Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Michael on the Gift of Rebirth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Archangel Michael gives us a very enlightening message the gift of Rebirth here. How do you live with Rebirth in your every day Life? What does it mean? How does your own state of Rebirth impact the relationships in your Life? How is your Rebirth connected with Mother Earth’s Rebirth? Archangel Michael answers these questions and offers some practical guidance for living in a state of Rebirth.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Michael, and I would speak to you at this time about the gift of Rebirth. The gift or Rebirth is a part of the time and place and space and Dimension of Peace.
As we have spoken so far of many changes that may need to come in your Life, as we have spoken so far of the importance of each of the gifts, particularly of the Dimension of Peace, of Peace and Truth and Understanding, Illumination, Joy and Grace and Strength.
And I say to you that as you master each of these gifts, as you master these lessons, you begin to change. You begin to change in thought, and in deed. You begin to change in energy, and you will change to the point where it is nothing short of a Rebirth.
You become a new person in the same body, a new lifetime, for you will live Life in a different fashion. You will live Life as a new being. You will begin to see others in a new Light, as they too change, and they experience basically a state of Rebirth, as you will.
But it is far beyond this, you see, Rebirth is far reaching. It is not just about you. It is not just about your family, your friends, community, so on and so on. It is a collective Rebirth that is at hand. And it comes with and coincides with the timing of the planet's Rebirth.
Mother Earth is undergoing her own Rebirth, as she moves her body into a space, place, and provides a Time and a Dimension for Peaceful living.
And so you see, you are a part of the great Rebirth, even as it is a part of yours. And that again is part of the Oneness of all of you and all of it. Oneness doesn't just pertain to a state of being. Oneness also pertains to a state of action, a state of motion. And that is what Rebirth is about at this time, and within the scope of this discussion. Now, how do you fit Rebirth into your daily Life? And I say to you this, your daily Life is going to change. Every day, you will change a little more. And at some point, you will look back, and not recognize who you were, because it will be so far from who you are now, who you are today, and who you see yourself to be tomorrow.
Every step along your journey of Peacefulness takes you further into Rebirth and further away from the old, the stagnant shell of who you were,
the part of you that no longer serves. And so this is also a great letting go, and for some, this is challenging, because letting go is sometimes difficult.
It is difficult to let go of the old because it was safe. It was comfortable, even if it didn't suit you, even if it was difficult, even if it was boring, or tedious.
Even if you didn't really like it, it was still safe and comfortable.
And so you see, you must let go of that, and that is a part of Rebirth, and sometimes it is difficult because it is scary to move into a new type of being, a new way of being, because you don't know what is coming. But I say to you this, know that Joy is coming.
Know that Peacefulness is coming.
All the great gifts of Life. That is what you can look forward to, so be not afraid of it.
But there are other challenges as well. How do you live this state of Rebirth as a state of being and a state of motion and continue on in your job?
How about with your family?
These things are difficult too, sometimes. But the greatest difficulty you will have is being in your state of Rebirth
and still interacting with the world around you,
because you will see a world that no longer serves, you will see the Illusions.
And the more you journey down your path of Peace, and into your state of Rebirth, the more stark the Illusions will be glaring.
Everywhere you look you will see them.
How do you interact with them? How do you continue on living with one foot in one world and one foot in the other?
And I say to you this: Pull the foot out of Illusion, and put it into Illumination, and allow your Rebirth to be complete. As you do, and as you remain strong and steadfast in your state of Rebirth, every day, make that commitment over and over and over and over again as many times as is necessary.
When you do this, you will find yourself changing, perhaps jobs, perhaps relationships with your friends, perhaps family relationships. It is a Time of Segregation, and unfortunately, that is going to mean the breaking apart of those things which no longer serve, and in come cases, this may mean family members. And if this happens to you, try to do it with kindness and compassion and Love. Not everyone is going to be at the same place in the same state of their Rebirth as you are.
Treat them kindly.
Treat them with Love, and compassion, and Understanding. This is very important. You will be able to see where they are at. But do not judge it.
Do not judge it, and do not judge them.
Nor should you allow them to judge you. They may think you are entirely flaky, as the saying goes. Completely off your rocker, as the saying goes.
