Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
The Great Mother/Creator on Choices, Life,
Illusion, Gaea & Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Illusion, Gaea & Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
We have another message from the Great Mother/Creator here as she clarifies some of what has been spoken throughout the Season of Peace messages this year. She bluntly calls each of us into being responsible for our actions and our choices, as she explains why she does not answer prayers for Peace and how we can help her to help us. Of all the messages shared during this Season of Peace, we think this one is possibly the best, the most moving, the most passionate, the most powerful, and the most thought-provoking. You do not want to miss hearing the Great Mother's words.
(As a point of clarification, please note that in this message, the Great Mother states that she Supports Free Will and Choice, which includes Illusion. However, she also states that she Supports Gaea's choice to be a being of Peace. She also cites her edict for Peace as an alternative choice for Life. The point she makes is that while she will Support your choices, if you choose to continue Life with Gaea, you must abide by Gaea's choice - and that is to be a being only of Peace. Gaea has chosen to no longer Support Illusion. If you choose to continue with Illusion, the Great Mother will Support that choice, but not with Gaea. If you have questions on this point, please contact us and we will explain further.)
(As a point of clarification, please note that in this message, the Great Mother states that she Supports Free Will and Choice, which includes Illusion. However, she also states that she Supports Gaea's choice to be a being of Peace. She also cites her edict for Peace as an alternative choice for Life. The point she makes is that while she will Support your choices, if you choose to continue Life with Gaea, you must abide by Gaea's choice - and that is to be a being only of Peace. Gaea has chosen to no longer Support Illusion. If you choose to continue with Illusion, the Great Mother will Support that choice, but not with Gaea. If you have questions on this point, please contact us and we will explain further.)
“Yes, then, it is I, the Great Mother of all, and I would speak to you at this moment in time about a Truth.
I would speak to you about
a Life,
and I would speak to you about a Love.
The Truth I speak of is your own.
And, the Life I speak of is your own.
And, the Love I speak of is your own.
And, I say to you that you have heard many comments now, many messages each one alluding to the importance of importance of Peace, and the importance of choice, letting your actions follow your choices, and so on. There have been hints given as to future events which are to come and there are many of you who will scoff at this and others will be frightened by it. And, I say that you should do neither.
You should focus, instead, on your Life,
and on Life in general.
You should focus on your Love,
and Love in general.
Think about that for just a moment,
and, then think about your choices in Life.
I hear so many prayers from so many beings
across the Universe, but particularly right now in the Earth realm. I hear so very many prayers for Peace,
for my intervention in the violence
that abounds in your world.
I hear so many prayers for salvation,
and so on.
I hear so many prayers from those who are suffering, or would see an end to the suffering for all beings of Life, not just humans, but all beings of Life for each in their own way is suffering. Each species, each sub-species on planet Earth is suffering, and I hear prayers continuously to end this suffering.
But, you see, while I could intervene
at a moment's notice and put an end to all the suffering,
by my own edict, I cannot.
But, it is not by my edict alone that I cannot. It is also by your choice, and I want to explain this to each of you.
You see, there are those of you who have chosen Peace. You've chosen to live Peacefully and Lovingly, and with kindness and generosity and compassion. And, some of you live this way with your fellow human beings. And, some of you – fewer of you – live this way, or try to, with every being of Life. And, this is good. And, this is the way it is meant to be.
I have given you Free Will and Choice, and so you have the power to choose to live Peacefully or not. Some of you have chosen to live Peacefully, yet others of you have not.
Now, it has been spoken once before, that the only real democracy throughout the Universe of Universes it at a higher level than the level of the incarnate being. That is to say that among incarnates – those of you who are presently in a body – in your Life, there is no true democracy, for not every voice is heard equally. That happens at higher levels.
And, so you see, we take that what we might call collective consciousness, and at higher levels, the majority rules. And, the majority in the Earth realm have not chosen Peace. You are close. You are very close. And, when you hit that majority, then Peace will rule, unless I intervene beforehand.
For the time being, you are all living by the choices of your brothers and sisters, and yourselves. And I say to you (that) you cannot point fingers and place blame, for all of you have at one point or another chosen to live non-Peacefully.
