Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel of Uriel on the Gift of Trust
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Here we have a most interesting and thought-provoking message on the Gift of Trust from the Archangel Uriel (who is also the Archangel of Karma). He poses some challenging questions for us to think about. How do you Trust in a world of dishonesty and deception? He speaks of building the foundation for living Life with Truth and Trust, and the great importance of taking Life seriously before it is too late. What would happen if human beings caused themselves to become extinct?
This is a serious message from Uriel, and it is one we think everyone should take the time to listen to.
This is a serious message from Uriel, and it is one we think everyone should take the time to listen to.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Uriel, and I would speak to you at this time about the gift of Trust.
How does Trust fit with Peace?
How does Trust fit with anything? What is Trust to you? Do you Understand Trust?
Let us speak of it for just a moment, for it is a critical key factor in finding your own Peace, choosing your Peace, and living your Peace.
Let us think for a moment about what Trust really means.
I have spoken before that Trust and Love are synonymous, and so they are. But, what does Trust really mean to you?
What does it mean in the scope of Peace? These are things to think about very deeply, for Trust is, as I said, a critical element. It is most important and imperative that you are able to Trust if you are to find your Peace, live it, share it, and so on.
You are in a Time of great change and great challenge. Your world is at a crossroads in many ways, and so are you. Each and every one of you is at a crossroads in your own evolutionary development. Your own evolutionary status, your own evolutionary choices and decisions, right now in this very moment forward
they are of paramount importance.
And, so let us consider Trust then, because is, as I said, a key element. So, when you sit down and you consider Trust, the first thing you must be able to Trust is yourself. You are the first person you must Trust.
And, you must Trust yourself to look inside and find your own Truth, your own Peace, to Understand it, and so on. So, in this respect, Trust is also responsibility. Can you accept that responsibility for yourself?
Can you Trust yourself
to look within
and find the answers that are there.
So, you must ask yourself: Do I Trust myself? Do I Trust me?
Look yourself in the eye in the mirror.
Do you Trust the person you see?
If you do not, then that is your very first task. You must establish that Trust within yourself for yourself.
And, the next task is to Trust your Guidance – your inner Guidance.
You must Trust your Heart.
Do you know where it is?
Have you found it, or do you only listen to the mind?
The mind is a scattered thing, I say to you. It is easily influenced. It wanders here and there. You never know when it is going to pop up with some terrible dramatic thing that must be addressed, for fear that it may perish if you do not. Or, it may wander off in a direction that leads you astray from what is immediately in front of you requiring attention.
And, the mind is in “cahoots”, you might say, with the ego, so to speak. It is in league with the ego in worrying about self preservation. But, the question is: Is the mind trained to follow the Heart? Is the ego leading the Heart, or is the Heart leading the ego?
Because, if you are listening to the Heart, if you are following the Heart, then it is easy to Trust, for your Heart will never steer you wrong.
And, to do this, you must follow your path of Love, follow your path of Truth, follow your path of Joy, and so on, and so on. So, do you Understand
the quest at hand? Do you Trust yourself to Understand the quest at hand, and the answers that you find within?
If you cannot Trust yourself,
then you are in dire, dire need of assistance. You are in deep trouble, for that is your first step. And, then you must learn to Trust your Heart. And, you must learn to Trust the guidance that comes from there no matter what the mind says, no matter what the ego says, no matter what your family says, or your friends say, or your neighbors, or co-workers, or community members, or whoever. Each of you must find your own Truth within and be able to Trust it.
That is your foundation.
That is the rock upon which you must build your future.
And, if you are to have a future with other people, then they, too, must be solid in their foundations of Truth and Trust.
Again, they go hand in hand.
There is great, great, great significance to this point.
Truth and Trust must go hand in hand. Do you Trust the Truth that you are finding inside?
In the world that you live in today, there are many, many multitudes of issues and problems. Most of these are very much non-Peaceful. There is so much dishonesty in the world, because so many people are afraid to speak their Truth, to act upon their Truth, and so on. There is, of course, the whole bag of tricks that Illusion offers with greed, and violence, and manipulation, and control, and so on, and so on. And, you have those to contend with as well.
