Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
The Great Mother on the Gift of Grace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
The Great Mother/Creator joins us today as we celebrate and honor the gift of Grace. In sharing her deeply moving message, The Great Mother offers Insights into her view of the state of Grace, and gives gentle but firm guidance on how we can find our states of Grace. She explains why and how we must interact with our brothers and sisters around the world in every form of Life through a state of Grace, accepting both our imperfections as well as those of others. This is truly an exceptional and humbling message of Grace and Love from our Creator.
“Yes, then, beloved children, it is I, the Great Mother,
Creator of all,
whatever name you choose to address me. It is I.
And, I would speak to you at this moment in time about the gift of Grace. Do you know what Grace is?
Grace is my Love.
Grace is my Love when you accept it without hesitation, with no reservation, with no guilt or shame.
It is when you simply say, “I am your child, and as such I know that you Love me and I accept that Love
completely, fully, in my imperfection.”
You see, my beloved children, I do Love you in all your imperfection. I do not expect perfection from you. What I do expect
is Love.
Even if it is not for me, I expect Love -
from you to your neighbor,
to your brothers and sisters,
to yourself, to the entire world, to every being of Life. I expect you to Love – to give Love, to receive Love, to share Love in everything that you do and say.
But, I do not expect perfection. You might say perfection is an Illusion. And, so then, can you see how a state of Grace then, is a state of accepting your own imperfections and Loving yourselves anyway?
Can you see where it is also accepting the imperfections of the rest of the world
and Loving them anyway?
Can you see, my beloved children, that Grace is not only my gift to you, it is my gift to every being of Life? No matter where they are. No matter who they are. No matter what political lines they have drawn around them or lines you have drawn around them.
You see, a state of Grace
works many ways.
So, think for a moment, my beloved children, think for just one moment
about a state of Grace.
Each of you has had moments in your Life where you feel my presence. You feel me close. Some special thing has happened in your Life, and in that moment, you know I am here and I'm there with you.
Think about that moment.
Did you feel me with my arms around you?
Did you feel my Love?
If you can remember that feeling, or imagine that feeling, of being wrapped in my arms and held closely with all the Love that a mother could have for her child, then know that that is how I see each of you. That is how I see and embrace and Love every being of Life.
And, so you see, when you live in a world that has violence,
and hurt and harm,
and you do not Love each other in this fashion, it hurts me, too.
You do not just hurt each other, but you also hurt me, for each of you is a part of me as I am a part of you, which most of you have forgotten. You've lost touch with that, but I have not.
And, I Love each of you
equally, in all your beautiful imperfection.
You are like children to me – little children who are growing, and you make mistakes. And, sometimes you don't play nicely together, but I still Love you. And, this is what I want you to share with each other. Because if you Love me, then you must Love each other. You must Love your neighbor, your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, and so on and so on. You each must Love each other. You each must allow each other to have a state of Grace.
How can you have a state of Grace, and yet you do not allow for someone on the other side of the world to have a state of Grace?
I Love you each the same.
You all call me different names, but I am the same being.
There is no difference in how I Love. I am not a religion. I am not a political figure.
I AM the Great Mother.
I AM your Creator.
Each and every one of you
is my creation.
Think about that for just a moment.
Each and every one of you is MY creation. And, so if you Love me, if you respect me, if you would honor me, and accept my Love to you, then you must also Love and honor and respect
every other being of Life in the world. And, this includes your Mother Earth. This includes people and animals and plants, trees, the rocks, and the grass, and so on, the water and the air that you breathe. For, they are all a part of me. They are all a creation that I have shared. I have brought Life to each of you.
When you do not honor your brothers and sisters, your planet, the soil beneath your feet, the air that you breathe and so on, you dishonor me.
And, you are outside of the state of Grace for you have forgotten it.
You see, when you are in that state of Grace, then you must remember that all things are created equally, for I give my Love equally to all.
And, you must remember this.
