Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
The Great Mother on Waking Up, Facing the Darkness, & More....
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
This message from the Great Mother is a most unusual message, unlike any other we have ever heard from her. She speaks of the importance of standing in our Truth, shining the Light that we are, and facing the Darkness to come. The Great Mother calls us to wake up, leave the playthings of Illusion behind, come out of the playpen, and live Life as we are meant to live Life. We doubt any who hear this message will soon forget it.
"Yes, then, it is I, the Great Mother, Creator of all, the One, the I Am, the All That Is, no matter what name you have for me, it is I, the One who has created you and given you Life.
As you are in the last message now for your Season of Peace celebration, I have some special words that I wish to share with you.
Over the years, you have heard many messages from the Council of Archangels and from myself. You have heard their passion and their pleas and their stern words. In many other ways you could describe the words they have shared with you.
Some of you have listened.
Some of you have not.
Some of you have listened and paid attention for a moment and let it go by, in one ear and out the other, so to speak. Out of sight, out of mind, as the saying goes.
And I say to you that while each of you has your own path and your own journey, and your own set of choices, and your own set of circumstances, and your histories, and so on and so on, I say that you all have a common theme. And that theme is to become the person that you are, the person that you are inside,
underneath all those shadows, and filters, and inhibitions, and fears.
It is time for you to become
the person that you are meant to be,
the star that you are, so to speak, the Light that you are.
And I say that you can no longer hide in the playpen of Life and pretend that you are little children who do not know any better.
It is time for you to put aside the play things of Life and start living the real things of Life. It is time to stop practicing
and do the real thing when it comes to living Life.
As has been spoken by others, you do not need to survive anymore,
because now you have the opportunity to live.
And so I ask each and every one of you this simple question, and the question is this:
Are you truly ready to live?
Are you brave enough to face yourself and face your inner fears, and your Truths, and your own Light?
Are you brave enough to turn your Light around and show it to the entire world? Or will you keep it covered and buried deep within?
I say to you that it is no longer appropriate to hide on a mountainside in a cave and meditate. It is no longer appropriate to hide behind the skirts of others, so to speak.
When you come together, you come together to shine more brightly, not to hide behind each other's Light.
You see, there are things coming in your future,
as you call it future,
there are things coming that are going to call upon you and challenge you to stand up to the Darkness in the world. And I say that if you do not stand up and shine your Light as brilliantly as possible, that Darkness may well wash over you, like so many waves crashing against the shores on a beach line.
Together you are stronger. But you are only stronger
you allow yourselves
to be who you truly are.
As was spoken by Mother Earth, you must honor and respect each other's journeys and each other's paths and choices. And I say to you that you must honor your own. It is time to stop hiding. You must turn and face the world in your Truth, for therein lies your great power. Each of you standing in your own Truth,
your own Light,
your own Love,
each of you claiming your own Freedom and states of Grace,
your own Empowerment, and your Strength, and so on. This is who you truly are. And it is time for you to stand strong and stand tall, and be who you are meant to be. And as you do, and as you stand with others who are standing in the same way in their Truth, and their Strength, and so on, then you become a formidable force against the darkness.
The darkness will not leave without a fight, so to speak, and while we have schooled you to know that fighting is not Peaceful, we also school you that Strength is necessary.
You must draw upon that Strength
and you must allow it to shine. And as you do, the Darkness will recede until it is no more. It will go away, and all those who choose to live in Darkness will live together in their own civilization. And those who choose to live in Light and Love and Peacefulness will live in their own civilization.
The dimensional spaces will part, and it will be a situation of to each his own. There will be no going back and forth. In this case you cannot ride the fence, as the saying goes, any longer. You cannot have one foot in both worlds. It is one or the other. And the time is drawing near for this split to happen.
You must let your actions follow your choices.
You cannot pay lip service to this choice, my children. That is to say that you cannot speak one thing and do another. You must follow your inner guidance. It is time for you to grow up and be who you are. You have played at Life long enough. Now it is time for you to live.
There are other things coming, there are new chapters in the Gaea book, so to speak, the book of Life, her Life, and your Life with her, all of you who reside there with her.
There are new days coming, and those new days will require new ways of living. And you must live in Illumination. You cannot play with the toys of Illusion any more. The play things of Illusion must go away now. And they will be left to those who wish to remain in the playpen.
But for those of you who are ready to live, I say come out. It is time for you to come out.
So wake up.
Shine your Light.
We have given you the steps necessary. It is up to you to do this now. It is up to you to place one foot in front of the other and walk the path before you. There is help for you every step of the way. I am always here, as are the rest of the Guides. You are never alone. The Leagues of Light are here to Support all who would choose to live in Light. And those who choose to live in Darkness will have their own Supports.
It is time for the separation to come,
only this separation will be in Truth,
and not a faction of Illusion.
And so I say to you, wake up, and be who you are. Wake up, and let your Light shine. Wake up, and Love your brothers and sisters. Wake up, and remember who you are.
It is time. Remember
It is time and you are needed, every one of you.
And so as you embark now upon your new year of Life, a new cycle begins,
a new cycle of Rebirth.
I give you all my blessing for a Peaceful and Joyous Rebirth,
and a Joyous and Peaceful new Life that is filled with Love and great Abundance.
But it will only be yours if you have the Strength to stand in your own Truth.
Hear my words, and remember them well. And remember that you are Loved beyond measure.
Remember that I gave you the state of Grace.
Claim it.