They may even think things that are worse than that. Allow them their thoughts, for they do not know. When these things happen, remember
it is the lines of Love that establish your family, and in your state of Rebirth, you may have a new family.
You may say goodbye to old family members, just the same as if you had left the old lifetime and begun a new one, in a more traditional sense.
But in this sense, you are blessed with the opportunity to still communicate with these people, to still interact with them, and you can do so with kindness and Love, and that will speak to them far greater than any word that will ever come from your mouth.
The same will be true of friends, coworkers, community members, any other people with whom you interact. And we only speak of interacting with your own species. Naturally, you will interact kindly, and with compassion and Love, to other species as well.
This is all part of the great Rebirth, for you, for the planet, for all of you collectively. As you move down this path in this journey of Rebirth, you may experience painful moments. It will not be easy to watch the segregation happen. There will be those who will continue to remain asleep, and they will like it that way, and yet within them, they will feel the tug, the nudge to wake up,
wake up.
They know when they are wrong. We all know. Everyone has within the Truth and the Light of the Creator. We all know when we do something wrong. And they know,
but they are turning a blind eye to it, intentionally, in many cases. In other cases it is sheer ignorance. Not as in stupidity, but as one looks at education,
they do not know, therefore they are ignorant of the changes
that there must be if they are
to move into a time of Peace,
such as you have. And in this way you, too, can be an inspiration to them. You can lead them by the hand through your examples.
Do not pull. Do not push. Do not tug. For they too must make their choices and act accordingly. You cannot evolve for them. They can only evolve themselves. You must focus on your own evolution,
and connecting with new family members who do share the same lines of Love that you do.
And as you connect with them, you grow stronger and stronger into your Rebirth. Maybe it is your entire family that goes through the state of Rebirth together, and then you are a new family with a new way of Life, for your Life also is being Reborn. Your way of living, your way of interacting, and so on, and spread it from there, maybe it is extended family. It is your friends. It is your neighbors. It is your community, your workplace, and so on.
As this spreads, as the state of Rebirth continues, you will share greater and greater amounts of Love, greater amounts of Joy, greater Harmony. And together you build a new world.
Your world.
And only you can do this.
Only you can bring about
your state of Rebirth. Only you can bring about the state of Rebirth collectively for your families, friends, and so on.
And as you join together, all over the world,
you collect more and more of the same type of energy together. It is another way of joining hands. You join Hearts. You join minds. Share the vision together. And together, you will find that new world.
Now as you do this, you may also expect Mother Earth to continue on with her state of Rebirth. And as she does, she will be making changes. Again, it is important for you, as you are being Reborn, to allow her, as your mother, to assist with changing your energy fields, for that is a part of your Rebirth.
Your very wiring in your bodies will change. You are going to carry a different amperage, you might say, a different kind and a different amount of energy will flow through your nervous systems. And so you must ground with her so that she may assist you in making these changes.
It is a part of your Rebirth. It is a part of her Rebirth. You are connected. You are One. I believe you Understand my meaning with these words.
As you continue on in your state of Rebirth, know that there is support for you and do not be disheartened.
Just remember this:
Sometimes a person must make him or herself from the inside out.
Make your foundation inside strong. And as you do,
you will find your Rebirth easier and easier.
It will not take long, it will not take too many choices, before the rightness of these choices becomes so big within you that you find relief. It is a relief to be on the right path in Life. It is a relief to feel the lessening of the burdens of Illusion, of pain, of violence, and so on and so on.
And so as you continue to make more choices in the way of Peacefulness, in the way of Harmony, and Truth, and Illumination, and so on, you will begin to find your burdens of Illusion lifting and you will become Lighter. And so every day, your path will be easier. Put one foot in front of the other. Continue to make your choices. Continue to let those choices come through in your actions, little by little, as much as you can. But never give up. And never stop.
Know that as you go through this process, we are here to assist you always. And at times when you feel overwhelmed with the changes that you see are needed and the changes you see that you must make within your own Life,
know that we are here to help you. Peace is available for everyone. The Dimension of Peace is available for everyone,
regardless of species
or any other condition.