You've chosen to live in a world of violence. And, it comes in many ways that you do not even see and you do not see because you do not want to see. It is inconvenient to see.
In example, let me cite this: How many of you wear leather shoes?
Where did that leather come from?
It came from an animal.
That is the skin of an animal.
Why did that animal no longer need its skin? Did it die of natural causes,
or was it killed for its flesh?
Was it killed for its hide?
That is not Peaceful, my children. That is not Peaceful at all.
How many of you drink milk?
Milk from a cow. Milk from a goat. Whatever it might come from.
Was that milk given Freely,
or, was it coerced?
Was it forced?
You took that milk from a mother. What about her child?
What happened to her child that her child does not need that milk? Did it die? Did it die of natural causes? Did you kill it? Did you take it away and feed it a bottle so that you might rob the baby's milk from the mother for yourselves?
What is the furniture you are sitting on?
Is it made of wood?
Was that wood
when it was
to be made into boards that you might make it into furniture and use it to sit upon?
How many live trees are cut down every day
to make furniture, to make paper, and so on?
What about your vehicles that you drive?
How many of those are Peaceful?
What did you rob
from your Mother Earth to make that vehicle in the form of energy?
What did you do?
What about your other foods?
What about your clothes? How many of you wear wool?
Is that Peaceful?
What about cotton?
If it is grown organically without the use of chemicals which harm the Earth. But, even at that
was it harvested Peacefully from the cotton plant?
You see, there are so many ways that violence creeps up on you. And, you must truly make magnificently huge changes if you are to truly live in a state of Peace.
And, some of you would say, “It's not possible in our current culture.” And, I say your current culture is your current culture because you've chosen and accepted it to be your current culture, therefore YOU are contributing
to the lack of Peace in your world.
Violence is violence -
whether it is perpetrated against a human being or another form of Life.
And, violence abounds in your world.
And, so you see, my beloved children,
by your own gift of Free Will and Choice that I have given to you I cannot interfere and answer your prayers for you continually choose contrary to what you ask me to provide.
Some of you think you are very holy because you eat a vegan diet or vegetarian diet, and you don't cause harm to any animals. And, I say yes, perhaps you do. Again, go back to the milk.
For those of you who are vegan, is your food harvested Peacefully?
You eat a lettuce salad. That lettuce has consciousness. Did you kill it so that you might eat it? How is that different from killing a cow to eat the beef?
You must practice Peacefulness in everything that you do,
everything that you say, every Support that you have for your Life. There is an Abundance of Peaceful Support for every being of Life on the planet.
And, you will not experience this until you consciously make changes.
You cannot continue as you have been, my children. You cannot. And, you cannot ask me to give you Peace when you yourself choose violence.
It is all or nothing.
Those who sit at a table and eat meat and pray for Peace, are basically the pot calling the kettle black, as the proverbial saying goes.
How can you point fingers at another person and say that person is violent, when you are violent yourself?
If you want Peace in your world, you must choose it.
Now, there are those of you who are sincerely trying to live in a state of Peace.
And, to those of you who are, I say thank you and I will help you.
But, as has been spoken, it is imperative that you stop
and think,
find your Truth inside,
what it means
for you to choose
to live in Peace.
Think it
through -
You must carry it through every
Think about that for a moment.
As you have heard interesting messages from Sister Gaea – Mother Earth and Brother Helios – Father Sun, you have heard them speak very haltingly and very cautiously about things that are to come. And, they speak this way
for a number of reasons,
one of which is that no one knows the future -
not even me, for you have Free Will and Choice, as does every being of Life. I have given that gift.
So, no one can speak with absolute certainty, but at this time there is a great probability that, yes, there are certain changes which the Earth must make. Gaea must position her body now to accommodate Peace, for that is her choice. And, her choice will be Supported, just as your choices are Supported.
Within your own body, you are the sole authority. Within Gaea's own body, she is the sole authority. And so, if she chooses to make changes within her being in order to accommodate a time and an age and a place and a space and a dimension of Peace, then so be it.
That is her choice. I will Support her in it,
as will Helios, and all other beings of Life who are Supporting her in her Time of Peace, and her Transition and Rebirth into a Time of Peace.
