Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2017 - 2018
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken. |
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. While donations do help keep us going, a simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Uriel on the Gift of Trust
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
One of the most difficult lessons in Life to master is that of Trust. Archangel Uriel shares a moving message on the gift of Trust, while offering practical, every day guidance on learning how to Trust, as well as explaining how to know how to Trust another. It is a most enlightening message. We know you will find enjoyable to hear and most beneficial as we all must Trust to live in this world.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Uriel, and I would speak with you at this time, as you celebrate the Season of Peace, and as we are discussing your journey into Peacefulness, I would speak to you on the gift of Trust.
For many of you, the gift of Trust is the most difficult to master. It is the most difficult to accept. It is the most difficult to share. Because it requires baring your Soul, you might say, although truthfully you are only baring your own minds. But it feels like your Soul because you are that naked and vulnerable within.
Trust can be the most rewarding thing in the Universe, and Trust can be the most baffling thing in the Universe. It can be trying. It can be extremely frightening.
But I say to you that it should not, for Trust, also, is synonymous with Love and with Peace. You cannot have Peace with another if you do not Trust them. You cannot Love another if you cannot Trust them. Nor can they have Peace and Love that is shared with you if they cannot Trust you. So Trust, then, becomes one of the most critical components of any relationship.
Any relationship.
Yours with another human being, yours with yourself, with Guidance, with your Creator, with every being of Life
that you interact with.
is a critical component. And yet is is easy. Trust is easy.
You see, if you just look at Trust through the eyes of observation, you will always know exactly how to Trust another person.
Trust is not black and white. It is not you do or you don't.
It is always shades of gray. And you might get to black, and you might get to white, that is true, but there are many, many, many shades of gray in between.
So when you go about your path, and you are trying to live Peacefully, and you are making your choices, and you are trying to interact differently with other people,
Peacefully, lovingly, with kindness and compassion, and so on and so on, how do you know
who you can Trust and who you cannot? And I say let them tell you.
You must simply observe.
A person's actions will speak louder than their words. They may say, ‘Yes, you can Trust me. Yes, I Love you. Yes, I believe you, I think the same thing’, but look at their actions and see where they're at. What do their actions say? Do their actions say that they Love you?
If they do, then you can Trust them, at least in that respect. And that is another issue of Trust and another part of Trust.
What do you Trust another person with?
Do you Trust them fully and Completely, totally, with everything?
What about a coworker? Can you Trust that person to follow through with the work that is shared, work that you're depending on that person for or expecting that person to do?
That might be one kind of Trust. But, outside of work, do you Trust that person to be your friend, are they the same person that you work with?
Does their persona change once they step outside of the work atmosphere?
What about your family members?
Does their behavior change when you are in front of other people?
What about your friends?
Do they speak to you and about you the same way in front of you that they do when you're not present?
What about members of your community, your state, your country, and so on?
You see, if you will but observe, you will always know how to Trust a person. If you are unsure, perhaps it is a total stranger,
look into his or her eyes. What do you see?
More importantly, Trust your intuition. What do you feel?
For the energy of another will never lie to you.
You can always Trust that intuition.
Is that person a threat or are they not?
When you meet a dog on the street,
a stray dog,
you observe that dog. What behavior is he displaying? Is he wagging his tail
or is he baring his teeth?
Is he simply watching you
and not doing anything? Do you feel the threat? Do you feel the need to be wary? Or do you feel like it's alright for you to put your hand out and pet the dog on the head?
You see, learn to use that power of observation and those intuitive senses
with all around you, and you will learn how to Trust.
It is something that should be learned at this point in your Life. A child knows how to Trust, because Trust is Love. If they don't feel Love from a person, they cannot Trust the person.
And you see, as you begin to remember how to Trust again, the same intuitive knowing will come to you, and you will know, intuitively, if you can Trust a person or not, and what you may Trust them with.
Now in some cases, Trust isn't necessarily seeing a good aspect of a person. Sometimes it is seeing the bad aspect of a person. For example, you know there's a certain dog down the street that will always come out and try to bite you. So you can Trust that dog to be a biter.
Likewise, with some humans, you can Trust them to never tell the Truth. You can Trust them to betray you. You can Trust them to always choose the side of arrogance, of greed, of violence, and so on.
When you can see how to Trust another person, then you know how to Love them.
Do you Love them up close and personal? Do you Love them from afar?
Because if you cannot Trust someone, or if you can Trust them in the negative sense of Trust, the Illusion of Trust, that is someone you need to send Love to, the Illumination of Love.
And you see, it was spoken that you should send Love out into the world every day, and send Peace out into the world, and ask for Forgiveness, and so on, and as you do all these things, you begin to see how and where and with whom you can share Trust.
And for those you cannot share the Illumination of Trust,
the Truth of it,
you send them Love,
because eventually, they will wake up.
You must understand that you're coming very close to something now, called critical mass. And critical mass is when you hit fifty one percent, with all the fifty one percent agreeing on a common denominator, such as we all want to live Peacefully, we all want to live lovingly, we all want to share Love and compassion, and so on.
