Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Michael on the Gift of Rebirth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Archangel Michael shares a beautiful message here on the Gift of Rebirth. Michael takes us into a deeper Understanding of what a true state of Rebirth really is. He explains why it is so very important that we move into this state now, as we turn from sleepy caterpillars into beautiful butterflies with wings of Love and the brilliance of Illumination. He also speaks of how the fragile and delicate butterfly is hidden from the predatory bird. For those with ears to listen, Michael's message is very telling. We know you will enjoy it!
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Michael, and I would speak with you about the gift of Rebirth,
as you celebrate your Season of Peace,
and you contemplate the aspects of Peace,
the Age and Dimension of Peace, and so on. Rebirth plays a very large part.
As we have spoken, there are many elements to Rebirth. There are many parts, for you see, what we have spoken of thus far, truly is Rebirth. When you find your Peace, and your Truth, and you Understand, and you become Illumined, and you find your state of Grace, and you find your Joy,
you find your Strength, and so on you truly are being Reborn.
You see, you are putting aside the Illusions, and you're coming into the Illumination of who you are. And, as you do, and as you build your Strength,
you see, you are Reborn into the person you were meant to be.
You are like the butterfly who was once the sleepy caterpillar who took a long nap in a chrysalis,
and has opened now,
with wings stretched wide to fly in all your magnificence.
And, as you stretch those magnificent wings of Peace, and Truth, and Light, and Love, and Joy, and so on you are Reborn,
for you are a new being of Life.
And, in this state of Rebirth,
you are a new person. You have a new Life. You have new goals, you might say. You have a new Purpose, a renewed Purpose, a Reborn Purpose.
To begin with, your Purpose is to wake up,
to learn, to Understand, to grow, and you always do these things. That is a part of every day Life.
But, when you are experiencing a true state of Rebirth, you put away everything that does not Support the Purpose for which you are in Life.
At this time in the evolution of All That Is, the evolution of every being of Life throughout the Universe of Universes your Purpose is to come into a state of Peace.
It is to live Peace,
to share Peace,
in everything that you are.
And, of course, each of you represents this differently. Because you are each and all different, each of your Purposes is different. When you are Reborn, your unique expression of Peacefulness and Love and Light and Truth and so on shines brightly.
You soar, with these magnificent butterfly wings, you might say. And, what will happen?
What will happen
when you accept your state of Rebirth and begin to live it?
And, there are some of you who will wisely crack the smart remark to say, “Ah, when you spread your wings, little butterfly, the magnificent bird will come and pluck you out of the sky and eat you.”
And, some of you are very fearful of this. You are afraid that if you spread your wings, you will be too fragile and too delicate and someone will come and pluck you out of the sky, so to speak. But, this is not true, you see, for your wings are wings of Love!
And, there is no greater power.
The bird does not have the eye to see the butterfly when the butterfly is Peace and the bird is not.
Think about that for a moment.
What if you were all in your butterfly state,
your Rebirth,
you were all Reborn into who and what you are meant to be by Divine Will?
Who then, who is still living in Illusion, can see the brilliance of the Illumined state that you are?
None, I say.
They will not see what they cannot comprehend. And, until they wake themselves, and find their own states of Illumination and Understanding and so on,
they cannot and will not see you.
Thus, the butterfly is safe from the bird of prey.
What else does Rebirth mean?
It means many changes in the way you live Life. It means changes in your relationships, particularly with yourself.
It doesn't mean learning to be selfish, to put yourself first. What it means is that you must put the Love within yourself in order to share it. That is to say that you must allow Love to flow into your being so that it may flow out. You are the proverbial fountain of Love, you see. As you let it flow in, it will also flow out. And, all those who partake of it through interactions with you will also receive that Love.
The question is: Do you Understand that it is not Love that is you in a personal sense. It is the Universal Love that flows through you that is shared with each and all. And, as you become One with that Love, then it does become One with you. And it IS you in that sense, but it is you at the Universal sense. And, each of you can do this.
Each of you can do this. And, as you come together, you create in the world a tsunami
of Loving energy that washes over everything, as it is the most gentle thing in the world, the softest thing in the world, and yet is it the most powerful and forceful thing in the world and none can withstand it.