How can you find your Peace inside and your state of Grace, your state of Love, and Truth, and so on – how can you be in your fullest power of Illumination if you are not also in your state of Grace in its fullest capacity?
Will you concede, “Yes, my Creator Love me just a little?” No! No! No! No! I Love you fully and completely! That is how I Love you. Think of these things for just a moment.
I do not Love with condition – only without it. And, likewise, I expect each of you – and I ask each of you – to Love each other without condition. Accept each other without condition. Give each other a state of Grace. Let each of you know the state of Grace with me. And, as you see me in your neighbor, your brother, your sister, and you see that state of Grace, you know then that you are One, for we are all One together.
As I said, I am a part of you as you are a part of me. And, you are each a part of me, and therefore you are no different than fingers on a hand. Each of you has your own unique expression of Life, and yet you are all still part of one hand. And, you should come together and join hands, and Hearts, and minds, and so on. Join your Lights. Join your states of Grace.
Share your Joys, and your Love, and so on. And, as you do, then you will find the true power of Oneness, and find out the real power in a state of Grace.
There are those of you who are leaders in the world. And, you may lead four or five people, and maybe it's only yourself.
You may lead nations.
No matter who you lead, always, always, always
Lead with Grace.
Think about that for just a moment.
Lead with Grace. Come from your state of Grace to lead others to their states of Grace. Lead with unconditional Forgiveness, and acceptance, and so on, for none of you is better than another.
A human being is not better than a blade of grass
or the mockingbird in the tree.
How about the dew drop in the morning?
You are all of equal importance.
None is more than the other.
None has jurisdiction over the other, for you are all my creations. You are all my children. You are all my extensions of my Love.
When you look at another person on the other side of the world, when you look at a neighbor, even a family member, whoever it may be, and you look at them without Love, when you cannot see the Love in that person, for that person, you are looking through the eyeglasses of Illusion.
That is not Truth, and that is not Illumination,
and that is not Love. That is Illusion.
And, you are off your track, and you are out of your state of Grace. So many of you feel alone at moments. And, you feel perhaps forsaken in your world as you see violence spiraling out of control day by day by day and it escalates and escalates. And, I say to you this: It is because your world has lost its state of Grace.
And, you must bring it back one person at a time.
Start with yourself. Find your state of Grace. Come to me!
Come to me!
I have not gone anywhere.
I am still here,
still Loving you every moment
no matter the state of your imperfection.
And, when you come to me,
you will find your Truth and your Illumination, and more importantly your Love. And when you do, then you may shine it and share it and light the passions of others as they, too, find their states of Grace. And, together you will find your state of Grace again.
But, only you can do this.
Only you can choose to do this.
I have given you Free Will and Choice.
In that Free Will and Choice,
you may choose Illusion
or you may choose Illumination.
I reside in Illumination. If you are to find your state of Grace and allow me to Love you as I would like to do, and that is with no barriers from you,
then you will know your Peace.
And, as more and more of you come into your state of Grace, and from that place of Peaceful perfection – for you see, when you are in that state of Grace,
you are One with me, and therein lies your perfection – from that place then, you will recognize your brothers and sisters for who they are. And, you will see them not as enemies, but as family members to be Loved, to be cherished, to cared for and nurtured, to be shared with in every moment.
And, as you come to know more and more of the state of Grace,
your world will find its Balance.
But those of you who will not come into the state of Grace, may find yourselves perpetually living in Illusion one lifetime after another until finally you see the Light and your Heart yearns for that which it can find in no other place but the Love
that comes through the state of Grace,
the Love that comes through Peacefulness,
the Love that comes through simple acceptance,
unconditional everything.
There are too many rules that your world lives by.
There are too many agendas. And, there is too much Illusion.
And, this is why I have called the entire Universe of Universes into a Time of Peace, for it is time for us to let go of Illusion and be One again.
I do not wish to see any of my children suffer.
And yet,
under Illusion that is all I see,
for you suffer a lack of Oneness, a lack of Love, a lack of a state of Grace, a lack of so many things. And, sadly, one of the greatest things that you lack is Trust -
Trust of me,
Trust of your own Guidance,
outside of myself.
