are meant to Love each other without label or condition. He addresses the time of segregation and how we can Love our enemies and change our world as we do. The Archangel of Love offers tender words to those who have lost someone or felt the pain of violence. This is a very moving message. We know you will enjoy hearing it.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Love, and I would speak to you at this time of Love,
and specifically how Love and Peace are connected.
You see, when one truly Understands Love, and one truly Understands Peace,
then one can Understand that there is no difference between the two. Love is your natural state and Peace is your natural state, because when you Love another, there is nothing but Peacefulness between you. So, you see, both conditions, you might say, are one and the same. Love and Peace are synonymous with one another.
As has been spoken, you are about to enter a Time of Peace. And yet each of you has to make a choice whether or not you will live in a state of Peace or whether you will not.
Some of you will choose Illusion, and you will continue to live with the Illusion of all the gifts of Life, including Love. And, your world will see much in the way of hate,
for that is the Illusion of Love.
But, hate comes in many forms. It comes in abuse. It comes in violence. It comes through greed. It comes through control and manipulation and so on and so on.
Whereas Love is the fruit of Life.
When you have Love, when you live in a state of Love for all things in Life,
then Life simply flows for that is, as I have said, the natural state
of every being of Life.
It is a natural state of Life.
So, what exactly is Love?
It is the energy that has created you. It is the energy that creates everything. It is everything, and it is nothing, for it holds nothing. It only gives. It only shares. It grows and undulates, but it never takes.
Love does not take,
it only gives.
When you Love, you must be able to give and receive, and that is different. You become Love. Love is flowing, and that is where the giving and the receiving come into play, you might say. As you let Love flow into your being, you may also let Love flow out of your being. And, if you have more Love that come in than goes out, then your being simply swells with Love and the overflow must go somewhere and you find yourself more Loving than ever.
And, some of you would say, “What happens when more goes out than comes in?” And, I say: If you are truly allowing Love to flow, and not something that is personal – from one person to another, then you will never be empty.
You see, you must recognize that in Loving each other,
that it is Love itself that flows. No one can possess Love. No one can control it or own it. So, really when you say “I Love you”,
you are saying, “I have Love for you.”
Now, I realize that may be confusing to some. But, it is really quite simple. You see, when you surrender to Love,
you become Love.
It is not “you” in a personal identification type of sense. It is you who are the vessel, who is filled and overflows.
You are a conduit for Love.
So, how is it that one can feel a personal Love for someone else? And, I say to you that is not necessarily Love.
That is Joy.
Now Joy is synonymous with Love, as well, but in a different way. You see, you feel Joy whenever you are allowing Love to flow.
When you Love another, you care about that person,
and that is compassion,
and that is Grace,
and that is Peacefulness, and it is Love. It is many things. It is Understanding. So you see, Love really represents all of the gifts all rolled up into one another. And, when you share that you find your greatest Joy. And the Love that you share grows. It expands.
It becomes stronger,
because the more you Love, the more you let Love flow through your being,
the more Love can flow through your being.
It is like when you exercise. And, at first perhaps your exercises, or your work with your physical body or so on, it is difficult. It is hard. Perhaps your muscles get sore. They may get stiff.
But, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
It's like a child learning to write. At first it is difficult to make the letters. But, the more one practices, the more one writes, the easier it becomes. And, Love is the same way.
In the beginning it may be difficult for you to surrender to Love and allow it to flow to those around you. But, the more you surrender, and the more you let the Love flow, the easier it becomes.
And, eventually,
you become a Freely
and fully
open conduit
for Love to flow.
And then, there is no hesitation and no barriers that you put up as to how you share Love with another.
Who do you Love?
It does not have to be just yourself,
which it should begin with.
It does not have to be just your family,
which it should be. You should always Love your family.
It does not have to be just a close friend, or a neighbor, or a distant relative, or a member of your community or your nation or your world. You see, when you allow Love to Freely flow,
it flows equally,
and unconditionally
to every being of Life.
Every being of Life is someone whom you can Love.
Every being of Life is someone who can Love you.
So, what happens in this time of segregation, when you have those who choose Peace, and, consequently are choosing Love, and those who do not? They choose the Illusion of it. What happens then?
And, I say to you this:
You share Love with them.
You may not be able to do this directly. But, you can always close your eyes and open your Heart and send Love to them – the energy of Love. And, it will touch their Heart. And, it will change them in a good way because of it.
Now, what about receiving Love back from them?