And when you hit critical mass, you hit that fifty one percent, then you see, the water is, temperature-wise, at a certain level, you might say. And all the other water will come into that temperature range as well.
You see, whenever you have a bathtub full of warm water,
and you have a few ice cubes at one end, they may lower the temperature a little bit, but it won't take much for them to melt.
Now, if you have a bathtub full of ice cubes, and you put a little warm water into one end, that warm water won't do much to the ice cubes.
So you see, you are rapidly approaching that fifty one percent mark, the critical mass point,
where there are more of you who are choosing to live in Peace
than there are those who are not. And you are going to see massive changes happening in your world as you do.
And at that time, you are going to see great chaos and you will have great challenge in living during these times, on many, many fronts. And so it is imperative that you learn how to Trust other beings,
especially other human beings. You must know who you can Trust and who you cannot, who is operating in the Illusion of Trust. And you're going to have to redevelop your own intuitive sense
so that you can more easily continue down your path of Peacefulness, for that is your choice, and nobody can take that choice away from you. And I say to you that you should never let another take that choice from you. And for those who may attempt to take your choice or to sway it, they will be guilty of the Laws of Interference, and the karmic repercussions of such are very severe.
The times ahead will be challenging. And it is even more important that you learn to Trust, given the fact that Mother Earth is also beginning to make her shifts and her changes, and those changes will also add to the chaos and the challenge of the times that you live in. But you will fare well if you will remember these lessons.
Be kind, be compassionate, be Loving, be steadfast in your journey of Peacefulness.
Do not give up. Do not falter, and do not stop. Even if the step you take today is a very small step, and it is all you could manage, you are still continuing on your path. Do not stop. Let it empower you every day.
Be the Light that you are.
There are so many good things within each of you that are just waiting to come out, waiting to be shared. And you should begin by sharing those with whom you can Trust in Illumination.
But most importantly, you must Trust yourself.
Trust yourself to know right from wrong. Trust yourself to continue down the path of Peacefulness. Trust yourself to be Loving and kind and compassionate.
Trusting yourself may be difficult,
but you have no choice.
You being self Trust by accepting who and what you are. What can you Trust yourself to do and not to do?
Look at yourself first, and if there are things that you can't Trust yourself, in Illumination, to do, or not to do, to say or not to say,
then work on those things.
And do not tarry. Do not tarry with these things, for you do, indeed, have a timetable here. The clock is ticking, as the saying goes.
The time is now for self improvement, you might say, self discovery, self awareness, self Love, self Trust, self Freedom, and so on.
The time is now.
You are being called into a state of motion. For several years now, we have spoken of states of being, making choices and so on. Now we are calling you into a state of motion.
It is time to act.
Start with Trusting yourself.
Trust yourself to do right.
Trust yourself to choose Peace, and Love, and so on.
Do not beat yourself up when you make a mistake, or you realize you've been doing something all along that you thought was grand and wonderful, and then you realize that maybe it wasn't so grand and wonderful. Do not beat yourself up. Acknowledge it. Forgive it. Ask for Forgiveness. Move on.
Keep moving on. The world needs you, every being of Life needs you at your best, at your most brilliant.
So shine your light.
Trust yourself.
You can do this.
You can do this, and you will.
Remember my words.
And you may Trust me to have spoken Truth to you, for that is all I ever speak.
Remember your journey.
Remember the lessons.
I leave you with my Love.
I am Trusting each of you to continue in your path of Peacefulness.
That is all for this time.
Namaste, beloved ones.
For many of you, the gift of Trust is the most difficult to master. It is the most difficult to accept. It is the most difficult to share. Because it requires baring your Soul, you might say, although truthfully you are only baring your own minds. But it feels like your Soul because you are that naked and vulnerable within.
Trust can be the most rewarding thing in the Universe, and Trust can be the most baffling thing in the Universe. It can be trying. It can be extremely frightening.
But I say to you that it should not, for Trust, also, is synonymous with Love and with Peace. You cannot have Peace with another if you do not Trust them. You cannot Love another if you cannot Trust them. Nor can they have Peace and Love that is shared with you if they cannot Trust you. So Trust, then, becomes one of the most critical components of any relationship.
Any relationship.
Yours with another human being, yours with yourself, with Guidance, with your Creator, with every being of Life
that you interact with.
is a critical component. And yet is is easy. Trust is easy.
You see, if you just look at Trust through the eyes of observation, you will always know exactly how to Trust another person.
Trust is not black and white. It is not you do or you don't.
It is always shades of gray. And you might get to black, and you might get to white, that is true, but there are many, many, many shades of gray in between.
So when you go about your path, and you are trying to live Peacefully, and you are making your choices, and you are trying to interact differently with other people,
Peacefully, lovingly, with kindness and compassion, and so on and so on, how do you know
who you can Trust and who you cannot? And I say let them tell you.
You must simply observe.
