Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Michael on the Gift of Understanding
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Archangel Michael offers Insights into great importance of Understanding in Life in general, and specifically to those who have begun their path of Peacefulness. He teaches us to ask “why”, and how to look beneath face value to find and Understand the Truths in Life.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Michael, and I come to speak to you during this Season of Peace celebration. And, at the moment I speak to you on the gift of Understanding.
And, I say to you this: We speak of Peace, and we speak of Truth, but what good are either one if you do not Understand? Understanding is a key – very, very key – component of all that is. It is the key that shall set you free. It is the key to seeing who you are. It is the key to living Life, for if you do Understand that which is before you and that which is within you, then what have you?
Now again, I, as the others, are (am) speaking to those who have chosen to live in a state of Peace. If you have not chosen, make your choice now.
You have no time to waste.
This has been explained to you many times. If you have not understood, go back and listen to previous messages. It is imperative.
And, it is imperative that you take responsibility for your own Understanding
or lack thereof. You see, it is up to you to Understand. It is up to you to learn. What good is it to walk in a state of Peace if you do not Understand whether you are or are not in Peace?
And, if you believe that you are and yet you are not, you are held responsible and accountable for your lack of Understanding, because each and every one of you has the opportunity to Understand. The knowledge is all present. The information is there. It’s up to YOU to take the initiative and learn it and Understand it.
The same is true with the gift of Truth.
How can you live in a state of Truth if you do not Understand it?
Responsibility for Understanding lies solely with
You have become, in many ways, a people – a species – that takes everything at face value.
Someone says ‘I Love you’. You say, ‘Okay, he or she Loves me.’ But, do you Understand what the meaning of their words are? Do they really?
How do they show it?
How do they demonstrate this?
Do they have to put on an act?
Their actions will show it.
You must Understand what you see. Perhaps that is a bad example.
What about energy?
The Archangel of Truth spoke of energy. Do you Understand how energy works, or do you simply turn on the lights and say, ‘Yes, I have energy’?
If someone tells you, ‘This is clean energy.’, do you accept that? If you go to a doctor and the doctor says you have six months to live, do you Understand that? Do you accept it? Is it Truth? How do you know? How do you know that what you have just been told is true?
If someone says, ‘This product is good for you. It will do this, and it will do that, and it will do the other things. It is safe and healthy.’ How do you know that?
You see, you bear the responsibility for that Truth and that Understanding whether you realize it or not, because if you consume that product and the Truth was not being spoken and you didn’t bother to take the time to fully Understand the entire concept of that product, you will pay the price. Because, if it is not healthy and it is not good for you, then your body will suffer. And, you may end up paying the ultimate price.
Think about that for a moment.
If your politicians tell you, ‘This is good for your country.’ Do you believe this? Do you Trust them?
Ah! There’s the key right there.
Do you
people to speak Truth to you?
How can you Understand and Trust?
How can you Trust and Understand?
These two relationships are very, very important. You see, in order to be able to fully Trust someone, or something, you must Understand it. And, when you Understand it, then you can Trust it.
When you Understand, then you can readily see the Truth, but until you Understand, you cannot know Truth.
So, again, let’s go back to the mirror as the Archangel of Truth spoke. Let’s go back to the mirror. Look into the mirror.
Who do you see?
What do you see?
What is your Purpose?
How can you know who you are and what you are if you do not Understand what you are seeing? You see, this goes back to the saying that a wise man never stops learning, because a wise man realizes that the more he knows the less he knows. There is always more to know, and there is always more to Understand.
And, yet, when you get to a certain point, in your own Understanding of yourself, you begin to get a glimpse of a picture of who you are.
Again, only when you are willing to look at Truth.
But, when you look at Truth, how do you Understand it?
Let us take, for a moment, the example of a past Life.
You look into yourself – with or without assistance – and you see something from another lifetime.
Perhaps you had terrible things happening to you in that lifetime. And, you look at that lifetime, and you say, ‘Oh, that explains why I’m like this now.’
And so, you see who did these things to you in this other lifetime, and you think, ‘Wow. I should be really angry at that person.’
But, should you?
Take your Understanding deeper.
Why did the person do that in another lifetime?
Ah. I see.
Because in a different lifetime, you had done the same to that person.
You see, there are always lessons that go back and forth. One time you’re the good guy and another time you’re the bad guy. The roles reverse so that everyone has the opportunity to learn the lessons.
