Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
The Great Mother on the Gift of Grace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
The Great Mother speaks of many things in this beautiful message, including Forgiveness, our imperfections, and the state of Grace that she has given to all. How do you live within your state of Grace? Do you allow others to live in theirs? This is a very thought-provoking message of Grace.
“Yes, then, beloved children, it is I, the Great Mother, Creator of all. No matter what name you use for me, it is still I. All That Is.
I would like to speak with you for a moment. Many of you are celebrating the Season of Peace, or reflecting, or meditating, however you choose to call that celebration, whatever it is you do to celebrate. I would speak to you about Grace.
Grace has many, many different expectations and definitions. Yet what is Grace? How many of you truly know?
You think you're in someone's good graces, that means you are in their favor. What have you done to be in their favor? Or perhaps you have done favors. That's why they're called favors. You've done something nice that warrants, you've earned it, in other words. You've earned this state of good grace. And I say to you that is nonsense.
That has nothing to do with the gift of Grace. I have given each and every one of you the gift of Grace from the moment your Life began.
The moment before you were even created in the human form. The moment that you became an individual with a Life to live.
I give all the gift of Grace. And what does it mean to be given the gift of Grace, what is Grace?
It means I acknowledge you as a part of me.
I acknowledge you as perfection in your imperfection.
As you embark upon your journeys into a state of Peace, one of your greatest challenges will be to accept that state of Grace and live from that state of Grace.
Can you accept yourself in your state of imperfection?
How many of you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘I am perfect, and I accept my state of Grace as it has been Divinely given to me.’?
How many of you can do this without feeling like you're being a fake?
How can you do it without feeling guilty? Is it possible for you?
And I say to you this: If you will but Forgive yourself, and Forgive others for their transgressions against you, then yes you can. But that is an enormous challenge to do, especially so when you start finding out the Truth of your Life.
You see, when you really Understand just how far from Grace you have fallen,
for some, it is earth shattering.
It is greatly disheartening. Because when you see the Truth of your Life, and you look around and see how many ways you cause harm to another, how many ways you live in a state of violence, how far you are from a state of Peacefulness.
It will make you wonder, ‘Is it even possible for me to even achieve?’
And I say to you, it is not a state of achievement. It is a state of letting go.
That will bring you into a state of Grace.
You must let go
of old ways and embrace new ways. You must let go of guilt.
It is difficult to hold someone accountable when they do not know. And yet it is your responsibility to know. And therein lies your inner conflict. Do you know
that someone died, someone was murdered, and possibly tortured in a horrendous death to put the shoes on your feet?
Well, now that I have brought it to your attention, you do know. So now what do you do? Do you laugh about it and say, ‘Well, I didn't do it.’? Well, you participated in it because you bought the shoes.
And the more pairs of shoes you buy, the more you are fostering the business that supports the death of these creatures. So what do you do?
‘Wow, I participated in a murder. Unknowingly. Well, what do I do now?’
How do you accept yourself? And I say to you this: This is where you must accept the state of Grace, for I have already Forgiven you. And through that Grace, you may also ask those other beings of Life to Forgive you, for they have made their own mistakes as well. You are all imperfect. Therefore, none can cast a stone and claim they are perfect against another.
You must Forgive yourselves. And you must Forgive all others.
It is time to give each other and all beings of Life a clean slate, that is accepting a state of Grace. But, in accepting it, that does not excuse your behavior when you continue it. And therein lies the challenge, as well. It is a difficult road you are on, but you can do it. You can do it, you can make the changes necessary.
But you must start, as has been spoken, with small steps. Acknowledge and change, acknowledge and change.
Perhaps not everything in your Life needs to be changed, and sometimes, there will be those things in your Life that you cannot change, no matter how much you choose.
For example, you live in a climate that is cold. You must wear a jacket to stay warm. Was that jacket created Peacefully? Is it possible to buy a jacket or make a jacket that is Peaceful, entirely Peaceful? Well, it might not be. And if it is not, then you must Forgive yourself and ask for Forgiveness.
And in this situation, you have done the best that you can do. But knowing that the choice you made was the only choice you had is your moment of Liberation.
When you have done the best that you can do, you can do no more. And so you see, as a human being, you will always be in a state of imperfection,
because that is the state of Life that you live in.
But, I say to you this: There are new ways that are coming, and you must be open to embracing them. And make no mistake, I am not saying that you may hide behind a state of Grace, and say, ‘Well, I did my best. I still have to eat meat because my body needs it’. And you know better than this, so be Truthful with yourself. Because you are held accountable for your own Truth, and if you lie to yourself, you have just excused yourself from a state of Grace,
at least as far as your own accountability goes. I will never withdraw it from you, but you take it from yourself with your own lies, your own untruths, to yourself.