And, so you see, in your state of Rebirth you stimulate others to also be Reborn.
When you allow others to see the magnificence, and the beauty, and the Joy that you are in this state you inspire them to reach for that state also.
When you come together and join hands with others who are also Illumined and Reborn, your beauty becomes exponentially larger.
And, you inspire.
And, you touch the Hearts and the lives of those around you and those around the world.
So many of you are afraid of taking that step to make that change,
that leap into the void, you might say.
Do you think the caterpillar is afraid when he or she goes into the chrysalis?
Instinctively they know. It's time to change. It's time for “me” to do this.
And, each of you must do it alone.
There is no one inside the chrysalis but the caterpillar who becomes the butterfly.
And likewise,
only you can go inside,
into your own Heart,
to find the Truth of who you are,
and what you are, and what you are meant to do in this Life. You may have help to Understand these things, this is true. You may have help to get started. But, in the end it is only you who can accept what you see,
what you learn,
what you come to know. It is only you who can recognize the Truth that is yours. And, it is only you who can choose to move forward into your Rebirth process.
It is a process. It is not something that happens overnight. A Rebirth takes time. And, for some, it takes many years. Others, it takes many lifetimes. And, for some, it takes many moments. And, there is never a right or wrong, a good or bad to how long it takes a person.
The important thing is that each of you is in the process. And, when your process is done, only you can recognize it.
You will always polish your wings,
adjust your color,
change them a bit,
grow them larger,
soar to new heights, and so on.
That is Life, and Life is a process. But, the Rebirth portion of it comes whenever you are no longer the asleep person that you were, but you are awake. You are Illumined. You are in that state of Grace and Strength.
And, then, my beloved children,
you soar
with your magnificent wings
of Rebirth,
of Divine Will.
When you are in a state of Rebirth, you become Divine Will in motion.
Think about that for a moment.
You are so One with your Purpose,
and your Light and your Love,
that you ARE Divine Will in motion. Your will and Divine Will become One. They are One in Essence,
and then you are in motion,
and, that is a true state of Rebirth.
That is the goal, you might say.
That is what each of you is working toward.
In some way, in some fashion, the calling is within you.
There is a yearning inside.
Listen to it.
Take your quiet moments. Stop your busy-ness.
Busy-ness is, in some ways, a form of denial. Some of you look at it as survival. And, I say to you this: You may survive with your bodies, but you will not survive with your Spirits. Your Souls are eternal. You will not fulfill your lifetime if you do not find your wings of Rebirth and live your Purpose.
What happened to Free Will and Choice? It is your Free Will and Choice to become One with Divine Will. That is your choice, and that is always the goal. That is how you fulfill a lifetime. Sometimes that is how you fulfill the Soul's lifetime. It is a working partnership, you see. There is much more that could be said on this topic, but for the moment, I want you to consider the gift of Rebirth.
Where are you at in your process?
What do you do each day when you look in the mirror?
Do you look at yourself and say, “Hmm. Good enough”?
Do you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Who are you?”
Perhaps you look at yourself and say, “Who do I want to be? Am I better than yesterday?”.
There are questions to ask yourself. Take a good look in your mirror. Take a good look at yourself. Take a good look at your Heart. Are you living in accordance with it?
If you are not, then it is truly time to pursue your Rebirth.
Think about these things.
Do you not wish to see the world different from what it is today?
We hear so many prayers where people are asking for the world to be different,
to be more kind and more Loving, more Peaceful and less violent, and so on.
We hear prayers where people ask for the killing to stop and the wars to end.
We hear prayers where people ask that the weather
abate and allow them to live,
allow crops to grow.
We hear prayers for people's homes that they not be destroyed by fires, and earthquakes, and floods, and so on.
We hear so many prayers that ask for changes, for differences to be made. And, I say to you that those changes can come.
But, they cannot come until all of you begin to change.
We cannot stop a war. We cannot stop a killing.
There are times, yes, when intervention is called for.
But, when so many of you are collectively choosing these things, how can we interfere when you've all been given Free Will and Choice?