And, in this lifetime – and specifically to this lifetime as we speak – your Understanding and your Truth are compounded by these other lifetimes. However, each lifetime comes with its own set of parameters, of circumstances, of decisions, and choices, and interactions.
Do you Understand why you choose the cup of coffee every morning?
Sure it gives you energy to go. Why do you need that energy? Do you Understand why?
Because you don’t rest enough. Why do you not rest enough? Well, maybe you stay up too late at night.
You see, how can you make changes in your Life if you don’t Understand the need for the change
Or, how a change can be?
Do you Understand all the choices that are presented for you?
Many of you do not.
Why is this in front of me that I could choose if I wanted? Why?
What is the benefit? What is there to learn? How many times do you stop and ask this?
There are so many ways
that Understanding plays a part of your every day Life. And yet, so many of you take everything at face value. You never take it any further.
You see an old woman walking down the street,
and she looks tired, and maybe she even looks dirty.
And, you look at her, perhaps with disdain, perhaps with pity, perhaps you are grateful you are not in her position whatever it might be. But, do you Understand why she’s like that?
Think a little further. Maybe she’s in disguise to see how many people will actually offer her assistance. Perhaps she just lost her only child. Perhaps her beloved husband has died and left her, and she no longer cares what she looks like or what she does.
How do you know your fellow man if you don’t take the time to Understand him?
Perhaps your own child is angry,
Perhaps they like to color with a certain color. Why does your child always color with the blue crayon?
Why does the woman up the street only like to wear pink?
So many of you do not Understand the Life that you live. You scratch the surface. You take everything at face value. Well, she must like pink, and my daughter likes blue. But, why?
You see, you can dabble in Life and you can touch the surface, or you can dive to the depths of it and get the full experience of this lifetime.
And, the choice is up to you.
You can look at yourself in the mirror and you can see yourself for the potential that you have,
and you can walk away from it,
or you can Understand it.
What can you do with your Life?
You will never know this until you Understand yourself, and that is an ongoing process, and you must begin. You must begin by finding your inner Peace, by finding your inner Truth, and then Understanding yourself more and more. And, as you do, you begin to Understand why you are the way you are and why certain circumstances continue to come into your Life, and why this happened, and why that happened.
Why your parents interact with you as they do,
or did.
And so on and so on.
And you begin to Understand why it is that you are always drawn to these kinds of situations. Perhaps it is your work. Perhaps it is work you would like to do. Perhaps it is a sound. Perhaps it is music. Perhaps it is art.
Perhaps it is many things.
Your garden. The food that you grow. The lawn that you mow. The car that you drive. Why do you choose these things?
And, then, you see, if you are to move further into your space of Peace and your space of Truth, you must Understand why these things may no longer serve you,
nor any other.
You must Understand what is right for your path.
Understanding is a critical component.
I would venture to guess that at this point many of you listening to my message may be confused and you do not Understand
the point that I am trying to make.
And, that is this:
Slow down.
Take the time
to Understand
everything in your Life,
everything that you do,
everything that you think.
Examine yourself. Get to know who you are.
So many of you have only dabbled on the surface of who you are.
You barely know yourselves.
And, until you know yourself, how can you know anyone else? How can you have a meaningful relationship with anyone else?
It is time for you to go back to your roots.
And, there you must go.
There you must return,
in order to become Peaceful inside,
to make that grounding bond with your Earth Mother.
And, all too soon, you will Understand why that is an imperative necessity if you are to survive in future times.
There is so much more that could be said about the gift of Understanding. So many do not even see this as a gift. They see it as an option. They don’t see it as a requirement for Life. They see it as an option, as an elective event to Understand one’s Life.
So many are caught up in simply experiencing. You live out of the lower chakras. You want fun. You want Joy. You want pleasure. You want adrenaline rushes and adventure, and to see this and do that, and always on the go on the go, more and more experiences. And, you’re funneling these things into your being, all these experiences, and how many of them do you actually Understand?
‘Well, what is there to Understand about a roller coaster ride?
Or a hike in the woods?’
Maybe while you were on that hike in the woods, there was a spirit messenger that came to you and you didn’t even notice.
Maybe when you were on the roller coaster, a thought flashed through your mind,
and you didn’t pay attention.
And, you see, when you don’t Understand and you don’t pay attention to these little signs and signals in Life, you set yourself up for failure later on.
And, in looking back – if you look back at your past – you can Understand why this happened and why that happened. And if you look carefully, you can see that there was always some message that came that could have warned you had you paid attention to it, had you understood it. But, you didn’t take the time.