You may not ever receive Love from that person. But, I say, that to every person to whom you extend Love and do not receive it back, you will receive Love from Creator Herself. You will receive Love from me. You will receive Love from the Universe, you see.
It does not matter who you give it to. Think of it like a water hose. Does the water care where it is coming from and where you spray it? Does the water care where it goes, or what it strikes when it comes out? Does it care what it waters? No. It simply flows. It goes where it will. And, the same is true of Love. Love does not care which direction you point it. It does not care whom you share it with. Love just flows to you and through you, and that is truly Loving.
So, what happens with all these labels that we have for Love? “I am supposed to have this kind of Love for this person, and this kind of Love for that person, and this kind of Love for my neighbor, and this kind of Love for my senator, and this kind of Love for my president, and this kind of Love for my enemy, and and so on.” And, I say to you: It is time to put aside the labels and recognize that each of you is brother and sister.
Each of you are family members, and you should Love each other like family members.
And, some of you would come back quite slyly and say, “Ah, but what about romantic Love?”
And, I say to you that romantic Love is no different than any other kind of Love. The only difference is
how you choose to express that Love.
Yes, there are people in your Life that are more special to you than others. That doesn't mean that you Love them less. It means that you Love them differently. Now, you would come back and say, “Wait. Doesn't that mean a label?” And, I would say no. It doesn't. It simply means it's a difference in how you express it.
You pick up your child. You hug them close. You kiss them on the cheek, on the forehead. You watch them when they are sleeping, and your Heart is SO filled with Love. It is so filled with Joy and tenderness – at least I hope it is. And, it should be.
What happens when you watch your enemy's child, if you could, prepare for bed and sleep? Would you not also see the innocence of a child?
And, you would say, “Yes, but that's my enemy's child and someone else's responsibility. It's not mine.” And, I way to you: Wait. You just put a condition on how you Loved.
Well, let there not be conditions,
for real Love is unconditional. It is without parameter(s). It is without boundaries.
Only whenever the world begins to Love each other in a true sense of simply allowing the Love to flow will you ever find Peace, because Peace must also be unconditional.
Those who are closest to you, those are the ones you share the most Love with, because of the time that you spend with them, and that is the difference in the types of labels that you put upon Love. I hope that this provides you with an Understanding.
If you live with your husband, your wife, your child, your parents, your grandparents, whatever the case may be, you spend more time with them. Therefore, there is more Love exchanged, and that is the difference.
You might say it is quantity, but it is not quality, for you should provide the same quality of Love no matter whom you are Loving.
As you move into this time of segregation – those who choose Peace and those who do not – remember that you are also seeing those who choose Love and those who do not.
And, some of you would say, “How can I Love an enemy who does such horrific things?
How can I Love people who are so far from Love that they cannot even see what I give to them?”
And, again, I say you do not have to do this in a personal sense, for sometimes they are not ready to receive that. And, that is their issue to deal with and not yours.
And, some of you would come back and say, “What happens when that violence is perpetrated against me, or another person that I Love?”
I say if you ask that question, then let us give thanks to the Universe, for you are awake, and you are choosing Love and Peace. For, you see, if you can see that violence done to you is no different than violence done to someone else that you Love – which is also someone else in another side of the world who is experiencing violence – then you begin to Understand the Oneness and therein lies Forgiveness and that is the way you Love that person.
It is a very tall order. It is very, very difficult to Forgive someone who has caused so much pain. And, I Understand that. And, I tell you that the only way you will ever be Free from that pain
is through Love.
That is the only force strong enough to overcome that pain.
For any of you who have lost someone, who have endured hurt from someone else,
for any of you who have had the pain of violence in any of its forms inflicted upon you,
I say to you that the only way you will ever Heal from this
is by allowing Love to flow to you and through you.
The more you Love, the faster you will Heal.
If you wish to help someone else
who has been hurt
through violence,
through Illusion,
I say to you: You must Love them, and help them find the Love within. Help them open to Love, to being Loved and to giving Love. That is the only way they will Heal.
At this time, this is all that will Heal your world -
is Love.
And, through that Love, with Peace.
It is only Peace that will Heal your world.
So my question to each of you is: Which will you choose?
Will you choose Love and Peace in Illumination?
Or, will you choose Love and Peace in Illusion?
Will you continue on
with the ways of war and violence, with greed and control, and manipulation, and suffering, and so on?
Or, will you come to join those of us who feast at the table of our Creator
as it is Abundant with the blessings of Life?