So, yes, there are things that are slated to come, so to speak. And, in some ways, they must.
If you had an injury or an illness, would you not go about Healing it however you could?
Of course.
If you wear a shoe on your foot, and it rubs a blister, you remove the shoe so the blister can Heal.
And, there are things of this nature that Gaea must do, too.
Will they be harmful to you?
To some of you, yes, probably.
Life is already harmful to some of you. Yes, this is true.
Can I stop it?
Can I help you?
You must ask. And, you must change your ways if you are to live in Peace with Gaea.
And, if you choose not to live in Peace, or you do not choose at all, then you have the Illusion of Peace by default.
Why do you have it by default?
Ah! You have it by default
for your non-action
because that is what the majority of the collective consciousness in the realm in which you live has chosen.
So, if you wish to change the default choice, you might say, you're going to have to make a choice.
And, when enough of you make a choice that you represent the majority who have chosen Peace, then you will see massive changes in your world.
And, there are those who will ask, “If enough of us will choose Peace does Gaea still have to make her changes?”
And, I say that is up to Gaea.
I cannot speak for her.
But, I can tell you that it looks to me like it might lessen what she might have to do.
But, that is no guarantee. That is up to her, just as what you do to your body is up to you. I do not step in and tell you what you must do, what you can or can't do. That is your choice. I have given you Life. I have given you Free Will and Choice. I have given you a body with Gaea's assistance.
But, what you do with it is your choice, and what Gaea does with her body is her choice. And, that is the same with Helios,
and he has also chosen Peace. And, he is going to assist in the Rebirthing of Gaea into a Time and a place of Peace.
So, yes, there are choices which you must make, and you must make them now. You cannot ride the fence forever, so to speak.
I want each and every one of you to know that it saddens my Heart greatly to see how many of you are so deeply entrenched in Illusion that you cannot see Illumination for anything.
There is so much magic and mysticism in your world that is so beautiful and so Loving and compassionate and generous. And, it is there for you to choose at any moment, and yet, so many of you stay shackled in Illusion so deeply entrenched that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You are so caught up in the dramas and the traumas. It is like you are watching the perpetual movie – a horror film. And you cannot see your way to stop it, when all you have to do is say, “Wait!
No more.
No more.”
But, what I see most often is finger pointing. I see so many of you blaming this and blaming that and blaming another person and another country and so on and so on. And, there is no one to blame,
and yet, there is everyone to blame.
For, how can you blame someone else for not choosing to live in Peace when you haven't done it yourself?
How many of you sincerely sit down and explore within yourself the concepts of Peace?
This is not child's play.
This is Life.
Your Life could end at any moment,
by a natural cause, or by violence perpetrated against by some other being of Life in your world.
Now, you note that I said,
I did not say “by an object”.
Yes, I have been getting prayers: “Please make the bombs go away. Please make the nuclear warheads go away. Please make the guns go away”, and so on and so on.
It is not the weapons that are the problem. It is the people behind the weapons that have
chosen to live in violence.
They have chosen to live in Illusion.
They practice greed, control, manipulation, whatever the case might be. It's all part of Illusion.
If you want my help,
if you want me to step in and change your world,
then you start by changing your world yourself, and I will help you change it.
I Support Free Will and Choice.
Whatever you choose, I Support it.
But, you cannot come to me and say, “Oh, Creator. Oh, God. Oh, Universe. Oh”, whatever name you want to use for me – it doesn't matter to me one bit, “Save us! Bring Peace. Take away the violence.” and so on.
You can't ask me these things,
and then sit down
and continue your Life in violence -
with your leather shoes,
and the chemicals that you put on your lawns,
and the gasoline in your car,
and the beef steak on your table,
or pork, or eggs, or milk, or whatever it might be,
whatever it is that has been born in violence, you cannot ask me to Support your plea for Peace when you are not living it yourself.
I Support your choice. If you choose Peace, I Support it. If you choose to continue in Illusion with its violence,
that is Supported, too.
So, when you sit down to blame another country, and another person, and an object, or a government, or the neighbor down the street, or your own family member for whatever non-Peaceful situation is in your Life, stop for a moment and remember:
You are no different.