You have become a world that is
reactionary, instead of creative.
And, you cannot create if you do not Understand.
There is a wise person who once lived among you that said, ‘Begin with the end in mind.'* And, those are such good words. Those were such good words. His name was Stephen.* And, he is no longer among you, but he left wise words.
And, as you begin with your end in mind, you should always Understand. How can you Understand if you do not begin with the end in mind? You must always know where you are headed. How can you know where you are headed if you do not see where you are at the moment?
When you learn to Understand yourself,
when you learn to look inside first and Understand who you are,
then you may look forward and see your path before you.
And, you will Understand each and every step. You will know each and every move and choice that needs to be made to negotiate this path. And, you will see the open doors. And, you will see the windows that will lead you to destruction.
But, you must begin first by Understanding.
Understand yourself.
Understand those around you,
your family, friends, and so on. Understand what is happening in your world, and this is imperative that you do, because you are all a part of the Great Segregation.
This has been spoken of briefly already. You are separating yourselves into those who would live Peacefully and those who would not.
And, it is important that you Understand every move that is being made. Now, you must look behind the surface to see the Truth. And, when you see the Truth, no matter how surreal or disappointing or frightening it may be,
you must Understand it.
For, only in Understanding, can you free yourself from it.
Now, if you have already made your choice to live in a state of Peace, you are obviously on the Peaceful side of the Segregation. And, in order to remain there and to remain Peaceful, you must Understand what is being presented to you at all times.
This is like being in a war.
You are in a battle,
and the battle has FAR reaching repercussions.
You must begin now,
and with yourself.
Take some time.
Ground yourself with your Earth Mother.
Understand that relationship.
And, then begin to search within your own self for Understanding.
Understand who you are,
what you are,
why you are,
why you are in Life,
and how you are meant to live it,
how you can live it.
The Archangel of Truth spoke of being a Light of Truth. You cannot bear your Light for all to see until you Understand it.
Ask for help. I will help you.
Think upon my words. I realize they may be difficult. But, Understanding is never promised to be easy,
but it is promised to be rewarding,
for therein shall you find your Truth and your Peace.
For this time, I will leave you with these words and these thoughts,
and these challenges.
May each of you Understand,
and may each of you find your Peace and your Truth.
Namaste, my beloved children.
* – Archangel Michael is referring to author Stephen Covey and his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
And, I say to you this: We speak of Peace, and we speak of Truth, but what good are either one if you do not Understand? Understanding is a key – very, very key – component of all that is. It is the key that shall set you free. It is the key to seeing who you are. It is the key to living Life, for if you do Understand that which is before you and that which is within you, then what have you?
Now again, I, as the others, are (am) speaking to those who have chosen to live in a state of Peace. If you have not chosen, make your choice now.
You have no time to waste.
This has been explained to you many times. If you have not understood, go back and listen to previous messages. It is imperative.
And, it is imperative that you take responsibility for your own Understanding
or lack thereof. You see, it is up to you to Understand. It is up to you to learn. What good is it to walk in a state of Peace if you do not Understand whether you are or are not in Peace?
And, if you believe that you are and yet you are not, you are held responsible and accountable for your lack of Understanding, because each and every one of you has the opportunity to Understand. The knowledge is all present. The information is there. It’s up to YOU to take the initiative and learn it and Understand it.
The same is true with the gift of Truth.
How can you live in a state of Truth if you do not Understand it?
Responsibility for Understanding lies solely with
You have become, in many ways, a people – a species – that takes everything at face value.
Someone says ‘I Love you’. You say, ‘Okay, he or she Loves me.’ But, do you Understand what the meaning of their words are? Do they really?
How do they show it?
How do they demonstrate this?
Do they have to put on an act?
Their actions will show it.
You must Understand what you see. Perhaps that is a bad example.
What about energy?
The Archangel of Truth spoke of energy. Do you Understand how energy works, or do you simply turn on the lights and say, ‘Yes, I have energy’?
If someone tells you, ‘This is clean energy.’, do you accept that? If you go to a doctor and the doctor says you have six months to live, do you Understand that? Do you accept it? Is it Truth? How do you know? How do you know that what you have just been told is true?
If someone says, ‘This product is good for you. It will do this, and it will do that, and it will do the other things. It is safe and healthy.’ How do you know that?
