Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel of Love on the Gift of Love
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
This is an incredible message from the Archangel of Love on the gift of Love. This message is unlike any other we have heard from him, as his passions about Love and Loving come alive in this lesson on the most elemental gift of Life. Practical and to the point, this message will change your Life – if you let it.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Love, and I come to you at this time to speak about the gift of Love and how the gift of Love interacts in your journey toward Peacefulness.
As this is our theme for this Season of Peace celebration, I thank you all for listening to all of our words, and especially to mine. But, let us discuss at this moment the gift of Peace and the gift of Love and how they fit together.
And, I say to you that first and foremost, you must Understand that Peace and Love are synonymous. You cannot have one without the other.
Until you Love your neighbor, you cannot have Peace with your neighbor. And, if you wish Peace within yourself, you must first Love yourself, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. This is the way it works. And, this is Life.
Life is Love, and Life is Peacefulness. They are meant to be elemental as you live (and) as you progress in your journey of experiences and expressions of the Creator that you are.
And, so, at this time, as you move into your Time and your journey of Peacefulness, you need to find within yourself greater moments of Love. And, you will have to take the time to find ways to learn to Love yourself, for most of you do not.
Most of you do not Love yourselves. Most of you think that you do. But, in Truth, you really do not, because when you Love yourself,
you accept yourself unconditionally.
There is no need to make an excuse.
There is no need to hide behind some past event,
some experience that was bad, or good, or formative in some way. There is no need for any of this.
But, likewise, there is also no need to hide behind these things and say they are reasons why you cannot change, for you can always be a more Loving person. Loving to yourself,
and Loving to others.
Now, stop and think for a moment. What does that mean to be Loving to yourself?
Does it mean you indulge your every fantasy?
And, the answer is no. It does not.
If you truly Love yourself, then you must allow the Love that you are, from Creator, to Completely fill you up and to Flow outward from you. And, you must allow yourself to be Loved by all others who would Love you – in Truth, in Illumination, not in Illusion.
Now, think about that for just a moment.
What does it mean to Love yourself?
It means to give yourself the same Love that you would give to someone else.
It means that as you Love as the Great Mother, as the Creator, you are also Loved. So, when you Love yourself, you also allow yourself to be Loved, and since it is easier to allow someone else to Love you than it is to give Love to yourself. It is rather hard to embrace yourself, for example, but it is easy to let another Loved one in your Life do the embracing for you.
And, you see, the more you begin to Love yourself, the more you begin to Love others, for it is so easy.
Your cup runneth over, so to speak. You have so much Love within that it is easy to share it with another. It becomes second nature, which, in Truth, is your true nature, for as human beings, you were created to Love
and to be Loved.
And, these are the relationships then, that start to come out as you become more Loving, as you accept more Love for yourself and for others.
You must accept the idea that you can Love others. And, you must put aside labels, and barriers, and filters, and so on, and so on and just let Love Flow. You don’t need to quantify everything in Life. It doesn’t have to be categorized and stuffed into a pigeon hole - ‘I Love this person like this, and I Love that person like that.’
Certainly there are different depths of Love which you share in an intimate sense with your family, with your spouse, with your parents, and brothers and sisters, and so on. The more closely connected you are, the deeper the bond of Love, but that doesn’t mean that the power of Love cannot be the same throughout every Loving interaction that you share.
Think about that for just a moment.
As you continue down your path and you learn to Love yourself, be more Loving to those around you – your immediate family, your extended family, friends, co-workers, communities, and so on, and so on and spread that Love throughout the world. Let your interactions be kind and Loving.
Do not be sharp and hateful and spiteful. Do not be rude and self-serving.
Think of others.
In Loving yourself, you do not always have to think of yourself first. Sometimes, if you wish to feel the greatest of Love, give it away. Do something kind and Loving for another person, and you will find it coming back into your own Heart tenfold, a thousandfold,
because you are living according to your true nature. And, when you allow Love to Flow, it Flows in as it Flows out. As it Flows out, it Flows in. You are never empty. You only gain more and more Love.
You can never have too much.
It is not possible.