Your violence may be perpetrated in a different way, but violence is violence. Illusion is Illusion. And, Peace is Peace. And, you either are or you are not Peaceful. Period.
Yes, my words may sound harsh. But, we have come to the point where I must be to the point and blunt with my words, because it seems that either I am not being listened to, nor are my Council of Archangels being listened to, nor any other messenger from a spiritual being in your realm. No one is being listened to, because you are all busy talking. And, if I am not blunt, you will not hear me.
And so I am being more blunt than I ever have been.
I am not a vengeful person.
I am not filled with wrath.
I am filled with Love!
I have Love for you!
It is because I Love you more than I Love myself that I allow you to make these choices.
Does it break my Heart every day to watch you suffer?
Yes! It does!
But, that is your choice.
And, because I Love you, I allow that choice. I gave you the choice. And, I will not take it back. Although, I have, as has been stated, I have issued an edict for Peace, and I mean that, because I am tired of watching you all suffer.
My Heart aches
for the suffering that I see throughout the Universe of Universes.
It is not just Earth,
although I must say Earth is one of the very worst.
My Heart aches to see my beautiful children suffering because of a gift that I gave that has been misused.
And, so I shall give a new gift, and that gift is Peace.
But, you must choose it.
And, if you wish your suffering to stop,
you will choose it now,
I know your every thought.
I know your every feeling,
your every emotion,
your desires,
those inner secrets that you think nobody else knows – I know.
I know when you feel guilty, and when you are secretly pleased.
And, I know when you Love someone, but you are too afraid to say it.
I know these things.
So, I know that when you ask me for Peace,
and you really don't mean it
(It's just a feel good thing that you do.),
I know that I cannot Support that
because that's not a true choice.
Your actions and your thoughts speak far more loudly than your words, and that includes your prayers.
So, my beloved children, I say to you this:
Be sincere.
Is it not time to stop the game of suffering and Illusion?
Are you not weary of it?
Are you not ready for the greatest of Love and Joy and Abundance to flow through your Life? And, from you and through you to all of your family and friends, and from them to you? And, your communities and co-workers, your countrymen, the other citizens of the world that you live in?
You do not need to be obsessed with greed and control, with violence and warfare,
one person being better for another, for none are. Competition is a great Illusion.
It is a great Illusion, and it does a great disservice to each and every one of you.
It robs you of the Truth of your Life.
And, so I would leave you with those words.
And, I would ask you with all my Heart to come to me
as the beautiful children that you are, and be sincere.
Be sincere in all that you do.
Stop playing the games of Illusion,
and let us live Life together in Illumination,
in Peace, in Love, and in Joy
and great Abundance,
for Gaea has everything prepared to give to you,
as do I,
as does Helios, and so many others.
Let us come together and share Life as it is meant to be, and put aside the playthings of Illusion.
Choose wisely. I do not wish to see any suffer any further.
So, choose wisely.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
I would speak to you about
a Life,
and I would speak to you about a Love.
The Truth I speak of is your own.
And, the Life I speak of is your own.
And, the Love I speak of is your own.
And, I say to you that you have heard many comments now, many messages each one alluding to the importance of importance of Peace, and the importance of choice, letting your actions follow your choices, and so on. There have been hints given as to future events which are to come and there are many of you who will scoff at this and others will be frightened by it. And, I say that you should do neither.
You should focus, instead, on your Life,
and on Life in general.
You should focus on your Love,
and Love in general.
Think about that for just a moment,
and, then think about your choices in Life.
I hear so many prayers from so many beings
across the Universe, but particularly right now in the Earth realm. I hear so very many prayers for Peace,
for my intervention in the violence
that abounds in your world.
I hear so many prayers for salvation,
and so on.
I hear so many prayers from those who are suffering, or would see an end to the suffering for all beings of Life, not just humans, but all beings of Life for each in their own way is suffering. Each species, each sub-species on planet Earth is suffering, and I hear prayers continuously to end this suffering.
But, you see, while I could intervene
at a moment's notice and put an end to all the suffering,
by my own edict, I cannot.