I gave you Freedom. Use it.
And I have given you Love. Wield it,
for it is the strongest weapon I could ever Empower you with.
With these words then, I shall leave you to begin your journey of Rebirth.
And I leave you with my Love, as always.
I will see you soon, Beloved Ones.
I will see you soon.
Namaste, for now.”
As you are in the last message now for your Season of Peace celebration, I have some special words that I wish to share with you.
Over the years, you have heard many messages from the Council of Archangels and from myself. You have heard their passion and their pleas and their stern words. In many other ways you could describe the words they have shared with you.
Some of you have listened.
Some of you have not.
Some of you have listened and paid attention for a moment and let it go by, in one ear and out the other, so to speak. Out of sight, out of mind, as the saying goes.
And I say to you that while each of you has your own path and your own journey, and your own set of choices, and your own set of circumstances, and your histories, and so on and so on, I say that you all have a common theme. And that theme is to become the person that you are, the person that you are inside,
underneath all those shadows, and filters, and inhibitions, and fears.
It is time for you to become
the person that you are meant to be,
the star that you are, so to speak, the Light that you are.
And I say that you can no longer hide in the playpen of Life and pretend that you are little children who do not know any better.
It is time for you to put aside the play things of Life and start living the real things of Life. It is time to stop practicing
and do the real thing when it comes to living Life.
As has been spoken by others, you do not need to survive anymore,
because now you have the opportunity to live.
And so I ask each and every one of you this simple question, and the question is this:
Are you truly ready to live?
Are you brave enough to face yourself and face your inner fears, and your Truths, and your own Light?
Are you brave enough to turn your Light around and show it to the entire world? Or will you keep it covered and buried deep within?
I say to you that it is no longer appropriate to hide on a mountainside in a cave and meditate. It is no longer appropriate to hide behind the skirts of others, so to speak.
When you come together, you come together to shine more brightly, not to hide behind each other's Light.
You see, there are things coming in your future,
as you call it future,
there are things coming that are going to call upon you and challenge you to stand up to the Darkness in the world. And I say that if you do not stand up and shine your Light as brilliantly as possible, that Darkness may well wash over you, like so many waves crashing against the shores on a beach line.
Together you are stronger. But you are only stronger
you allow yourselves
to be who you truly are.
As was spoken by Mother Earth, you must honor and respect each other's journeys and each other's paths and choices. And I say to you that you must honor your own. It is time to stop hiding. You must turn and face the world in your Truth, for therein lies your great power. Each of you standing in your own Truth,
your own Light,
your own Love,
each of you claiming your own Freedom and states of Grace,
your own Empowerment, and your Strength, and so on. This is who you truly are. And it is time for you to stand strong and stand tall, and be who you are meant to be. And as you do, and as you stand with others who are standing in the same way in their Truth, and their Strength, and so on, then you become a formidable force against the darkness.
The darkness will not leave without a fight, so to speak, and while we have schooled you to know that fighting is not Peaceful, we also school you that Strength is necessary.
You must draw upon that Strength
and you must allow it to shine. And as you do, the Darkness will recede until it is no more. It will go away, and all those who choose to live in Darkness will live together in their own civilization. And those who choose to live in Light and Love and Peacefulness will live in their own civilization.
The dimensional spaces will part, and it will be a situation of to each his own. There will be no going back and forth. In this case you cannot ride the fence, as the saying goes, any longer. You cannot have one foot in both worlds. It is one or the other. And the time is drawing near for this split to happen.
You must let your actions follow your choices.
You cannot pay lip service to this choice, my children. That is to say that you cannot speak one thing and do another. You must follow your inner guidance. It is time for you to grow up and be who you are. You have played at Life long enough. Now it is time for you to live.
There are other things coming, there are new chapters in the Gaea book, so to speak, the book of Life, her Life, and your Life with her, all of you who reside there with her.
There are new days coming, and those new days will require new ways of living. And you must live in Illumination. You cannot play with the toys of Illusion any more. The play things of Illusion must go away now. And they will be left to those who wish to remain in the playpen.
But for those of you who are ready to live, I say come out. It is time for you to come out.
So wake up.
Shine your Light.
We have given you the steps necessary. It is up to you to do this now. It is up to you to place one foot in front of the other and walk the path before you. There is help for you every step of the way. I am always here, as are the rest of the Guides. You are never alone. The Leagues of Light are here to Support all who would choose to live in Light. And those who choose to live in Darkness will have their own Supports.
It is time for the separation to come,
only this separation will be in Truth,
and not a faction of Illusion.
And so I say to you, wake up, and be who you are. Wake up, and let your Light shine. Wake up, and Love your brothers and sisters. Wake up, and remember who you are.
It is time. Remember
It is time and you are needed, every one of you.
And so as you embark now upon your new year of Life, a new cycle begins,
a new cycle of Rebirth.
I give you all my blessing for a Peaceful and Joyous Rebirth,
and a Joyous and Peaceful new Life that is filled with Love and great Abundance.
But it will only be yours if you have the Strength to stand in your own Truth.
Hear my words, and remember them well. And remember that you are Loved beyond measure.
Remember that I gave you the state of Grace.
Claim it.
I gave you Freedom. Use it.
And I have given you Love. Wield it,
for it is the strongest weapon I could ever Empower you with.
With these words then, I shall leave you to begin your journey of Rebirth.
And I leave you with my Love, as always.
I will see you soon, Beloved Ones.
I will see you soon.
Namaste, for now.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.