Remember that with truly Loving someone, including yourself, there is Freedom that comes with it. Because, when you Love another, when you Love yourself, you are Free to be, and they are Free to be, exactly who you are meant to be, who they are meant to be.
Think about that one for a moment.
You must always remember that your Love should never be confined to your own species. You interact with many other species on a daily basis. And, when you begin to treat all of them with Love, then you will begin to see marked changes in your immediate world.
Whether it is your pet,
whether it is the tree,
the house plant in your corner, the tree in the backyard, the grass beneath your feet, right down to the tiniest microbes, they have their place in this world, too.
You may not like them. You may not even be able to see them. But, send them Love. Do them no harm. And, ask that they do no harm to you.
When a Loving relationship is present, synergism is the result.
When the Illusion of Love is present, all things break down and fall apart.
Love is a binding force. It brings you together. It holds you cohesively in a Peaceful and synergistic state.
When you share the Illusion of Love, even if it is not hate – the Illusion of Love does not have to be that strong, anything less than pure, unconditional Love is the Illusion of Love and in that state, all things break down.
If you wish to see your houseplant flourish, Love it. Be kind to it. Caress it. Give it everything that it needs. Give it your Love. Nurture it as you would nurture yourself.
If you wish to see your dog or cat flourish, Love them the same way. And, the tree in the backyard. And, all the microbes beneath your feet.
What about the wild animals? You see a rabbit. You see an elk, a moose, a deer. You see whatever it might be anywhere in the world.
Do you treat these beings with Love?
I am NOT saying that you should go and hug a polar bear. I am NOT saying that you should embrace the lion on the plains of Africa. But, I am saying that you can embrace them in your Heart.
Now, let us think about that for just a moment.
If you are truly to Love all these beings in your world, then you must ask yourself, ‘Am I doing anything to harm them?’
And, you must think about that.
You must think about things such as pollution, contamination of the Earth, garbage heaps. You must think about things like poaching, and climate change, and trades that involve parts of another creature, such as the tusks of an elephant, the fins of a shark. How about the hides of the animal that died and is now on your foot?
You must think of these things. And if you Love them, how can you cause them such harm?
Would you take your beloved pet and wear its hide on your foot?
No, because you Love it.
Would you eat it?
No, because you Love it.
Would you feed it garbage and things that you knew would kill it?
No, because you Love it.
And, the same with water. Would you give your dog contaminated water?
No, because you Love it.
And, I say it is time to Love EVERY being on your planet. You can live together Peacefully and Lovingly, and still flourish yourselves
and cause no harm to another.
Think about that, and think about it every day, in every choice you make.
But, right now, one of the most pressing problems that you have, as human beings, is that of relationship to one another.
You see, it is not the lions in Africa
that are waging war
on human beings.
And, it is not the giraffes. It is not the apes. It isn’t the polar bears or the grizzly bears. It’s not the ants, and it’s not the snakes. It’s not even the spiders. It’s not the birds in the sky, or the fishes that swim in the deep.
It is other human beings.
And, what do you do when you look around you in your world of other human beings and you see so many who are literally, in some cases, who are ready to rip the throats out of others?
There is so much of the Illusion of Love present amongst the human species, it is truly a catastrophe.
And, what do you do about that?
How do you interact when you have such a lack of Love, a lack of compassion, a lack of empathy? And, for those who do feel compassion and Love and empathy, quite often you are also embracing violence and the Illusion of Love when you look at those who are the guilty parties, you might say. One hand is saying things about the other hand, and the other hand is saying the same things about the first hand.
It is always a case of he said, and she said, and they said, and those others said, and everybody said, and everybody’s talking, and no one is saying a word, because nobody is saying, ‘STOP, and let us Love each other.’
Nobody is saying, ‘Where is the Love and where is the compassion. And, at what point in time do we, as human beings display our better halves, our higher natures which can express and experience Love for one another?’
Who among you does this?
You have been called by your spiritual leaders into a state of Loving compassion for thousands of years. Doesn’t matter what religion you belong to. Love is the common denominator in all religions.