There are many in Life who like to play games. They like to manipulate. They like to twist and distort the Truth however it serves them. And they go through Life their merry little way, thinking they are happy and healthy and so on. And in the end, they find out that was all one grand, bold lie.
And it didn't work. And now they get to go back and try it again.
Only this time, they will have lessons presented to them in the form of karma. That is how karma works.
So you see, you cannot hide behind a state of Grace. You cannot hide your imperfection. What you must learn to do is deal with it.
It is time to grow up and be responsible. It is time to grow up and be kind. It is time to grow up and embrace your potential.
Human beings have a tremendous capacity for Love. As a matter of fact, you have the greatest capacity for Love throughout the Universe. There are many beings of Life that come, just to observe the human condition, the human state, because they would see how this thing called Love really works, how it can be shared. There are many beings that have Love throughout the Universe, there are many who share it, but the human way is unique unto itself. For you can not only Love your own species, but you can Love all others, every being of Life, no matter the form, no matter the source, no matter the origin. You can Love them. How many of you do?
And you see, it is from that state of Grace that you can Love them as I Love you.
Think about that for a moment.
As I Love you, so can you Love them,
any being of Life, every being of Life.
And you must start with yourself, for you cannot Love another when you still bear guilt within your own Heart. Until you can fully experience the gift of Love from a state of Grace, you cannot share that Love. And so you see, you do the best you can, and you share it, with your filters and your little blinders and your shadows here and there. But, I say to you this, if you wish to fully experience a state of Grace, and share it with another,
the Joy,
the Love of that state of being,
continue to put aside the shadows, put aside the conditions. Put aside the blinders, and the excuses, the lies, the manipulations, you must embrace Truth.
And then sincerely work at it.
I will help any who ask this of me, for I Love you, Completely, unconditionally, with no holds, and no limits and no conditions whatsoever, on any portion of your Life.
To me,
you are perfect.
And I Love you, exactly the way you are.
I would ask each of you at this moment to just close your eyes and feel my presence.
Feel the Love in your Heart,
and feel the warmth of my being around you.
I surround you with my Light and my Love, and I hold you always,
in my Heart. That is where you reside.
And now I challenge you to open your Heart and accept me there,
and accept the Love that I am,
and that you are, for you are created in my image. You are a part of me, as I am a part of you. There need not be a distance or a difference between us. And let yourself Love from this space,
always, always.
is a state of Grace.
Feel it. Know it. Live it.
This is the gift of Grace
that I have already given to you, and give to you again, every moment of every day.
Live this state, my beloved ones, and share it with every being of Life, just as I would.
Think about my words.
That is all for this moment.
Thank you for listening, and thank you for Loving.
Namaste, Beloved Ones.
I would like to speak with you for a moment. Many of you are celebrating the Season of Peace, or reflecting, or meditating, however you choose to call that celebration, whatever it is you do to celebrate. I would speak to you about Grace.
Grace has many, many different expectations and definitions. Yet what is Grace? How many of you truly know?
You think you're in someone's good graces, that means you are in their favor. What have you done to be in their favor? Or perhaps you have done favors. That's why they're called favors. You've done something nice that warrants, you've earned it, in other words. You've earned this state of good grace. And I say to you that is nonsense.
That has nothing to do with the gift of Grace. I have given each and every one of you the gift of Grace from the moment your Life began.
The moment before you were even created in the human form. The moment that you became an individual with a Life to live.
I give all the gift of Grace. And what does it mean to be given the gift of Grace, what is Grace?
It means I acknowledge you as a part of me.
I acknowledge you as perfection in your imperfection.
As you embark upon your journeys into a state of Peace, one of your greatest challenges will be to accept that state of Grace and live from that state of Grace.
Can you accept yourself in your state of imperfection?
How many of you can look at yourself in the mirror and say, ‘I am perfect, and I accept my state of Grace as it has been Divinely given to me.’?
How many of you can do this without feeling like you're being a fake?
How can you do it without feeling guilty? Is it possible for you?
And I say to you this: If you will but Forgive yourself, and Forgive others for their transgressions against you, then yes you can. But that is an enormous challenge to do, especially so when you start finding out the Truth of your Life.
You see, when you really Understand just how far from Grace you have fallen,
for some, it is earth shattering.
It is greatly disheartening. Because when you see the Truth of your Life, and you look around and see how many ways you cause harm to another, how many ways you live in a state of violence, how far you are from a state of Peacefulness.
It will make you wonder, ‘Is it even possible for me to even achieve?’
And I say to you, it is not a state of achievement. It is a state of letting go.
That will bring you into a state of Grace.
You must let go
of old ways and embrace new ways. You must let go of guilt.
It is difficult to hold someone accountable when they do not know. And yet it is your responsibility to know. And therein lies your inner conflict. Do you know
that someone died, someone was murdered, and possibly tortured in a horrendous death to put the shoes on your feet?