And, so if you truly wish to see your world in a state of Rebirth, you must begin with yourself.
You must follow your own path of Rebirth and foster it in others.,
thus you shall change the world.
Think about my words, beloved children.
Think about my words.
And, thank you for listening.
That is all for this time.”
as you celebrate your Season of Peace,
and you contemplate the aspects of Peace,
the Age and Dimension of Peace, and so on. Rebirth plays a very large part.
As we have spoken, there are many elements to Rebirth. There are many parts, for you see, what we have spoken of thus far, truly is Rebirth. When you find your Peace, and your Truth, and you Understand, and you become Illumined, and you find your state of Grace, and you find your Joy,
you find your Strength, and so on you truly are being Reborn.
You see, you are putting aside the Illusions, and you're coming into the Illumination of who you are. And, as you do, and as you build your Strength,
you see, you are Reborn into the person you were meant to be.
You are like the butterfly who was once the sleepy caterpillar who took a long nap in a chrysalis,
and has opened now,
with wings stretched wide to fly in all your magnificence.
And, as you stretch those magnificent wings of Peace, and Truth, and Light, and Love, and Joy, and so on you are Reborn,
for you are a new being of Life.
And, in this state of Rebirth,
you are a new person. You have a new Life. You have new goals, you might say. You have a new Purpose, a renewed Purpose, a Reborn Purpose.
To begin with, your Purpose is to wake up,
to learn, to Understand, to grow, and you always do these things. That is a part of every day Life.
But, when you are experiencing a true state of Rebirth, you put away everything that does not Support the Purpose for which you are in Life.
At this time in the evolution of All That Is, the evolution of every being of Life throughout the Universe of Universes your Purpose is to come into a state of Peace.
It is to live Peace,
to share Peace,
in everything that you are.
And, of course, each of you represents this differently. Because you are each and all different, each of your Purposes is different. When you are Reborn, your unique expression of Peacefulness and Love and Light and Truth and so on shines brightly.
You soar, with these magnificent butterfly wings, you might say. And, what will happen?
What will happen
when you accept your state of Rebirth and begin to live it?
And, there are some of you who will wisely crack the smart remark to say, “Ah, when you spread your wings, little butterfly, the magnificent bird will come and pluck you out of the sky and eat you.”
And, some of you are very fearful of this. You are afraid that if you spread your wings, you will be too fragile and too delicate and someone will come and pluck you out of the sky, so to speak. But, this is not true, you see, for your wings are wings of Love!
And, there is no greater power.
The bird does not have the eye to see the butterfly when the butterfly is Peace and the bird is not.
Think about that for a moment.
What if you were all in your butterfly state,
your Rebirth,
you were all Reborn into who and what you are meant to be by Divine Will?
Who then, who is still living in Illusion, can see the brilliance of the Illumined state that you are?
None, I say.
They will not see what they cannot comprehend. And, until they wake themselves, and find their own states of Illumination and Understanding and so on,
they cannot and will not see you.
Thus, the butterfly is safe from the bird of prey.
What else does Rebirth mean?
It means many changes in the way you live Life. It means changes in your relationships, particularly with yourself.
It doesn't mean learning to be selfish, to put yourself first. What it means is that you must put the Love within yourself in order to share it. That is to say that you must allow Love to flow into your being so that it may flow out. You are the proverbial fountain of Love, you see. As you let it flow in, it will also flow out. And, all those who partake of it through interactions with you will also receive that Love.
The question is: Do you Understand that it is not Love that is you in a personal sense. It is the Universal Love that flows through you that is shared with each and all. And, as you become One with that Love, then it does become One with you. And it IS you in that sense, but it is you at the Universal sense. And, each of you can do this.
Each of you can do this. And, as you come together, you create in the world a tsunami
of Loving energy that washes over everything, as it is the most gentle thing in the world, the softest thing in the world, and yet is it the most powerful and forceful thing in the world and none can withstand it.
And, so you see, in your state of Rebirth you stimulate others to also be Reborn.
When you allow others to see the magnificence, and the beauty, and the Joy that you are in this state you inspire them to reach for that state also.