How many thousands of years have your religious leaders called you to Love one another?
And, you still do not do it.
And, now, you are crumbling the very fabric of your existence and threatening the entire world,
because of your lack of Love,
your lack of compassion.
When you are Loving, it is easy to be compassionate. When you are Loving, it is easy to be generous,
to be kind, and thoughtful, and considerate.
And, it is easy to make Peace when you are Loving.
So, what do you do, because your neighbor up the street isn’t going to allow you to Love him. And, that person sitting over there on the other side of the world is not going to allow you to Love him, either, or her,
because your tensions are so high, and your levels of Trust are so low, you cannot even come together with that common ground
that is inherent within each and every one of you.
It is a built in part of your makeup, and yet you can’t Trust it,
because you are too afraid.
And, too many, too, too many, people in the world have fostered fear.
It’s not funny.
It’s not a game.
And, it’s not a weapon.
It is an Illusion.
And, I promise you, with all my Heart, that Illusion will backfire at some point. And, those who perpetrate these things against others will learn their lessons.
In the meantime, what do you do? What do you do? How do you live in a world that lacks so much Love?
It is difficult when you begin to walk through a path of Peace and Love. It is very difficult. This is challenging. And, it is disheartening for many.
And, I say to you this: Spend even five moments a day, and just say to yourself, ‘I send Love to all the world,
to all of my brothers and sisters. And, especially to my human counterparts, my human family members.
I send Love to you.’
If you wish to speak of true democracy, speak of Love, for only there do you have true democracy. Every person can feel Love. And, you do not have to be anywhere near them to give it to them.
If you are afraid your world leaders are leading you down a path of destruction, send them Love – not just to the one you favor, but to all of them.
Remember, it takes two to tango. It also takes two to fight.
Send Love,
every day.
Send it out from your Heart. Come together. Join in little meditation groups, big meditation groups, church groups. It doesn’t matter. School groups. A gathering of friends. Take five minutes and just send it out. Send the energy.
Imagine the Love you feel when you watch your child, or your parent, or someone that you Love doing something that makes you so happy to see them doing it, so proud of them. And, you take that feeling, because that is Love, you take that feeling and send it out into the world. Imagine all the world leaders coming together, and shaking hands, and sincerely smiling at one another,
and sitting down at the table and saying, ‘You know what? It’s time to help each other be better, and it’s time to help each other flourish in Life.’
There are many in your world that are greedy. Send them Love.
There are many that are mentally ill, primarily because of the world you live in. There is such a lack of Love. There is such confusion, such chaos, such Illusion, such poison and toxins all over your world.
It is no wonder that so many are mentally ill or mentally hurting.
Perhaps they are simply delusioned because of bad information.
Send them Love,
every single one of them.
You have a war zone. Send Love.
Never, ever stop sending Love, thinking Love, being Love. Allow yourself to be a Light of Love. Show another the way.
Don’t wait for the person to say, ‘Well, I Love you’, because they’re going to be hesitant. Embrace them, ‘I Love you. You are a wonderful person. I am so pleased to know you.’ Take the time. Share a smile. Share a touch. Share a kind word. These are all forms of Love. Be kind and Loving always.
And, as you continue to walk down your path of Peacefulness, you will find that being Loving becomes easier and easier. It is easier for you for yourself to give it and receive it. It is easier to share it with others. It is easier to see it within another, when they may be hesitant.
Foster it every day in every way in every choice you make.
Always come back to Love as your sounding board. ‘Does my choice measure up to the qualifications of Love?’ Qualifications meaning is it unconditional. Is it pure? Is it unfiltered?
Yes. If it is that is the right choice. If it is not, review it and make another choice that is
in a state of Love, because Love is not just a state of being. Love is a state of Motion, and that is what you must learn now.
Let your Love radiate out from you, and let it come into you with ever step you take, every breath you take, every choice you make, and every interaction that you engage in.
Think about my words, my beloved ones.
I AM the Archangel of Love, and I am here at every moment of your Life waiting to show you how to Love.
Open your Hearts. Open your minds. And, allow the Love to Flow – in and out, in and out. It is just as simple as breathing.