So, it is truly a challenging environment in which you live in order to foster the nature of true Trust, and we could say Truth and Trust. And, so you are going to have to find within yourself your “Truth stone”, you might say, which is the cornerstone of your foundation, and your foundation must be built on Trust. And so, you see, you must be able to learn to discern everything that you see and hear around you to determine what is Truth and what is not.
And, you must Trust yourself in this discernment. For, Understanding these things, based upon the Truth, and your Trust in your own Truth and the Truth that you see around you, will help you define your choices therefore your actions.
And, you must be able to Trust yourself to act according to Truth as you Understand it to be.
How do you Trust others in the world when the world is filled with such deception and dishonesty?
That is a difficult one. Again, it falls back to discernment. And, it is far easier to discern what is Truth and what is not than it is to choose how to act when you are faced with a situation that is not Truthful – one which you cannot Trust and you know you cannot Trust. It might be a person. It might be an event. It might be a false flag. It might be a war that is happening. It might be a neighbor down the street telling you, “No, they can't possibly help you.”
There is no telling what it might be, for there are too many things to tell.
But, the question is: When you are confronted with these situations of non-Truth, and non-Trust, what do you do?
And, the answer is this:
You follow
the path
of Love
Only in Love can you put your Trust,
no where else.
If you are not following a path of Love,
then you cannot Trust it.
You must look in your own Hearts for the path of Love and that is what you can Trust. When it comes to dealing with other people, you must, again, follow the path of Love.
That is what you can Trust.
When you are faced with situations in your world, and you are not sure if you can Trust them or not – people, events, whatever it might be, put it up against the gauge that you measure Love by. Is Love present, or is it not? It is a very simple gauge.
Is Love present,
or is it not?
Are you dealing with Illusion or Illumination?
You must ask yourself these questions.
And, as you begin to practice this, little by little, you will see that it becomes very easy to weed your way through Life and see what is true and what is not, what you should Trust and what you should not.
And, sometimes it boils down to a saying that Archangel Michael has spoken many times, and that is: You can Trust humans to be human. And, what does this mean?
What it means is that you can Trust humans to follow their base nature. Now, if they are in alignment with Love, you can Trust humans then, to act according to the principles of Love, which include Peace, honor, Trustworthiness, and so on. If the individual is following the path of Love in Illusion, then you may Trust that person to present you with dishonesty, greed, violence of some sort, control, manipulation, and other factions of Illusion.
And, so you see, the choice then becomes very simple when it comes to who to Trust and who not to Trust. Which brings you then to the question, as to what do you do when you are faced with someone or something which you know you cannot Trust.
You are Trusting it to be in Illusion, for that is how it is presented to you. What do you do? And, I say you walk away.
Thank you, but no thank you.
Leave it alone.
Put your Love, and your Support, and your Trust
only in the path of Love,
the path of Peace.
You must Support those things which you can Trust. You must Trust those things which demonstrate Love,
which demonstrate Peace,
and Truth,
and Grace,
and Joy,
and so on.
And, it is up to each and everyone of you to Understand the difference. You must come from your Illumined state.
It is time, my dear beloved children, to take Life a little more seriously. You are not in this lifetime simply to be entertained.
You are not in this lifetime simply to play.
You might say, in some respects, that Life is a very serious business.
This is not to say that you cannot play, nor be entertained, nor do the entertaining.
What it is to say, is that these are only part of Life, and not all of it. And, Life in your realm, right now, is at such a crossroads, that many of you will perish if you do not pay attention to Life itself.
How many species are going extinct on your planet right now, every day?
You have beings of Life that are becoming no more forever
in part, there are too many of you who are so focused on playing and entertaining, or being entertained, that you really couldn't care less if a frog somewhere on the other side of the world is gone forever,
or a bird,
or a mammal,
or whatever it might be.
What happens when it comes to the point of human beings being threatened with extinction? Will you wake up before it's too late?
Will you Trust those instincts inside?
Will you wake up enough to even see the instincts,
to recognize them for what they are?
The actions of your world in Illusion, are killing you.
Not one by one.
They are killing all of you.
Every being of Life on your planet is suffering,
every being,
including you.
And, you may not know it,
but it is happening.
And, it is time to wake up and make changes before they are too late,
before it is too late.
If you wait to long to make the changes, then there is no point.