You see, you bear the responsibility for that Truth and that Understanding whether you realize it or not, because if you consume that product and the Truth was not being spoken and you didn’t bother to take the time to fully Understand the entire concept of that product, you will pay the price. Because, if it is not healthy and it is not good for you, then your body will suffer. And, you may end up paying the ultimate price.
Think about that for a moment.
If your politicians tell you, ‘This is good for your country.’ Do you believe this? Do you Trust them?
Ah! There’s the key right there.
Do you
people to speak Truth to you?
How can you Understand and Trust?
How can you Trust and Understand?
These two relationships are very, very important. You see, in order to be able to fully Trust someone, or something, you must Understand it. And, when you Understand it, then you can Trust it.
When you Understand, then you can readily see the Truth, but until you Understand, you cannot know Truth.
So, again, let’s go back to the mirror as the Archangel of Truth spoke. Let’s go back to the mirror. Look into the mirror.
Who do you see?
What do you see?
What is your Purpose?
How can you know who you are and what you are if you do not Understand what you are seeing? You see, this goes back to the saying that a wise man never stops learning, because a wise man realizes that the more he knows the less he knows. There is always more to know, and there is always more to Understand.
And, yet, when you get to a certain point, in your own Understanding of yourself, you begin to get a glimpse of a picture of who you are.
Again, only when you are willing to look at Truth.
But, when you look at Truth, how do you Understand it?
Let us take, for a moment, the example of a past Life.
You look into yourself – with or without assistance – and you see something from another lifetime.
Perhaps you had terrible things happening to you in that lifetime. And, you look at that lifetime, and you say, ‘Oh, that explains why I’m like this now.’
And so, you see who did these things to you in this other lifetime, and you think, ‘Wow. I should be really angry at that person.’
But, should you?
Take your Understanding deeper.
Why did the person do that in another lifetime?
Ah. I see.
Because in a different lifetime, you had done the same to that person.
You see, there are always lessons that go back and forth. One time you’re the good guy and another time you’re the bad guy. The roles reverse so that everyone has the opportunity to learn the lessons.
And, in this lifetime – and specifically to this lifetime as we speak – your Understanding and your Truth are compounded by these other lifetimes. However, each lifetime comes with its own set of parameters, of circumstances, of decisions, and choices, and interactions.
Do you Understand why you choose the cup of coffee every morning?
Sure it gives you energy to go. Why do you need that energy? Do you Understand why?
Because you don’t rest enough. Why do you not rest enough? Well, maybe you stay up too late at night.
You see, how can you make changes in your Life if you don’t Understand the need for the change
Or, how a change can be?
Do you Understand all the choices that are presented for you?
Many of you do not.
Why is this in front of me that I could choose if I wanted? Why?
What is the benefit? What is there to learn? How many times do you stop and ask this?
There are so many ways
that Understanding plays a part of your every day Life. And yet, so many of you take everything at face value. You never take it any further.
You see an old woman walking down the street,
and she looks tired, and maybe she even looks dirty.
And, you look at her, perhaps with disdain, perhaps with pity, perhaps you are grateful you are not in her position whatever it might be. But, do you Understand why she’s like that?
Think a little further. Maybe she’s in disguise to see how many people will actually offer her assistance. Perhaps she just lost her only child. Perhaps her beloved husband has died and left her, and she no longer cares what she looks like or what she does.
How do you know your fellow man if you don’t take the time to Understand him?
Perhaps your own child is angry,
Perhaps they like to color with a certain color. Why does your child always color with the blue crayon?
Why does the woman up the street only like to wear pink?
So many of you do not Understand the Life that you live. You scratch the surface. You take everything at face value. Well, she must like pink, and my daughter likes blue. But, why?
You see, you can dabble in Life and you can touch the surface, or you can dive to the depths of it and get the full experience of this lifetime.
And, the choice is up to you.
You can look at yourself in the mirror and you can see yourself for the potential that you have,
and you can walk away from it,
or you can Understand it.
What can you do with your Life?
You will never know this until you Understand yourself, and that is an ongoing process, and you must begin. You must begin by finding your inner Peace, by finding your inner Truth, and then Understanding yourself more and more. And, as you do, you begin to Understand why you are the way you are and why certain circumstances continue to come into your Life, and why this happened, and why that happened.
Why your parents interact with you as they do,
or did.
And so on and so on.
And you begin to Understand why it is that you are always drawn to these kinds of situations. Perhaps it is your work. Perhaps it is work you would like to do. Perhaps it is a sound. Perhaps it is music. Perhaps it is art.