I will leave you now with these words, and my Love, and I hope that you will take them to Heart and begin to practice them every day.
May Love always be with you.
That is all for this time.
As this is our theme for this Season of Peace celebration, I thank you all for listening to all of our words, and especially to mine. But, let us discuss at this moment the gift of Peace and the gift of Love and how they fit together.
And, I say to you that first and foremost, you must Understand that Peace and Love are synonymous. You cannot have one without the other.
Until you Love your neighbor, you cannot have Peace with your neighbor. And, if you wish Peace within yourself, you must first Love yourself, and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on. This is the way it works. And, this is Life.
Life is Love, and Life is Peacefulness. They are meant to be elemental as you live (and) as you progress in your journey of experiences and expressions of the Creator that you are.
And, so, at this time, as you move into your Time and your journey of Peacefulness, you need to find within yourself greater moments of Love. And, you will have to take the time to find ways to learn to Love yourself, for most of you do not.
Most of you do not Love yourselves. Most of you think that you do. But, in Truth, you really do not, because when you Love yourself,
you accept yourself unconditionally.
There is no need to make an excuse.
There is no need to hide behind some past event,
some experience that was bad, or good, or formative in some way. There is no need for any of this.
But, likewise, there is also no need to hide behind these things and say they are reasons why you cannot change, for you can always be a more Loving person. Loving to yourself,
and Loving to others.
Now, stop and think for a moment. What does that mean to be Loving to yourself?
Does it mean you indulge your every fantasy?
And, the answer is no. It does not.
If you truly Love yourself, then you must allow the Love that you are, from Creator, to Completely fill you up and to Flow outward from you. And, you must allow yourself to be Loved by all others who would Love you – in Truth, in Illumination, not in Illusion.
Now, think about that for just a moment.
What does it mean to Love yourself?
It means to give yourself the same Love that you would give to someone else.
It means that as you Love as the Great Mother, as the Creator, you are also Loved. So, when you Love yourself, you also allow yourself to be Loved, and since it is easier to allow someone else to Love you than it is to give Love to yourself. It is rather hard to embrace yourself, for example, but it is easy to let another Loved one in your Life do the embracing for you.
And, you see, the more you begin to Love yourself, the more you begin to Love others, for it is so easy.
Your cup runneth over, so to speak. You have so much Love within that it is easy to share it with another. It becomes second nature, which, in Truth, is your true nature, for as human beings, you were created to Love
and to be Loved.
And, these are the relationships then, that start to come out as you become more Loving, as you accept more Love for yourself and for others.
You must accept the idea that you can Love others. And, you must put aside labels, and barriers, and filters, and so on, and so on and just let Love Flow. You don’t need to quantify everything in Life. It doesn’t have to be categorized and stuffed into a pigeon hole - ‘I Love this person like this, and I Love that person like that.’
Certainly there are different depths of Love which you share in an intimate sense with your family, with your spouse, with your parents, and brothers and sisters, and so on. The more closely connected you are, the deeper the bond of Love, but that doesn’t mean that the power of Love cannot be the same throughout every Loving interaction that you share.
Think about that for just a moment.
As you continue down your path and you learn to Love yourself, be more Loving to those around you – your immediate family, your extended family, friends, co-workers, communities, and so on, and so on and spread that Love throughout the world. Let your interactions be kind and Loving.
Do not be sharp and hateful and spiteful. Do not be rude and self-serving.
Think of others.
In Loving yourself, you do not always have to think of yourself first. Sometimes, if you wish to feel the greatest of Love, give it away. Do something kind and Loving for another person, and you will find it coming back into your own Heart tenfold, a thousandfold,
because you are living according to your true nature. And, when you allow Love to Flow, it Flows in as it Flows out. As it Flows out, it Flows in. You are never empty. You only gain more and more Love.
You can never have too much.
It is not possible.
Remember that with truly Loving someone, including yourself, there is Freedom that comes with it. Because, when you Love another, when you Love yourself, you are Free to be, and they are Free to be, exactly who you are meant to be, who they are meant to be.