But, it is not by my edict alone that I cannot. It is also by your choice, and I want to explain this to each of you.
You see, there are those of you who have chosen Peace. You've chosen to live Peacefully and Lovingly, and with kindness and generosity and compassion. And, some of you live this way with your fellow human beings. And, some of you – fewer of you – live this way, or try to, with every being of Life. And, this is good. And, this is the way it is meant to be.
I have given you Free Will and Choice, and so you have the power to choose to live Peacefully or not. Some of you have chosen to live Peacefully, yet others of you have not.
Now, it has been spoken once before, that the only real democracy throughout the Universe of Universes it at a higher level than the level of the incarnate being. That is to say that among incarnates – those of you who are presently in a body – in your Life, there is no true democracy, for not every voice is heard equally. That happens at higher levels.
And, so you see, we take that what we might call collective consciousness, and at higher levels, the majority rules. And, the majority in the Earth realm have not chosen Peace. You are close. You are very close. And, when you hit that majority, then Peace will rule, unless I intervene beforehand.
For the time being, you are all living by the choices of your brothers and sisters, and yourselves. And I say to you (that) you cannot point fingers and place blame, for all of you have at one point or another chosen to live non-Peacefully.
You've chosen to live in a world of violence. And, it comes in many ways that you do not even see and you do not see because you do not want to see. It is inconvenient to see.
In example, let me cite this: How many of you wear leather shoes?
Where did that leather come from?
It came from an animal.
That is the skin of an animal.
Why did that animal no longer need its skin? Did it die of natural causes,
or was it killed for its flesh?
Was it killed for its hide?
That is not Peaceful, my children. That is not Peaceful at all.
How many of you drink milk?
Milk from a cow. Milk from a goat. Whatever it might come from.
Was that milk given Freely,
or, was it coerced?
Was it forced?
You took that milk from a mother. What about her child?
What happened to her child that her child does not need that milk? Did it die? Did it die of natural causes? Did you kill it? Did you take it away and feed it a bottle so that you might rob the baby's milk from the mother for yourselves?
What is the furniture you are sitting on?
Is it made of wood?
Was that wood
when it was
to be made into boards that you might make it into furniture and use it to sit upon?
How many live trees are cut down every day
to make furniture, to make paper, and so on?
What about your vehicles that you drive?
How many of those are Peaceful?
What did you rob
from your Mother Earth to make that vehicle in the form of energy?
What did you do?
What about your other foods?
What about your clothes? How many of you wear wool?
Is that Peaceful?
What about cotton?
If it is grown organically without the use of chemicals which harm the Earth. But, even at that
was it harvested Peacefully from the cotton plant?
You see, there are so many ways that violence creeps up on you. And, you must truly make magnificently huge changes if you are to truly live in a state of Peace.
And, some of you would say, “It's not possible in our current culture.” And, I say your current culture is your current culture because you've chosen and accepted it to be your current culture, therefore YOU are contributing
to the lack of Peace in your world.
Violence is violence -
whether it is perpetrated against a human being or another form of Life.
And, violence abounds in your world.
And, so you see, my beloved children,
by your own gift of Free Will and Choice that I have given to you I cannot interfere and answer your prayers for you continually choose contrary to what you ask me to provide.
Some of you think you are very holy because you eat a vegan diet or vegetarian diet, and you don't cause harm to any animals. And, I say yes, perhaps you do. Again, go back to the milk.
For those of you who are vegan, is your food harvested Peacefully?
You eat a lettuce salad. That lettuce has consciousness. Did you kill it so that you might eat it? How is that different from killing a cow to eat the beef?
You must practice Peacefulness in everything that you do,
everything that you say, every Support that you have for your Life. There is an Abundance of Peaceful Support for every being of Life on the planet.
And, you will not experience this until you consciously make changes.
You cannot continue as you have been, my children. You cannot. And, you cannot ask me to give you Peace when you yourself choose violence.
It is all or nothing.
Those who sit at a table and eat meat and pray for Peace, are basically the pot calling the kettle black, as the proverbial saying goes.
How can you point fingers at another person and say that person is violent, when you are violent yourself?
If you want Peace in your world, you must choose it.
Now, there are those of you who are sincerely trying to live in a state of Peace.