Well, now that I have brought it to your attention, you do know. So now what do you do? Do you laugh about it and say, ‘Well, I didn't do it.’? Well, you participated in it because you bought the shoes.
And the more pairs of shoes you buy, the more you are fostering the business that supports the death of these creatures. So what do you do?
‘Wow, I participated in a murder. Unknowingly. Well, what do I do now?’
How do you accept yourself? And I say to you this: This is where you must accept the state of Grace, for I have already Forgiven you. And through that Grace, you may also ask those other beings of Life to Forgive you, for they have made their own mistakes as well. You are all imperfect. Therefore, none can cast a stone and claim they are perfect against another.
You must Forgive yourselves. And you must Forgive all others.
It is time to give each other and all beings of Life a clean slate, that is accepting a state of Grace. But, in accepting it, that does not excuse your behavior when you continue it. And therein lies the challenge, as well. It is a difficult road you are on, but you can do it. You can do it, you can make the changes necessary.
But you must start, as has been spoken, with small steps. Acknowledge and change, acknowledge and change.
Perhaps not everything in your Life needs to be changed, and sometimes, there will be those things in your Life that you cannot change, no matter how much you choose.
For example, you live in a climate that is cold. You must wear a jacket to stay warm. Was that jacket created Peacefully? Is it possible to buy a jacket or make a jacket that is Peaceful, entirely Peaceful? Well, it might not be. And if it is not, then you must Forgive yourself and ask for Forgiveness.
And in this situation, you have done the best that you can do. But knowing that the choice you made was the only choice you had is your moment of Liberation.
When you have done the best that you can do, you can do no more. And so you see, as a human being, you will always be in a state of imperfection,
because that is the state of Life that you live in.
But, I say to you this: There are new ways that are coming, and you must be open to embracing them. And make no mistake, I am not saying that you may hide behind a state of Grace, and say, ‘Well, I did my best. I still have to eat meat because my body needs it’. And you know better than this, so be Truthful with yourself. Because you are held accountable for your own Truth, and if you lie to yourself, you have just excused yourself from a state of Grace,
at least as far as your own accountability goes. I will never withdraw it from you, but you take it from yourself with your own lies, your own untruths, to yourself.
There are many in Life who like to play games. They like to manipulate. They like to twist and distort the Truth however it serves them. And they go through Life their merry little way, thinking they are happy and healthy and so on. And in the end, they find out that was all one grand, bold lie.
And it didn't work. And now they get to go back and try it again.
Only this time, they will have lessons presented to them in the form of karma. That is how karma works.
So you see, you cannot hide behind a state of Grace. You cannot hide your imperfection. What you must learn to do is deal with it.
It is time to grow up and be responsible. It is time to grow up and be kind. It is time to grow up and embrace your potential.
Human beings have a tremendous capacity for Love. As a matter of fact, you have the greatest capacity for Love throughout the Universe. There are many beings of Life that come, just to observe the human condition, the human state, because they would see how this thing called Love really works, how it can be shared. There are many beings that have Love throughout the Universe, there are many who share it, but the human way is unique unto itself. For you can not only Love your own species, but you can Love all others, every being of Life, no matter the form, no matter the source, no matter the origin. You can Love them. How many of you do?
And you see, it is from that state of Grace that you can Love them as I Love you.
Think about that for a moment.
As I Love you, so can you Love them,
any being of Life, every being of Life.
And you must start with yourself, for you cannot Love another when you still bear guilt within your own Heart. Until you can fully experience the gift of Love from a state of Grace, you cannot share that Love. And so you see, you do the best you can, and you share it, with your filters and your little blinders and your shadows here and there. But, I say to you this, if you wish to fully experience a state of Grace, and share it with another,
the Joy,
the Love of that state of being,
continue to put aside the shadows, put aside the conditions. Put aside the blinders, and the excuses, the lies, the manipulations, you must embrace Truth.
And then sincerely work at it.
I will help any who ask this of me, for I Love you, Completely, unconditionally, with no holds, and no limits and no conditions whatsoever, on any portion of your Life.
To me,
you are perfect.
And I Love you, exactly the way you are.
I would ask each of you at this moment to just close your eyes and feel my presence.
Feel the Love in your Heart,
and feel the warmth of my being around you.
I surround you with my Light and my Love, and I hold you always,
in my Heart. That is where you reside.
And now I challenge you to open your Heart and accept me there,
and accept the Love that I am,
and that you are, for you are created in my image. You are a part of me, as I am a part of you. There need not be a distance or a difference between us. And let yourself Love from this space,
always, always.
is a state of Grace.
Feel it. Know it. Live it.
This is the gift of Grace
that I have already given to you, and give to you again, every moment of every day.
Live this state, my beloved ones, and share it with every being of Life, just as I would.
Think about my words.
That is all for this moment.
Thank you for listening, and thank you for Loving.
Namaste, Beloved Ones.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.