Think about that one for a moment.
You must always remember that your Love should never be confined to your own species. You interact with many other species on a daily basis. And, when you begin to treat all of them with Love, then you will begin to see marked changes in your immediate world.
Whether it is your pet,
whether it is the tree,
the house plant in your corner, the tree in the backyard, the grass beneath your feet, right down to the tiniest microbes, they have their place in this world, too.
You may not like them. You may not even be able to see them. But, send them Love. Do them no harm. And, ask that they do no harm to you.
When a Loving relationship is present, synergism is the result.
When the Illusion of Love is present, all things break down and fall apart.
Love is a binding force. It brings you together. It holds you cohesively in a Peaceful and synergistic state.
When you share the Illusion of Love, even if it is not hate – the Illusion of Love does not have to be that strong, anything less than pure, unconditional Love is the Illusion of Love and in that state, all things break down.
If you wish to see your houseplant flourish, Love it. Be kind to it. Caress it. Give it everything that it needs. Give it your Love. Nurture it as you would nurture yourself.
If you wish to see your dog or cat flourish, Love them the same way. And, the tree in the backyard. And, all the microbes beneath your feet.
What about the wild animals? You see a rabbit. You see an elk, a moose, a deer. You see whatever it might be anywhere in the world.
Do you treat these beings with Love?
I am NOT saying that you should go and hug a polar bear. I am NOT saying that you should embrace the lion on the plains of Africa. But, I am saying that you can embrace them in your Heart.
Now, let us think about that for just a moment.
If you are truly to Love all these beings in your world, then you must ask yourself, ‘Am I doing anything to harm them?’
And, you must think about that.
You must think about things such as pollution, contamination of the Earth, garbage heaps. You must think about things like poaching, and climate change, and trades that involve parts of another creature, such as the tusks of an elephant, the fins of a shark. How about the hides of the animal that died and is now on your foot?
You must think of these things. And if you Love them, how can you cause them such harm?
Would you take your beloved pet and wear its hide on your foot?
No, because you Love it.
Would you eat it?
No, because you Love it.
Would you feed it garbage and things that you knew would kill it?
No, because you Love it.
And, the same with water. Would you give your dog contaminated water?
No, because you Love it.
And, I say it is time to Love EVERY being on your planet. You can live together Peacefully and Lovingly, and still flourish yourselves
and cause no harm to another.
Think about that, and think about it every day, in every choice you make.
But, right now, one of the most pressing problems that you have, as human beings, is that of relationship to one another.
You see, it is not the lions in Africa
that are waging war
on human beings.
And, it is not the giraffes. It is not the apes. It isn’t the polar bears or the grizzly bears. It’s not the ants, and it’s not the snakes. It’s not even the spiders. It’s not the birds in the sky, or the fishes that swim in the deep.
It is other human beings.
And, what do you do when you look around you in your world of other human beings and you see so many who are literally, in some cases, who are ready to rip the throats out of others?
There is so much of the Illusion of Love present amongst the human species, it is truly a catastrophe.
And, what do you do about that?
How do you interact when you have such a lack of Love, a lack of compassion, a lack of empathy? And, for those who do feel compassion and Love and empathy, quite often you are also embracing violence and the Illusion of Love when you look at those who are the guilty parties, you might say. One hand is saying things about the other hand, and the other hand is saying the same things about the first hand.
It is always a case of he said, and she said, and they said, and those others said, and everybody said, and everybody’s talking, and no one is saying a word, because nobody is saying, ‘STOP, and let us Love each other.’
Nobody is saying, ‘Where is the Love and where is the compassion. And, at what point in time do we, as human beings display our better halves, our higher natures which can express and experience Love for one another?’
Who among you does this?
You have been called by your spiritual leaders into a state of Loving compassion for thousands of years. Doesn’t matter what religion you belong to. Love is the common denominator in all religions.
How many thousands of years have your religious leaders called you to Love one another?
And, you still do not do it.
And, now, you are crumbling the very fabric of your existence and threatening the entire world,
because of your lack of Love,
your lack of compassion.