You do not Trust anyone in your world, not even yourselves.
Once the words were spoken that you should come to me as little children. And, I say that this is true,
for a little child only knows
openness and Love until they are taught differently.
They know to Love without condition.
They Forgive without condition.
That is the way a little child is. And that is the way each of you should be in your interactions with me, with yourselves, and with each other.
That is also a form of the state of Grace.
And, so I say to you: Let the violence in your world be gone.
Let the Illusion be gone.
But, I also say that only you can choose this, and the time for you to make your choices is now.
Why wait?
Why waste one more moment of your Life
living in Illusion and suffering
when you could be living in a state of Grace
in Illumination?
Think of these things,
and make your choices now.
You do not need to wait.
And, do not be afraid, for your Life will change dramatically. It will change in ways that will take you by storm, so to speak.
But, you must allow the changes to come. You cannot say, “I choose this and I choose that” and continue to live your Life as you have been, for then you have not allowed the changes to come.
So, if you would live the fullest of your Life and your greatest potential, if you would experience the greatest state of Grace that is possible for you in your Life, you must get out of your own way and allow those of us in the Heavenly realms who Love you to come
and embrace you with all of our might and all of our Love. And, as you begin to do this, and your neighbor, and your brother and sister, and so on and so on do this, you will see your world come into alignment then with the state of Grace. And, then you truly will see magnificent and drastic changes.
But, until that time, you must begin with yourself.
And, be sincere.
Do not put things off, nor try to hide them. There is no hiding the Truth from me,
nor from your angelic families. We know your thoughts. We know your prayers. We know your feelings.
We know your innermost fears and hesitations and doubts. And, you have no need to hide from us.
The only need that you have
is to reach to us and allow us to Love you.
And, with that said, then, I ask you to accept a state of Grace,
for it is waiting for you.
Come and feast at my table,
where Life in all of its greatest Abundance is waiting.
But, you may only experience that great Abundance
if you do it through the eyes of Grace.
So, accept my gift to you -
my gift of Grace, my gift of Love, for it is everlasting.
And, choose it now.
Thank you for listening to my words, my beloved ones.
That is all for this moment.”
Creator of all,
whatever name you choose to address me. It is I.
And, I would speak to you at this moment in time about the gift of Grace. Do you know what Grace is?
Grace is my Love.
Grace is my Love when you accept it without hesitation, with no reservation, with no guilt or shame.
It is when you simply say, “I am your child, and as such I know that you Love me and I accept that Love
completely, fully, in my imperfection.”
You see, my beloved children, I do Love you in all your imperfection. I do not expect perfection from you. What I do expect
is Love.
Even if it is not for me, I expect Love -
from you to your neighbor,
to your brothers and sisters,
to yourself, to the entire world, to every being of Life. I expect you to Love – to give Love, to receive Love, to share Love in everything that you do and say.
But, I do not expect perfection. You might say perfection is an Illusion. And, so then, can you see how a state of Grace then, is a state of accepting your own imperfections and Loving yourselves anyway?
Can you see where it is also accepting the imperfections of the rest of the world
and Loving them anyway?
Can you see, my beloved children, that Grace is not only my gift to you, it is my gift to every being of Life? No matter where they are. No matter who they are. No matter what political lines they have drawn around them or lines you have drawn around them.
You see, a state of Grace
works many ways.
So, think for a moment, my beloved children, think for just one moment
about a state of Grace.
Each of you has had moments in your Life where you feel my presence. You feel me close. Some special thing has happened in your Life, and in that moment, you know I am here and I'm there with you.
Think about that moment.
Did you feel me with my arms around you?
Did you feel my Love?
If you can remember that feeling, or imagine that feeling, of being wrapped in my arms and held closely with all the Love that a mother could have for her child, then know that that is how I see each of you. That is how I see and embrace and Love every being of Life.