You must only choose it
and evolve into it.
Think about those words.
And continue every day into your Rebirth,
into a Time and a place and space of Peace.
Know that great Love and great Joy
and the Abundance of the Heavens awaits you.
I leave you with my Love and my thanks.
That is all for this time.
As we have spoken so far of many changes that may need to come in your Life, as we have spoken so far of the importance of each of the gifts, particularly of the Dimension of Peace, of Peace and Truth and Understanding, Illumination, Joy and Grace and Strength.
And I say to you that as you master each of these gifts, as you master these lessons, you begin to change. You begin to change in thought, and in deed. You begin to change in energy, and you will change to the point where it is nothing short of a Rebirth.
You become a new person in the same body, a new lifetime, for you will live Life in a different fashion. You will live Life as a new being. You will begin to see others in a new Light, as they too change, and they experience basically a state of Rebirth, as you will.
But it is far beyond this, you see, Rebirth is far reaching. It is not just about you. It is not just about your family, your friends, community, so on and so on. It is a collective Rebirth that is at hand. And it comes with and coincides with the timing of the planet's Rebirth.
Mother Earth is undergoing her own Rebirth, as she moves her body into a space, place, and provides a Time and a Dimension for Peaceful living.
And so you see, you are a part of the great Rebirth, even as it is a part of yours. And that again is part of the Oneness of all of you and all of it. Oneness doesn't just pertain to a state of being. Oneness also pertains to a state of action, a state of motion. And that is what Rebirth is about at this time, and within the scope of this discussion. Now, how do you fit Rebirth into your daily Life? And I say to you this, your daily Life is going to change. Every day, you will change a little more. And at some point, you will look back, and not recognize who you were, because it will be so far from who you are now, who you are today, and who you see yourself to be tomorrow.
Every step along your journey of Peacefulness takes you further into Rebirth and further away from the old, the stagnant shell of who you were,
the part of you that no longer serves. And so this is also a great letting go, and for some, this is challenging, because letting go is sometimes difficult.
It is difficult to let go of the old because it was safe. It was comfortable, even if it didn't suit you, even if it was difficult, even if it was boring, or tedious.
Even if you didn't really like it, it was still safe and comfortable.
And so you see, you must let go of that, and that is a part of Rebirth, and sometimes it is difficult because it is scary to move into a new type of being, a new way of being, because you don't know what is coming. But I say to you this, know that Joy is coming.
Know that Peacefulness is coming.
All the great gifts of Life. That is what you can look forward to, so be not afraid of it.
But there are other challenges as well. How do you live this state of Rebirth as a state of being and a state of motion and continue on in your job?
How about with your family?
These things are difficult too, sometimes. But the greatest difficulty you will have is being in your state of Rebirth
and still interacting with the world around you,
because you will see a world that no longer serves, you will see the Illusions.
And the more you journey down your path of Peace, and into your state of Rebirth, the more stark the Illusions will be glaring.
Everywhere you look you will see them.
How do you interact with them? How do you continue on living with one foot in one world and one foot in the other?
And I say to you this: Pull the foot out of Illusion, and put it into Illumination, and allow your Rebirth to be complete. As you do, and as you remain strong and steadfast in your state of Rebirth, every day, make that commitment over and over and over and over again as many times as is necessary.
When you do this, you will find yourself changing, perhaps jobs, perhaps relationships with your friends, perhaps family relationships. It is a Time of Segregation, and unfortunately, that is going to mean the breaking apart of those things which no longer serve, and in come cases, this may mean family members. And if this happens to you, try to do it with kindness and compassion and Love. Not everyone is going to be at the same place in the same state of their Rebirth as you are.
Treat them kindly.
Treat them with Love, and compassion, and Understanding. This is very important. You will be able to see where they are at. But do not judge it.
Do not judge it, and do not judge them.
Nor should you allow them to judge you. They may think you are entirely flaky, as the saying goes. Completely off your rocker, as the saying goes.
They may even think things that are worse than that. Allow them their thoughts, for they do not know. When these things happen, remember
it is the lines of Love that establish your family, and in your state of Rebirth, you may have a new family.