When you are Loving, it is easy to be compassionate. When you are Loving, it is easy to be generous,
to be kind, and thoughtful, and considerate.
And, it is easy to make Peace when you are Loving.
So, what do you do, because your neighbor up the street isn’t going to allow you to Love him. And, that person sitting over there on the other side of the world is not going to allow you to Love him, either, or her,
because your tensions are so high, and your levels of Trust are so low, you cannot even come together with that common ground
that is inherent within each and every one of you.
It is a built in part of your makeup, and yet you can’t Trust it,
because you are too afraid.
And, too many, too, too many, people in the world have fostered fear.
It’s not funny.
It’s not a game.
And, it’s not a weapon.
It is an Illusion.
And, I promise you, with all my Heart, that Illusion will backfire at some point. And, those who perpetrate these things against others will learn their lessons.
In the meantime, what do you do? What do you do? How do you live in a world that lacks so much Love?
It is difficult when you begin to walk through a path of Peace and Love. It is very difficult. This is challenging. And, it is disheartening for many.
And, I say to you this: Spend even five moments a day, and just say to yourself, ‘I send Love to all the world,
to all of my brothers and sisters. And, especially to my human counterparts, my human family members.
I send Love to you.’
If you wish to speak of true democracy, speak of Love, for only there do you have true democracy. Every person can feel Love. And, you do not have to be anywhere near them to give it to them.
If you are afraid your world leaders are leading you down a path of destruction, send them Love – not just to the one you favor, but to all of them.
Remember, it takes two to tango. It also takes two to fight.
Send Love,
every day.
Send it out from your Heart. Come together. Join in little meditation groups, big meditation groups, church groups. It doesn’t matter. School groups. A gathering of friends. Take five minutes and just send it out. Send the energy.
Imagine the Love you feel when you watch your child, or your parent, or someone that you Love doing something that makes you so happy to see them doing it, so proud of them. And, you take that feeling, because that is Love, you take that feeling and send it out into the world. Imagine all the world leaders coming together, and shaking hands, and sincerely smiling at one another,
and sitting down at the table and saying, ‘You know what? It’s time to help each other be better, and it’s time to help each other flourish in Life.’
There are many in your world that are greedy. Send them Love.
There are many that are mentally ill, primarily because of the world you live in. There is such a lack of Love. There is such confusion, such chaos, such Illusion, such poison and toxins all over your world.
It is no wonder that so many are mentally ill or mentally hurting.
Perhaps they are simply delusioned because of bad information.
Send them Love,
every single one of them.
You have a war zone. Send Love.
Never, ever stop sending Love, thinking Love, being Love. Allow yourself to be a Light of Love. Show another the way.
Don’t wait for the person to say, ‘Well, I Love you’, because they’re going to be hesitant. Embrace them, ‘I Love you. You are a wonderful person. I am so pleased to know you.’ Take the time. Share a smile. Share a touch. Share a kind word. These are all forms of Love. Be kind and Loving always.
And, as you continue to walk down your path of Peacefulness, you will find that being Loving becomes easier and easier. It is easier for you for yourself to give it and receive it. It is easier to share it with others. It is easier to see it within another, when they may be hesitant.
Foster it every day in every way in every choice you make.
Always come back to Love as your sounding board. ‘Does my choice measure up to the qualifications of Love?’ Qualifications meaning is it unconditional. Is it pure? Is it unfiltered?
Yes. If it is that is the right choice. If it is not, review it and make another choice that is
in a state of Love, because Love is not just a state of being. Love is a state of Motion, and that is what you must learn now.
Let your Love radiate out from you, and let it come into you with ever step you take, every breath you take, every choice you make, and every interaction that you engage in.
Think about my words, my beloved ones.
I AM the Archangel of Love, and I am here at every moment of your Life waiting to show you how to Love.
Open your Hearts. Open your minds. And, allow the Love to Flow – in and out, in and out. It is just as simple as breathing.
I will leave you now with these words, and my Love, and I hope that you will take them to Heart and begin to practice them every day.
May Love always be with you.
That is all for this time.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.