And, that you may Trust, for I only speak Truth, and you know it.
Each and every one of you know it,
and you feel it inside.
And, I do not say these things for you to feel guilt or shame.
I say these things with the hope and the prayer that you will wake up, and make your choices, and act accordingly.
It is time, beloved ones, to wake up and grow up!
You are part of an evolutionary group.
You are part of a species that has a responsibility
to your Purposes, to Divine Will, and to each other, to every being of Life with whom you share your Earth Mother. And, you have a responsibility to her, too.
Can you Trust the Earth to always provide for you?
The question is: How will she do this?
And, the answer to that is by whatever means you force her to use.
And, I will be quite blunt. Where others have been subtle, I will be blunt. I am also the Archangel of Karma. It is in my very nature to be blunt. And, at this time, I am so again for your benefit, not to make you feel guilty, not to make you feel shame, but with the hope and the prayer that you will wake up.
The means that you are leaving your Earth Mother to Support you,
and to Support all of Life within her realm
and her being,
is not a pretty one.
You are forcing her to make changes by the very actions of human beings. You do not see a herd of antelope polluting the world.
You do not see a flock of birds contaminating the water and the soil and the air.
It is only by human hands that these things are happening,
and human minds.
And, these things are born of human greed, and a lack of care and compassion for the rest of the world. Human beings are not the most important kid on the block. You are not the most important beings on the planet.
You must consider this: If one species goes away and becomes extinct, what happens to the ecosystem?
What happens to the rest of the world?
Does anyone notice?
Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
When it becomes a food source for another being, then, yes, it is noticed. So, if one creature goes extinct, and that creature was a food source for the next creature up the line, then the next creature may also go extinct, or he or she must have to find a new food source.
what happens
when these creatures go extinct? Does the rest of the world keep continuing on?
Yes. Unless that was their only food source that went extinct before them, in which case they will perish, too.
What would happen if human beings became extinct?
How would the rest of the world
Would anyone notice?
Do you think the lions in Africa would notice if humans went extinct?
They would probably be happy.
What about the elephants,
who are nearly driven to extinction right now
over the ivory in their tusks?
Do you think they would be upset if humans went extinct?
I daresay they might actually breathe a sigh of relief,
for then, perhaps, they wouldn't have to worry about poachers shooting them down to steal their tusks.
And, I am only using this as an example.
So, my question to you, then, is: Who is going to notice if human beings cause themselves to be extinct?
Only human beings would notice.
I believe you are all Understanding my point.
And, to further that point, let me ask you this:
How long will human beings continue on destroying everything around them for the sake of greed,
for the sake of the Illusions of Life,
before they realize
that Life
is not dependent upon them.
Life is dependent on everyone else in the world, except human beings.
If you destroy your planet,
you have no Life.
If you destroy your water,
you have no Life.
If you destroy your air,
you have no Life.
If you destroy all the trees, and the plants that create oxygen for you to breathe,
you will have no Life.
If you destroy the biodiversity that makes up the ecosystems which you depend on for your foodstuffs,
you will have no Life.
And, so you see, it is time for each of you to wake up and Trust those inner instincts that should be flashing warning signals right about now, saying:
Wake up.
Stop what you are doing,
before it is too late.
It is time to wake up.
And, it is time to Trust
the path of Truth
and the path of Love
and Light.
Now, as we speak of a Time of Peace,
and we speak of Love and Life and a new way of living that is not destructive to everyone and everything around it, then let us also speak
of the Age and Dimension of Peace.
It has been spoken many times that you must make your choice, and so on.
It has been spoken that there has been a place created,
a separate dimension,
a place, space, Time, and so on that is nothing but Peacefulness.
And, the only way to access this space is through evolution.
And, so let me ask you this:
Do you Trust
the Dimension of Peace?
Do you Trust the Age of Peace?
These are questions which you must ponder. As you do, you may ask yourself this:
Do you Trust yourself to live within the parameters of Peacefulness?
Are you ready for true Peace?
Can you Trust Peace to sustain your Life.
and your happiness,
and your well-being,
and that of your family, your friends, and so on?
Can you Trust a world of Peace?
And, I say to you that you must,
for if you cannot,
then you are not in world of Peace at all.
That is one of your markers to know when you are ready.