And, so you see, when you live in a world that has violence,
and hurt and harm,
and you do not Love each other in this fashion, it hurts me, too.
You do not just hurt each other, but you also hurt me, for each of you is a part of me as I am a part of you, which most of you have forgotten. You've lost touch with that, but I have not.
And, I Love each of you
equally, in all your beautiful imperfection.
You are like children to me – little children who are growing, and you make mistakes. And, sometimes you don't play nicely together, but I still Love you. And, this is what I want you to share with each other. Because if you Love me, then you must Love each other. You must Love your neighbor, your brother, your sister, your mother, your father, and so on and so on. You each must Love each other. You each must allow each other to have a state of Grace.
How can you have a state of Grace, and yet you do not allow for someone on the other side of the world to have a state of Grace?
I Love you each the same.
You all call me different names, but I am the same being.
There is no difference in how I Love. I am not a religion. I am not a political figure.
I AM the Great Mother.
I AM your Creator.
Each and every one of you
is my creation.
Think about that for just a moment.
Each and every one of you is MY creation. And, so if you Love me, if you respect me, if you would honor me, and accept my Love to you, then you must also Love and honor and respect
every other being of Life in the world. And, this includes your Mother Earth. This includes people and animals and plants, trees, the rocks, and the grass, and so on, the water and the air that you breathe. For, they are all a part of me. They are all a creation that I have shared. I have brought Life to each of you.
When you do not honor your brothers and sisters, your planet, the soil beneath your feet, the air that you breathe and so on, you dishonor me.
And, you are outside of the state of Grace for you have forgotten it.
You see, when you are in that state of Grace, then you must remember that all things are created equally, for I give my Love equally to all.
And, you must remember this.
How can you find your Peace inside and your state of Grace, your state of Love, and Truth, and so on – how can you be in your fullest power of Illumination if you are not also in your state of Grace in its fullest capacity?
Will you concede, “Yes, my Creator Love me just a little?” No! No! No! No! I Love you fully and completely! That is how I Love you. Think of these things for just a moment.
I do not Love with condition – only without it. And, likewise, I expect each of you – and I ask each of you – to Love each other without condition. Accept each other without condition. Give each other a state of Grace. Let each of you know the state of Grace with me. And, as you see me in your neighbor, your brother, your sister, and you see that state of Grace, you know then that you are One, for we are all One together.
As I said, I am a part of you as you are a part of me. And, you are each a part of me, and therefore you are no different than fingers on a hand. Each of you has your own unique expression of Life, and yet you are all still part of one hand. And, you should come together and join hands, and Hearts, and minds, and so on. Join your Lights. Join your states of Grace.
Share your Joys, and your Love, and so on. And, as you do, then you will find the true power of Oneness, and find out the real power in a state of Grace.
There are those of you who are leaders in the world. And, you may lead four or five people, and maybe it's only yourself.
You may lead nations.
No matter who you lead, always, always, always
Lead with Grace.
Think about that for just a moment.
Lead with Grace. Come from your state of Grace to lead others to their states of Grace. Lead with unconditional Forgiveness, and acceptance, and so on, for none of you is better than another.
A human being is not better than a blade of grass
or the mockingbird in the tree.
How about the dew drop in the morning?
You are all of equal importance.
None is more than the other.
None has jurisdiction over the other, for you are all my creations. You are all my children. You are all my extensions of my Love.
When you look at another person on the other side of the world, when you look at a neighbor, even a family member, whoever it may be, and you look at them without Love, when you cannot see the Love in that person, for that person, you are looking through the eyeglasses of Illusion.
That is not Truth, and that is not Illumination,
and that is not Love. That is Illusion.
And, you are off your track, and you are out of your state of Grace. So many of you feel alone at moments. And, you feel perhaps forsaken in your world as you see violence spiraling out of control day by day by day and it escalates and escalates. And, I say to you this: It is because your world has lost its state of Grace.
And, you must bring it back one person at a time.
Start with yourself. Find your state of Grace. Come to me!
Come to me!