You may say goodbye to old family members, just the same as if you had left the old lifetime and begun a new one, in a more traditional sense.
But in this sense, you are blessed with the opportunity to still communicate with these people, to still interact with them, and you can do so with kindness and Love, and that will speak to them far greater than any word that will ever come from your mouth.
The same will be true of friends, coworkers, community members, any other people with whom you interact. And we only speak of interacting with your own species. Naturally, you will interact kindly, and with compassion and Love, to other species as well.
This is all part of the great Rebirth, for you, for the planet, for all of you collectively. As you move down this path in this journey of Rebirth, you may experience painful moments. It will not be easy to watch the segregation happen. There will be those who will continue to remain asleep, and they will like it that way, and yet within them, they will feel the tug, the nudge to wake up,
wake up.
They know when they are wrong. We all know. Everyone has within the Truth and the Light of the Creator. We all know when we do something wrong. And they know,
but they are turning a blind eye to it, intentionally, in many cases. In other cases it is sheer ignorance. Not as in stupidity, but as one looks at education,
they do not know, therefore they are ignorant of the changes
that there must be if they are
to move into a time of Peace,
such as you have. And in this way you, too, can be an inspiration to them. You can lead them by the hand through your examples.
Do not pull. Do not push. Do not tug. For they too must make their choices and act accordingly. You cannot evolve for them. They can only evolve themselves. You must focus on your own evolution,
and connecting with new family members who do share the same lines of Love that you do.
And as you connect with them, you grow stronger and stronger into your Rebirth. Maybe it is your entire family that goes through the state of Rebirth together, and then you are a new family with a new way of Life, for your Life also is being Reborn. Your way of living, your way of interacting, and so on, and spread it from there, maybe it is extended family. It is your friends. It is your neighbors. It is your community, your workplace, and so on.
As this spreads, as the state of Rebirth continues, you will share greater and greater amounts of Love, greater amounts of Joy, greater Harmony. And together you build a new world.
Your world.
And only you can do this.
Only you can bring about
your state of Rebirth. Only you can bring about the state of Rebirth collectively for your families, friends, and so on.
And as you join together, all over the world,
you collect more and more of the same type of energy together. It is another way of joining hands. You join Hearts. You join minds. Share the vision together. And together, you will find that new world.
Now as you do this, you may also expect Mother Earth to continue on with her state of Rebirth. And as she does, she will be making changes. Again, it is important for you, as you are being Reborn, to allow her, as your mother, to assist with changing your energy fields, for that is a part of your Rebirth.
Your very wiring in your bodies will change. You are going to carry a different amperage, you might say, a different kind and a different amount of energy will flow through your nervous systems. And so you must ground with her so that she may assist you in making these changes.
It is a part of your Rebirth. It is a part of her Rebirth. You are connected. You are One. I believe you Understand my meaning with these words.
As you continue on in your state of Rebirth, know that there is support for you and do not be disheartened.
Just remember this:
Sometimes a person must make him or herself from the inside out.
Make your foundation inside strong. And as you do,
you will find your Rebirth easier and easier.
It will not take long, it will not take too many choices, before the rightness of these choices becomes so big within you that you find relief. It is a relief to be on the right path in Life. It is a relief to feel the lessening of the burdens of Illusion, of pain, of violence, and so on and so on.
And so as you continue to make more choices in the way of Peacefulness, in the way of Harmony, and Truth, and Illumination, and so on, you will begin to find your burdens of Illusion lifting and you will become Lighter. And so every day, your path will be easier. Put one foot in front of the other. Continue to make your choices. Continue to let those choices come through in your actions, little by little, as much as you can. But never give up. And never stop.
Know that as you go through this process, we are here to assist you always. And at times when you feel overwhelmed with the changes that you see are needed and the changes you see that you must make within your own Life,
know that we are here to help you. Peace is available for everyone. The Dimension of Peace is available for everyone,
regardless of species
or any other condition.
You must only choose it
and evolve into it.
Think about those words.
And continue every day into your Rebirth,
into a Time and a place and space of Peace.
Know that great Love and great Joy
and the Abundance of the Heavens awaits you.
I leave you with my Love and my thanks.
That is all for this time.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.