And, to those of you who are, I say thank you and I will help you.
But, as has been spoken, it is imperative that you stop
and think,
find your Truth inside,
what it means
for you to choose
to live in Peace.
Think it
through -
You must carry it through every
Think about that for a moment.
As you have heard interesting messages from Sister Gaea – Mother Earth and Brother Helios – Father Sun, you have heard them speak very haltingly and very cautiously about things that are to come. And, they speak this way
for a number of reasons,
one of which is that no one knows the future -
not even me, for you have Free Will and Choice, as does every being of Life. I have given that gift.
So, no one can speak with absolute certainty, but at this time there is a great probability that, yes, there are certain changes which the Earth must make. Gaea must position her body now to accommodate Peace, for that is her choice. And, her choice will be Supported, just as your choices are Supported.
Within your own body, you are the sole authority. Within Gaea's own body, she is the sole authority. And so, if she chooses to make changes within her being in order to accommodate a time and an age and a place and a space and a dimension of Peace, then so be it.
That is her choice. I will Support her in it,
as will Helios, and all other beings of Life who are Supporting her in her Time of Peace, and her Transition and Rebirth into a Time of Peace.
So, yes, there are things that are slated to come, so to speak. And, in some ways, they must.
If you had an injury or an illness, would you not go about Healing it however you could?
Of course.
If you wear a shoe on your foot, and it rubs a blister, you remove the shoe so the blister can Heal.
And, there are things of this nature that Gaea must do, too.
Will they be harmful to you?
To some of you, yes, probably.
Life is already harmful to some of you. Yes, this is true.
Can I stop it?
Can I help you?
You must ask. And, you must change your ways if you are to live in Peace with Gaea.
And, if you choose not to live in Peace, or you do not choose at all, then you have the Illusion of Peace by default.
Why do you have it by default?
Ah! You have it by default
for your non-action
because that is what the majority of the collective consciousness in the realm in which you live has chosen.
So, if you wish to change the default choice, you might say, you're going to have to make a choice.
And, when enough of you make a choice that you represent the majority who have chosen Peace, then you will see massive changes in your world.
And, there are those who will ask, “If enough of us will choose Peace does Gaea still have to make her changes?”
And, I say that is up to Gaea.
I cannot speak for her.
But, I can tell you that it looks to me like it might lessen what she might have to do.
But, that is no guarantee. That is up to her, just as what you do to your body is up to you. I do not step in and tell you what you must do, what you can or can't do. That is your choice. I have given you Life. I have given you Free Will and Choice. I have given you a body with Gaea's assistance.
But, what you do with it is your choice, and what Gaea does with her body is her choice. And, that is the same with Helios,
and he has also chosen Peace. And, he is going to assist in the Rebirthing of Gaea into a Time and a place of Peace.
So, yes, there are choices which you must make, and you must make them now. You cannot ride the fence forever, so to speak.
I want each and every one of you to know that it saddens my Heart greatly to see how many of you are so deeply entrenched in Illusion that you cannot see Illumination for anything.
There is so much magic and mysticism in your world that is so beautiful and so Loving and compassionate and generous. And, it is there for you to choose at any moment, and yet, so many of you stay shackled in Illusion so deeply entrenched that you cannot see the forest for the trees. You are so caught up in the dramas and the traumas. It is like you are watching the perpetual movie – a horror film. And you cannot see your way to stop it, when all you have to do is say, “Wait!
No more.
No more.”
But, what I see most often is finger pointing. I see so many of you blaming this and blaming that and blaming another person and another country and so on and so on. And, there is no one to blame,
and yet, there is everyone to blame.
For, how can you blame someone else for not choosing to live in Peace when you haven't done it yourself?
How many of you sincerely sit down and explore within yourself the concepts of Peace?
This is not child's play.
This is Life.
Your Life could end at any moment,
by a natural cause, or by violence perpetrated against by some other being of Life in your world.
Now, you note that I said,
I did not say “by an object”.
Yes, I have been getting prayers: “Please make the bombs go away. Please make the nuclear warheads go away. Please make the guns go away”, and so on and so on.