When you come together and join hands with others who are also Illumined and Reborn, your beauty becomes exponentially larger.
And, you inspire.
And, you touch the Hearts and the lives of those around you and those around the world.
So many of you are afraid of taking that step to make that change,
that leap into the void, you might say.
Do you think the caterpillar is afraid when he or she goes into the chrysalis?
Instinctively they know. It's time to change. It's time for “me” to do this.
And, each of you must do it alone.
There is no one inside the chrysalis but the caterpillar who becomes the butterfly.
And likewise,
only you can go inside,
into your own Heart,
to find the Truth of who you are,
and what you are, and what you are meant to do in this Life. You may have help to Understand these things, this is true. You may have help to get started. But, in the end it is only you who can accept what you see,
what you learn,
what you come to know. It is only you who can recognize the Truth that is yours. And, it is only you who can choose to move forward into your Rebirth process.
It is a process. It is not something that happens overnight. A Rebirth takes time. And, for some, it takes many years. Others, it takes many lifetimes. And, for some, it takes many moments. And, there is never a right or wrong, a good or bad to how long it takes a person.
The important thing is that each of you is in the process. And, when your process is done, only you can recognize it.
You will always polish your wings,
adjust your color,
change them a bit,
grow them larger,
soar to new heights, and so on.
That is Life, and Life is a process. But, the Rebirth portion of it comes whenever you are no longer the asleep person that you were, but you are awake. You are Illumined. You are in that state of Grace and Strength.
And, then, my beloved children,
you soar
with your magnificent wings
of Rebirth,
of Divine Will.
When you are in a state of Rebirth, you become Divine Will in motion.
Think about that for a moment.
You are so One with your Purpose,
and your Light and your Love,
that you ARE Divine Will in motion. Your will and Divine Will become One. They are One in Essence,
and then you are in motion,
and, that is a true state of Rebirth.
That is the goal, you might say.
That is what each of you is working toward.
In some way, in some fashion, the calling is within you.
There is a yearning inside.
Listen to it.
Take your quiet moments. Stop your busy-ness.
Busy-ness is, in some ways, a form of denial. Some of you look at it as survival. And, I say to you this: You may survive with your bodies, but you will not survive with your Spirits. Your Souls are eternal. You will not fulfill your lifetime if you do not find your wings of Rebirth and live your Purpose.
What happened to Free Will and Choice? It is your Free Will and Choice to become One with Divine Will. That is your choice, and that is always the goal. That is how you fulfill a lifetime. Sometimes that is how you fulfill the Soul's lifetime. It is a working partnership, you see. There is much more that could be said on this topic, but for the moment, I want you to consider the gift of Rebirth.
Where are you at in your process?
What do you do each day when you look in the mirror?
Do you look at yourself and say, “Hmm. Good enough”?
Do you look at yourself in the mirror and say, “Who are you?”
Perhaps you look at yourself and say, “Who do I want to be? Am I better than yesterday?”.
There are questions to ask yourself. Take a good look in your mirror. Take a good look at yourself. Take a good look at your Heart. Are you living in accordance with it?
If you are not, then it is truly time to pursue your Rebirth.
Think about these things.
Do you not wish to see the world different from what it is today?
We hear so many prayers where people are asking for the world to be different,
to be more kind and more Loving, more Peaceful and less violent, and so on.
We hear prayers where people ask for the killing to stop and the wars to end.
We hear prayers where people ask that the weather
abate and allow them to live,
allow crops to grow.
We hear prayers for people's homes that they not be destroyed by fires, and earthquakes, and floods, and so on.
We hear so many prayers that ask for changes, for differences to be made. And, I say to you that those changes can come.
But, they cannot come until all of you begin to change.
We cannot stop a war. We cannot stop a killing.
There are times, yes, when intervention is called for.
But, when so many of you are collectively choosing these things, how can we interfere when you've all been given Free Will and Choice?
And, so if you truly wish to see your world in a state of Rebirth, you must begin with yourself.
You must follow your own path of Rebirth and foster it in others.,
thus you shall change the world.
Think about my words, beloved children.
Think about my words.
And, thank you for listening.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.