And, I will leave you with these thoughts for I can speak no more at this moment.
But, I will leave you with those thoughts.
Can you Trust Peace?
Are you ready to Trust Peace?
These are very deep questions.
And, I leave you with these thoughts.
And, I thank you for listening to my words.
May Peace be with you all.
That is all for this time.”
How does Trust fit with Peace?
How does Trust fit with anything? What is Trust to you? Do you Understand Trust?
Let us speak of it for just a moment, for it is a critical key factor in finding your own Peace, choosing your Peace, and living your Peace.
Let us think for a moment about what Trust really means.
I have spoken before that Trust and Love are synonymous, and so they are. But, what does Trust really mean to you?
What does it mean in the scope of Peace? These are things to think about very deeply, for Trust is, as I said, a critical element. It is most important and imperative that you are able to Trust if you are to find your Peace, live it, share it, and so on.
You are in a Time of great change and great challenge. Your world is at a crossroads in many ways, and so are you. Each and every one of you is at a crossroads in your own evolutionary development. Your own evolutionary status, your own evolutionary choices and decisions, right now in this very moment forward
they are of paramount importance.
And, so let us consider Trust then, because is, as I said, a key element. So, when you sit down and you consider Trust, the first thing you must be able to Trust is yourself. You are the first person you must Trust.
And, you must Trust yourself to look inside and find your own Truth, your own Peace, to Understand it, and so on. So, in this respect, Trust is also responsibility. Can you accept that responsibility for yourself?
Can you Trust yourself
to look within
and find the answers that are there.
So, you must ask yourself: Do I Trust myself? Do I Trust me?
Look yourself in the eye in the mirror.
Do you Trust the person you see?
If you do not, then that is your very first task. You must establish that Trust within yourself for yourself.
And, the next task is to Trust your Guidance – your inner Guidance.
You must Trust your Heart.
Do you know where it is?
Have you found it, or do you only listen to the mind?
The mind is a scattered thing, I say to you. It is easily influenced. It wanders here and there. You never know when it is going to pop up with some terrible dramatic thing that must be addressed, for fear that it may perish if you do not. Or, it may wander off in a direction that leads you astray from what is immediately in front of you requiring attention.
And, the mind is in “cahoots”, you might say, with the ego, so to speak. It is in league with the ego in worrying about self preservation. But, the question is: Is the mind trained to follow the Heart? Is the ego leading the Heart, or is the Heart leading the ego?
Because, if you are listening to the Heart, if you are following the Heart, then it is easy to Trust, for your Heart will never steer you wrong.
And, to do this, you must follow your path of Love, follow your path of Truth, follow your path of Joy, and so on, and so on. So, do you Understand
the quest at hand? Do you Trust yourself to Understand the quest at hand, and the answers that you find within?
If you cannot Trust yourself,
then you are in dire, dire need of assistance. You are in deep trouble, for that is your first step. And, then you must learn to Trust your Heart. And, you must learn to Trust the guidance that comes from there no matter what the mind says, no matter what the ego says, no matter what your family says, or your friends say, or your neighbors, or co-workers, or community members, or whoever. Each of you must find your own Truth within and be able to Trust it.
That is your foundation.
That is the rock upon which you must build your future.
And, if you are to have a future with other people, then they, too, must be solid in their foundations of Truth and Trust.
Again, they go hand in hand.
There is great, great, great significance to this point.
Truth and Trust must go hand in hand. Do you Trust the Truth that you are finding inside?
In the world that you live in today, there are many, many multitudes of issues and problems. Most of these are very much non-Peaceful. There is so much dishonesty in the world, because so many people are afraid to speak their Truth, to act upon their Truth, and so on. There is, of course, the whole bag of tricks that Illusion offers with greed, and violence, and manipulation, and control, and so on, and so on. And, you have those to contend with as well.
So, it is truly a challenging environment in which you live in order to foster the nature of true Trust, and we could say Truth and Trust. And, so you are going to have to find within yourself your “Truth stone”, you might say, which is the cornerstone of your foundation, and your foundation must be built on Trust. And so, you see, you must be able to learn to discern everything that you see and hear around you to determine what is Truth and what is not.