It is not the weapons that are the problem. It is the people behind the weapons that have
chosen to live in violence.
They have chosen to live in Illusion.
They practice greed, control, manipulation, whatever the case might be. It's all part of Illusion.
If you want my help,
if you want me to step in and change your world,
then you start by changing your world yourself, and I will help you change it.
I Support Free Will and Choice.
Whatever you choose, I Support it.
But, you cannot come to me and say, “Oh, Creator. Oh, God. Oh, Universe. Oh”, whatever name you want to use for me – it doesn't matter to me one bit, “Save us! Bring Peace. Take away the violence.” and so on.
You can't ask me these things,
and then sit down
and continue your Life in violence -
with your leather shoes,
and the chemicals that you put on your lawns,
and the gasoline in your car,
and the beef steak on your table,
or pork, or eggs, or milk, or whatever it might be,
whatever it is that has been born in violence, you cannot ask me to Support your plea for Peace when you are not living it yourself.
I Support your choice. If you choose Peace, I Support it. If you choose to continue in Illusion with its violence,
that is Supported, too.
So, when you sit down to blame another country, and another person, and an object, or a government, or the neighbor down the street, or your own family member for whatever non-Peaceful situation is in your Life, stop for a moment and remember:
You are no different.
Your violence may be perpetrated in a different way, but violence is violence. Illusion is Illusion. And, Peace is Peace. And, you either are or you are not Peaceful. Period.
Yes, my words may sound harsh. But, we have come to the point where I must be to the point and blunt with my words, because it seems that either I am not being listened to, nor are my Council of Archangels being listened to, nor any other messenger from a spiritual being in your realm. No one is being listened to, because you are all busy talking. And, if I am not blunt, you will not hear me.
And so I am being more blunt than I ever have been.
I am not a vengeful person.
I am not filled with wrath.
I am filled with Love!
I have Love for you!
It is because I Love you more than I Love myself that I allow you to make these choices.
Does it break my Heart every day to watch you suffer?
Yes! It does!
But, that is your choice.
And, because I Love you, I allow that choice. I gave you the choice. And, I will not take it back. Although, I have, as has been stated, I have issued an edict for Peace, and I mean that, because I am tired of watching you all suffer.
My Heart aches
for the suffering that I see throughout the Universe of Universes.
It is not just Earth,
although I must say Earth is one of the very worst.
My Heart aches to see my beautiful children suffering because of a gift that I gave that has been misused.
And, so I shall give a new gift, and that gift is Peace.
But, you must choose it.
And, if you wish your suffering to stop,
you will choose it now,
I know your every thought.
I know your every feeling,
your every emotion,
your desires,
those inner secrets that you think nobody else knows – I know.
I know when you feel guilty, and when you are secretly pleased.
And, I know when you Love someone, but you are too afraid to say it.
I know these things.
So, I know that when you ask me for Peace,
and you really don't mean it
(It's just a feel good thing that you do.),
I know that I cannot Support that
because that's not a true choice.
Your actions and your thoughts speak far more loudly than your words, and that includes your prayers.
So, my beloved children, I say to you this:
Be sincere.
Is it not time to stop the game of suffering and Illusion?
Are you not weary of it?
Are you not ready for the greatest of Love and Joy and Abundance to flow through your Life? And, from you and through you to all of your family and friends, and from them to you? And, your communities and co-workers, your countrymen, the other citizens of the world that you live in?
You do not need to be obsessed with greed and control, with violence and warfare,
one person being better for another, for none are. Competition is a great Illusion.
It is a great Illusion, and it does a great disservice to each and every one of you.
It robs you of the Truth of your Life.
And, so I would leave you with those words.
And, I would ask you with all my Heart to come to me
as the beautiful children that you are, and be sincere.
Be sincere in all that you do.
Stop playing the games of Illusion,
and let us live Life together in Illumination,
in Peace, in Love, and in Joy
and great Abundance,
for Gaea has everything prepared to give to you,
as do I,
as does Helios, and so many others.
Let us come together and share Life as it is meant to be, and put aside the playthings of Illusion.
Choose wisely. I do not wish to see any suffer any further.
So, choose wisely.
Thank you for listening to my words.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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