I have not gone anywhere.
I am still here,
still Loving you every moment
no matter the state of your imperfection.
And, when you come to me,
you will find your Truth and your Illumination, and more importantly your Love. And when you do, then you may shine it and share it and light the passions of others as they, too, find their states of Grace. And, together you will find your state of Grace again.
But, only you can do this.
Only you can choose to do this.
I have given you Free Will and Choice.
In that Free Will and Choice,
you may choose Illusion
or you may choose Illumination.
I reside in Illumination. If you are to find your state of Grace and allow me to Love you as I would like to do, and that is with no barriers from you,
then you will know your Peace.
And, as more and more of you come into your state of Grace, and from that place of Peaceful perfection – for you see, when you are in that state of Grace,
you are One with me, and therein lies your perfection – from that place then, you will recognize your brothers and sisters for who they are. And, you will see them not as enemies, but as family members to be Loved, to be cherished, to cared for and nurtured, to be shared with in every moment.
And, as you come to know more and more of the state of Grace,
your world will find its Balance.
But those of you who will not come into the state of Grace, may find yourselves perpetually living in Illusion one lifetime after another until finally you see the Light and your Heart yearns for that which it can find in no other place but the Love
that comes through the state of Grace,
the Love that comes through Peacefulness,
the Love that comes through simple acceptance,
unconditional everything.
There are too many rules that your world lives by.
There are too many agendas. And, there is too much Illusion.
And, this is why I have called the entire Universe of Universes into a Time of Peace, for it is time for us to let go of Illusion and be One again.
I do not wish to see any of my children suffer.
And yet,
under Illusion that is all I see,
for you suffer a lack of Oneness, a lack of Love, a lack of a state of Grace, a lack of so many things. And, sadly, one of the greatest things that you lack is Trust -
Trust of me,
Trust of your own Guidance,
outside of myself.
You do not Trust anyone in your world, not even yourselves.
Once the words were spoken that you should come to me as little children. And, I say that this is true,
for a little child only knows
openness and Love until they are taught differently.
They know to Love without condition.
They Forgive without condition.
That is the way a little child is. And that is the way each of you should be in your interactions with me, with yourselves, and with each other.
That is also a form of the state of Grace.
And, so I say to you: Let the violence in your world be gone.
Let the Illusion be gone.
But, I also say that only you can choose this, and the time for you to make your choices is now.
Why wait?
Why waste one more moment of your Life
living in Illusion and suffering
when you could be living in a state of Grace
in Illumination?
Think of these things,
and make your choices now.
You do not need to wait.
And, do not be afraid, for your Life will change dramatically. It will change in ways that will take you by storm, so to speak.
But, you must allow the changes to come. You cannot say, “I choose this and I choose that” and continue to live your Life as you have been, for then you have not allowed the changes to come.
So, if you would live the fullest of your Life and your greatest potential, if you would experience the greatest state of Grace that is possible for you in your Life, you must get out of your own way and allow those of us in the Heavenly realms who Love you to come
and embrace you with all of our might and all of our Love. And, as you begin to do this, and your neighbor, and your brother and sister, and so on and so on do this, you will see your world come into alignment then with the state of Grace. And, then you truly will see magnificent and drastic changes.
But, until that time, you must begin with yourself.
And, be sincere.
Do not put things off, nor try to hide them. There is no hiding the Truth from me,
nor from your angelic families. We know your thoughts. We know your prayers. We know your feelings.
We know your innermost fears and hesitations and doubts. And, you have no need to hide from us.
The only need that you have
is to reach to us and allow us to Love you.
And, with that said, then, I ask you to accept a state of Grace,
for it is waiting for you.
Come and feast at my table,
where Life in all of its greatest Abundance is waiting.
But, you may only experience that great Abundance
if you do it through the eyes of Grace.
So, accept my gift to you -
my gift of Grace, my gift of Love, for it is everlasting.
And, choose it now.
Thank you for listening to my words, my beloved ones.
That is all for this moment.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.