And, you must Trust yourself in this discernment. For, Understanding these things, based upon the Truth, and your Trust in your own Truth and the Truth that you see around you, will help you define your choices therefore your actions.
And, you must be able to Trust yourself to act according to Truth as you Understand it to be.
How do you Trust others in the world when the world is filled with such deception and dishonesty?
That is a difficult one. Again, it falls back to discernment. And, it is far easier to discern what is Truth and what is not than it is to choose how to act when you are faced with a situation that is not Truthful – one which you cannot Trust and you know you cannot Trust. It might be a person. It might be an event. It might be a false flag. It might be a war that is happening. It might be a neighbor down the street telling you, “No, they can't possibly help you.”
There is no telling what it might be, for there are too many things to tell.
But, the question is: When you are confronted with these situations of non-Truth, and non-Trust, what do you do?
And, the answer is this:
You follow
the path
of Love
Only in Love can you put your Trust,
no where else.
If you are not following a path of Love,
then you cannot Trust it.
You must look in your own Hearts for the path of Love and that is what you can Trust. When it comes to dealing with other people, you must, again, follow the path of Love.
That is what you can Trust.
When you are faced with situations in your world, and you are not sure if you can Trust them or not – people, events, whatever it might be, put it up against the gauge that you measure Love by. Is Love present, or is it not? It is a very simple gauge.
Is Love present,
or is it not?
Are you dealing with Illusion or Illumination?
You must ask yourself these questions.
And, as you begin to practice this, little by little, you will see that it becomes very easy to weed your way through Life and see what is true and what is not, what you should Trust and what you should not.
And, sometimes it boils down to a saying that Archangel Michael has spoken many times, and that is: You can Trust humans to be human. And, what does this mean?
What it means is that you can Trust humans to follow their base nature. Now, if they are in alignment with Love, you can Trust humans then, to act according to the principles of Love, which include Peace, honor, Trustworthiness, and so on. If the individual is following the path of Love in Illusion, then you may Trust that person to present you with dishonesty, greed, violence of some sort, control, manipulation, and other factions of Illusion.
And, so you see, the choice then becomes very simple when it comes to who to Trust and who not to Trust. Which brings you then to the question, as to what do you do when you are faced with someone or something which you know you cannot Trust.
You are Trusting it to be in Illusion, for that is how it is presented to you. What do you do? And, I say you walk away.
Thank you, but no thank you.
Leave it alone.
Put your Love, and your Support, and your Trust
only in the path of Love,
the path of Peace.
You must Support those things which you can Trust. You must Trust those things which demonstrate Love,
which demonstrate Peace,
and Truth,
and Grace,
and Joy,
and so on.
And, it is up to each and everyone of you to Understand the difference. You must come from your Illumined state.
It is time, my dear beloved children, to take Life a little more seriously. You are not in this lifetime simply to be entertained.
You are not in this lifetime simply to play.
You might say, in some respects, that Life is a very serious business.
This is not to say that you cannot play, nor be entertained, nor do the entertaining.
What it is to say, is that these are only part of Life, and not all of it. And, Life in your realm, right now, is at such a crossroads, that many of you will perish if you do not pay attention to Life itself.
How many species are going extinct on your planet right now, every day?
You have beings of Life that are becoming no more forever
in part, there are too many of you who are so focused on playing and entertaining, or being entertained, that you really couldn't care less if a frog somewhere on the other side of the world is gone forever,
or a bird,
or a mammal,
or whatever it might be.
What happens when it comes to the point of human beings being threatened with extinction? Will you wake up before it's too late?
Will you Trust those instincts inside?
Will you wake up enough to even see the instincts,
to recognize them for what they are?
The actions of your world in Illusion, are killing you.
Not one by one.
They are killing all of you.
Every being of Life on your planet is suffering,
every being,
including you.
And, you may not know it,
but it is happening.
And, it is time to wake up and make changes before they are too late,
before it is too late.
If you wait to long to make the changes, then there is no point.
And, that you may Trust, for I only speak Truth, and you know it.
Each and every one of you know it,
and you feel it inside.
And, I do not say these things for you to feel guilt or shame.
I say these things with the hope and the prayer that you will wake up, and make your choices, and act accordingly.
It is time, beloved ones, to wake up and grow up!
You are part of an evolutionary group.