Perhaps it is many things.
Your garden. The food that you grow. The lawn that you mow. The car that you drive. Why do you choose these things?
And, then, you see, if you are to move further into your space of Peace and your space of Truth, you must Understand why these things may no longer serve you,
nor any other.
You must Understand what is right for your path.
Understanding is a critical component.
I would venture to guess that at this point many of you listening to my message may be confused and you do not Understand
the point that I am trying to make.
And, that is this:
Slow down.
Take the time
to Understand
everything in your Life,
everything that you do,
everything that you think.
Examine yourself. Get to know who you are.
So many of you have only dabbled on the surface of who you are.
You barely know yourselves.
And, until you know yourself, how can you know anyone else? How can you have a meaningful relationship with anyone else?
It is time for you to go back to your roots.
And, there you must go.
There you must return,
in order to become Peaceful inside,
to make that grounding bond with your Earth Mother.
And, all too soon, you will Understand why that is an imperative necessity if you are to survive in future times.
There is so much more that could be said about the gift of Understanding. So many do not even see this as a gift. They see it as an option. They don’t see it as a requirement for Life. They see it as an option, as an elective event to Understand one’s Life.
So many are caught up in simply experiencing. You live out of the lower chakras. You want fun. You want Joy. You want pleasure. You want adrenaline rushes and adventure, and to see this and do that, and always on the go on the go, more and more experiences. And, you’re funneling these things into your being, all these experiences, and how many of them do you actually Understand?
‘Well, what is there to Understand about a roller coaster ride?
Or a hike in the woods?’
Maybe while you were on that hike in the woods, there was a spirit messenger that came to you and you didn’t even notice.
Maybe when you were on the roller coaster, a thought flashed through your mind,
and you didn’t pay attention.
And, you see, when you don’t Understand and you don’t pay attention to these little signs and signals in Life, you set yourself up for failure later on.
And, in looking back – if you look back at your past – you can Understand why this happened and why that happened. And if you look carefully, you can see that there was always some message that came that could have warned you had you paid attention to it, had you understood it. But, you didn’t take the time.
You have become a world that is
reactionary, instead of creative.
And, you cannot create if you do not Understand.
There is a wise person who once lived among you that said, ‘Begin with the end in mind.'* And, those are such good words. Those were such good words. His name was Stephen.* And, he is no longer among you, but he left wise words.
And, as you begin with your end in mind, you should always Understand. How can you Understand if you do not begin with the end in mind? You must always know where you are headed. How can you know where you are headed if you do not see where you are at the moment?
When you learn to Understand yourself,
when you learn to look inside first and Understand who you are,
then you may look forward and see your path before you.
And, you will Understand each and every step. You will know each and every move and choice that needs to be made to negotiate this path. And, you will see the open doors. And, you will see the windows that will lead you to destruction.
But, you must begin first by Understanding.
Understand yourself.
Understand those around you,
your family, friends, and so on. Understand what is happening in your world, and this is imperative that you do, because you are all a part of the Great Segregation.
This has been spoken of briefly already. You are separating yourselves into those who would live Peacefully and those who would not.
And, it is important that you Understand every move that is being made. Now, you must look behind the surface to see the Truth. And, when you see the Truth, no matter how surreal or disappointing or frightening it may be,
you must Understand it.
For, only in Understanding, can you free yourself from it.
Now, if you have already made your choice to live in a state of Peace, you are obviously on the Peaceful side of the Segregation. And, in order to remain there and to remain Peaceful, you must Understand what is being presented to you at all times.
This is like being in a war.
You are in a battle,
and the battle has FAR reaching repercussions.
You must begin now,
and with yourself.
Take some time.
Ground yourself with your Earth Mother.
Understand that relationship.
And, then begin to search within your own self for Understanding.
Understand who you are,
what you are,
why you are,
why you are in Life,
and how you are meant to live it,
how you can live it.
The Archangel of Truth spoke of being a Light of Truth. You cannot bear your Light for all to see until you Understand it.
Ask for help. I will help you.
Think upon my words. I realize they may be difficult. But, Understanding is never promised to be easy,
but it is promised to be rewarding,
for therein shall you find your Truth and your Peace.
For this time, I will leave you with these words and these thoughts,
and these challenges.
May each of you Understand,
and may each of you find your Peace and your Truth.
Namaste, my beloved children.
* – Archangel Michael is referring to author Stephen Covey and his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.