Choose wisely, my beloved children.
Choose wisely,
and allow Love to guide you in your choices.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
and specifically how Love and Peace are connected.
You see, when one truly Understands Love, and one truly Understands Peace,
then one can Understand that there is no difference between the two. Love is your natural state and Peace is your natural state, because when you Love another, there is nothing but Peacefulness between you. So, you see, both conditions, you might say, are one and the same. Love and Peace are synonymous with one another.
As has been spoken, you are about to enter a Time of Peace. And yet each of you has to make a choice whether or not you will live in a state of Peace or whether you will not.
Some of you will choose Illusion, and you will continue to live with the Illusion of all the gifts of Life, including Love. And, your world will see much in the way of hate,
for that is the Illusion of Love.
But, hate comes in many forms. It comes in abuse. It comes in violence. It comes through greed. It comes through control and manipulation and so on and so on.
Whereas Love is the fruit of Life.
When you have Love, when you live in a state of Love for all things in Life,
then Life simply flows for that is, as I have said, the natural state
of every being of Life.
It is a natural state of Life.
So, what exactly is Love?
It is the energy that has created you. It is the energy that creates everything. It is everything, and it is nothing, for it holds nothing. It only gives. It only shares. It grows and undulates, but it never takes.
Love does not take,
it only gives.
When you Love, you must be able to give and receive, and that is different. You become Love. Love is flowing, and that is where the giving and the receiving come into play, you might say. As you let Love flow into your being, you may also let Love flow out of your being. And, if you have more Love that come in than goes out, then your being simply swells with Love and the overflow must go somewhere and you find yourself more Loving than ever.
And, some of you would say, “What happens when more goes out than comes in?” And, I say: If you are truly allowing Love to flow, and not something that is personal – from one person to another, then you will never be empty.
You see, you must recognize that in Loving each other,
that it is Love itself that flows. No one can possess Love. No one can control it or own it. So, really when you say “I Love you”,
you are saying, “I have Love for you.”
Now, I realize that may be confusing to some. But, it is really quite simple. You see, when you surrender to Love,
you become Love.
It is not “you” in a personal identification type of sense. It is you who are the vessel, who is filled and overflows.
You are a conduit for Love.
So, how is it that one can feel a personal Love for someone else? And, I say to you that is not necessarily Love.
That is Joy.
Now Joy is synonymous with Love, as well, but in a different way. You see, you feel Joy whenever you are allowing Love to flow.
When you Love another, you care about that person,
and that is compassion,
and that is Grace,
and that is Peacefulness, and it is Love. It is many things. It is Understanding. So you see, Love really represents all of the gifts all rolled up into one another. And, when you share that you find your greatest Joy. And the Love that you share grows. It expands.
It becomes stronger,
because the more you Love, the more you let Love flow through your being,
the more Love can flow through your being.
It is like when you exercise. And, at first perhaps your exercises, or your work with your physical body or so on, it is difficult. It is hard. Perhaps your muscles get sore. They may get stiff.
But, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
It's like a child learning to write. At first it is difficult to make the letters. But, the more one practices, the more one writes, the easier it becomes. And, Love is the same way.
In the beginning it may be difficult for you to surrender to Love and allow it to flow to those around you. But, the more you surrender, and the more you let the Love flow, the easier it becomes.
And, eventually,
you become a Freely
and fully
open conduit
for Love to flow.
And then, there is no hesitation and no barriers that you put up as to how you share Love with another.
Who do you Love?
It does not have to be just yourself,
which it should begin with.
It does not have to be just your family,
which it should be. You should always Love your family.
It does not have to be just a close friend, or a neighbor, or a distant relative, or a member of your community or your nation or your world. You see, when you allow Love to Freely flow,
it flows equally,
and unconditionally
to every being of Life.
Every being of Life is someone whom you can Love.
Every being of Life is someone who can Love you.
So, what happens in this time of segregation, when you have those who choose Peace, and, consequently are choosing Love, and those who do not? They choose the Illusion of it. What happens then?
And, I say to you this:
You share Love with them.
You may not be able to do this directly. But, you can always close your eyes and open your Heart and send Love to them – the energy of Love. And, it will touch their Heart. And, it will change them in a good way because of it.
Now, what about receiving Love back from them?
You may not ever receive Love from that person. But, I say, that to every person to whom you extend Love and do not receive it back, you will receive Love from Creator Herself. You will receive Love from me. You will receive Love from the Universe, you see.