You are part of a species that has a responsibility
to your Purposes, to Divine Will, and to each other, to every being of Life with whom you share your Earth Mother. And, you have a responsibility to her, too.
Can you Trust the Earth to always provide for you?
The question is: How will she do this?
And, the answer to that is by whatever means you force her to use.
And, I will be quite blunt. Where others have been subtle, I will be blunt. I am also the Archangel of Karma. It is in my very nature to be blunt. And, at this time, I am so again for your benefit, not to make you feel guilty, not to make you feel shame, but with the hope and the prayer that you will wake up.
The means that you are leaving your Earth Mother to Support you,
and to Support all of Life within her realm
and her being,
is not a pretty one.
You are forcing her to make changes by the very actions of human beings. You do not see a herd of antelope polluting the world.
You do not see a flock of birds contaminating the water and the soil and the air.
It is only by human hands that these things are happening,
and human minds.
And, these things are born of human greed, and a lack of care and compassion for the rest of the world. Human beings are not the most important kid on the block. You are not the most important beings on the planet.
You must consider this: If one species goes away and becomes extinct, what happens to the ecosystem?
What happens to the rest of the world?
Does anyone notice?
Sometimes yes. Sometimes no.
When it becomes a food source for another being, then, yes, it is noticed. So, if one creature goes extinct, and that creature was a food source for the next creature up the line, then the next creature may also go extinct, or he or she must have to find a new food source.
what happens
when these creatures go extinct? Does the rest of the world keep continuing on?
Yes. Unless that was their only food source that went extinct before them, in which case they will perish, too.
What would happen if human beings became extinct?
How would the rest of the world
Would anyone notice?
Do you think the lions in Africa would notice if humans went extinct?
They would probably be happy.
What about the elephants,
who are nearly driven to extinction right now
over the ivory in their tusks?
Do you think they would be upset if humans went extinct?
I daresay they might actually breathe a sigh of relief,
for then, perhaps, they wouldn't have to worry about poachers shooting them down to steal their tusks.
And, I am only using this as an example.
So, my question to you, then, is: Who is going to notice if human beings cause themselves to be extinct?
Only human beings would notice.
I believe you are all Understanding my point.
And, to further that point, let me ask you this:
How long will human beings continue on destroying everything around them for the sake of greed,
for the sake of the Illusions of Life,
before they realize
that Life
is not dependent upon them.
Life is dependent on everyone else in the world, except human beings.
If you destroy your planet,
you have no Life.
If you destroy your water,
you have no Life.
If you destroy your air,
you have no Life.
If you destroy all the trees, and the plants that create oxygen for you to breathe,
you will have no Life.
If you destroy the biodiversity that makes up the ecosystems which you depend on for your foodstuffs,
you will have no Life.
And, so you see, it is time for each of you to wake up and Trust those inner instincts that should be flashing warning signals right about now, saying:
Wake up.
Stop what you are doing,
before it is too late.
It is time to wake up.
And, it is time to Trust
the path of Truth
and the path of Love
and Light.
Now, as we speak of a Time of Peace,
and we speak of Love and Life and a new way of living that is not destructive to everyone and everything around it, then let us also speak
of the Age and Dimension of Peace.
It has been spoken many times that you must make your choice, and so on.
It has been spoken that there has been a place created,
a separate dimension,
a place, space, Time, and so on that is nothing but Peacefulness.
And, the only way to access this space is through evolution.
And, so let me ask you this:
Do you Trust
the Dimension of Peace?
Do you Trust the Age of Peace?
These are questions which you must ponder. As you do, you may ask yourself this:
Do you Trust yourself to live within the parameters of Peacefulness?
Are you ready for true Peace?
Can you Trust Peace to sustain your Life.
and your happiness,
and your well-being,
and that of your family, your friends, and so on?
Can you Trust a world of Peace?
And, I say to you that you must,
for if you cannot,
then you are not in world of Peace at all.
That is one of your markers to know when you are ready.
And, I will leave you with these thoughts for I can speak no more at this moment.
But, I will leave you with those thoughts.
Can you Trust Peace?
Are you ready to Trust Peace?
These are very deep questions.
And, I leave you with these thoughts.
And, I thank you for listening to my words.
May Peace be with you all.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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