It does not matter who you give it to. Think of it like a water hose. Does the water care where it is coming from and where you spray it? Does the water care where it goes, or what it strikes when it comes out? Does it care what it waters? No. It simply flows. It goes where it will. And, the same is true of Love. Love does not care which direction you point it. It does not care whom you share it with. Love just flows to you and through you, and that is truly Loving.
So, what happens with all these labels that we have for Love? “I am supposed to have this kind of Love for this person, and this kind of Love for that person, and this kind of Love for my neighbor, and this kind of Love for my senator, and this kind of Love for my president, and this kind of Love for my enemy, and and so on.” And, I say to you: It is time to put aside the labels and recognize that each of you is brother and sister.
Each of you are family members, and you should Love each other like family members.
And, some of you would come back quite slyly and say, “Ah, but what about romantic Love?”
And, I say to you that romantic Love is no different than any other kind of Love. The only difference is
how you choose to express that Love.
Yes, there are people in your Life that are more special to you than others. That doesn't mean that you Love them less. It means that you Love them differently. Now, you would come back and say, “Wait. Doesn't that mean a label?” And, I would say no. It doesn't. It simply means it's a difference in how you express it.
You pick up your child. You hug them close. You kiss them on the cheek, on the forehead. You watch them when they are sleeping, and your Heart is SO filled with Love. It is so filled with Joy and tenderness – at least I hope it is. And, it should be.
What happens when you watch your enemy's child, if you could, prepare for bed and sleep? Would you not also see the innocence of a child?
And, you would say, “Yes, but that's my enemy's child and someone else's responsibility. It's not mine.” And, I way to you: Wait. You just put a condition on how you Loved.
Well, let there not be conditions,
for real Love is unconditional. It is without parameter(s). It is without boundaries.
Only whenever the world begins to Love each other in a true sense of simply allowing the Love to flow will you ever find Peace, because Peace must also be unconditional.
Those who are closest to you, those are the ones you share the most Love with, because of the time that you spend with them, and that is the difference in the types of labels that you put upon Love. I hope that this provides you with an Understanding.
If you live with your husband, your wife, your child, your parents, your grandparents, whatever the case may be, you spend more time with them. Therefore, there is more Love exchanged, and that is the difference.
You might say it is quantity, but it is not quality, for you should provide the same quality of Love no matter whom you are Loving.
As you move into this time of segregation – those who choose Peace and those who do not – remember that you are also seeing those who choose Love and those who do not.
And, some of you would say, “How can I Love an enemy who does such horrific things?
How can I Love people who are so far from Love that they cannot even see what I give to them?”
And, again, I say you do not have to do this in a personal sense, for sometimes they are not ready to receive that. And, that is their issue to deal with and not yours.
And, some of you would come back and say, “What happens when that violence is perpetrated against me, or another person that I Love?”
I say if you ask that question, then let us give thanks to the Universe, for you are awake, and you are choosing Love and Peace. For, you see, if you can see that violence done to you is no different than violence done to someone else that you Love – which is also someone else in another side of the world who is experiencing violence – then you begin to Understand the Oneness and therein lies Forgiveness and that is the way you Love that person.
It is a very tall order. It is very, very difficult to Forgive someone who has caused so much pain. And, I Understand that. And, I tell you that the only way you will ever be Free from that pain
is through Love.
That is the only force strong enough to overcome that pain.
For any of you who have lost someone, who have endured hurt from someone else,
for any of you who have had the pain of violence in any of its forms inflicted upon you,
I say to you that the only way you will ever Heal from this
is by allowing Love to flow to you and through you.
The more you Love, the faster you will Heal.
If you wish to help someone else
who has been hurt
through violence,
through Illusion,
I say to you: You must Love them, and help them find the Love within. Help them open to Love, to being Loved and to giving Love. That is the only way they will Heal.
At this time, this is all that will Heal your world -
is Love.
And, through that Love, with Peace.
It is only Peace that will Heal your world.
So my question to each of you is: Which will you choose?
Will you choose Love and Peace in Illumination?
Or, will you choose Love and Peace in Illusion?
Will you continue on
with the ways of war and violence, with greed and control, and manipulation, and suffering, and so on?
Or, will you come to join those of us who feast at the table of our Creator
as it is Abundant with the blessings of Life?
Choose wisely, my beloved children.
Choose wisely,
and allow Love to guide you in your choices.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.