A person's actions will speak louder than their words. They may say, ‘Yes, you can Trust me. Yes, I Love you. Yes, I believe you, I think the same thing’, but look at their actions and see where they're at. What do their actions say? Do their actions say that they Love you?
If they do, then you can Trust them, at least in that respect. And that is another issue of Trust and another part of Trust.
What do you Trust another person with?
Do you Trust them fully and Completely, totally, with everything?
What about a coworker? Can you Trust that person to follow through with the work that is shared, work that you're depending on that person for or expecting that person to do?
That might be one kind of Trust. But, outside of work, do you Trust that person to be your friend, are they the same person that you work with?
Does their persona change once they step outside of the work atmosphere?
What about your family members?
Does their behavior change when you are in front of other people?
What about your friends?
Do they speak to you and about you the same way in front of you that they do when you're not present?
What about members of your community, your state, your country, and so on?
You see, if you will but observe, you will always know how to Trust a person. If you are unsure, perhaps it is a total stranger,
look into his or her eyes. What do you see?
More importantly, Trust your intuition. What do you feel?
For the energy of another will never lie to you.
You can always Trust that intuition.
Is that person a threat or are they not?
When you meet a dog on the street,
a stray dog,
you observe that dog. What behavior is he displaying? Is he wagging his tail
or is he baring his teeth?
Is he simply watching you
and not doing anything? Do you feel the threat? Do you feel the need to be wary? Or do you feel like it's alright for you to put your hand out and pet the dog on the head?
You see, learn to use that power of observation and those intuitive senses
with all around you, and you will learn how to Trust.
It is something that should be learned at this point in your Life. A child knows how to Trust, because Trust is Love. If they don't feel Love from a person, they cannot Trust the person.
And you see, as you begin to remember how to Trust again, the same intuitive knowing will come to you, and you will know, intuitively, if you can Trust a person or not, and what you may Trust them with.
Now in some cases, Trust isn't necessarily seeing a good aspect of a person. Sometimes it is seeing the bad aspect of a person. For example, you know there's a certain dog down the street that will always come out and try to bite you. So you can Trust that dog to be a biter.
Likewise, with some humans, you can Trust them to never tell the Truth. You can Trust them to betray you. You can Trust them to always choose the side of arrogance, of greed, of violence, and so on.
When you can see how to Trust another person, then you know how to Love them.
Do you Love them up close and personal? Do you Love them from afar?
Because if you cannot Trust someone, or if you can Trust them in the negative sense of Trust, the Illusion of Trust, that is someone you need to send Love to, the Illumination of Love.
And you see, it was spoken that you should send Love out into the world every day, and send Peace out into the world, and ask for Forgiveness, and so on, and as you do all these things, you begin to see how and where and with whom you can share Trust.
And for those you cannot share the Illumination of Trust,
the Truth of it,
you send them Love,
because eventually, they will wake up.
You must understand that you're coming very close to something now, called critical mass. And critical mass is when you hit fifty one percent, with all the fifty one percent agreeing on a common denominator, such as we all want to live Peacefully, we all want to live lovingly, we all want to share Love and compassion, and so on.
And when you hit critical mass, you hit that fifty one percent, then you see, the water is, temperature-wise, at a certain level, you might say. And all the other water will come into that temperature range as well.
You see, whenever you have a bathtub full of warm water,
and you have a few ice cubes at one end, they may lower the temperature a little bit, but it won't take much for them to melt.
Now, if you have a bathtub full of ice cubes, and you put a little warm water into one end, that warm water won't do much to the ice cubes.
So you see, you are rapidly approaching that fifty one percent mark, the critical mass point,
where there are more of you who are choosing to live in Peace
than there are those who are not. And you are going to see massive changes happening in your world as you do.
And at that time, you are going to see great chaos and you will have great challenge in living during these times, on many, many fronts. And so it is imperative that you learn how to Trust other beings,
especially other human beings. You must know who you can Trust and who you cannot, who is operating in the Illusion of Trust. And you're going to have to redevelop your own intuitive sense
so that you can more easily continue down your path of Peacefulness, for that is your choice, and nobody can take that choice away from you. And I say to you that you should never let another take that choice from you. And for those who may attempt to take your choice or to sway it, they will be guilty of the Laws of Interference, and the karmic repercussions of such are very severe.
The times ahead will be challenging. And it is even more important that you learn to Trust, given the fact that Mother Earth is also beginning to make her shifts and her changes, and those changes will also add to the chaos and the challenge of the times that you live in. But you will fare well if you will remember these lessons.
Be kind, be compassionate, be Loving, be steadfast in your journey of Peacefulness.
Do not give up. Do not falter, and do not stop. Even if the step you take today is a very small step, and it is all you could manage, you are still continuing on your path. Do not stop. Let it empower you every day.
Be the Light that you are.
There are so many good things within each of you that are just waiting to come out, waiting to be shared. And you should begin by sharing those with whom you can Trust in Illumination.
But most importantly, you must Trust yourself.
Trust yourself to know right from wrong. Trust yourself to continue down the path of Peacefulness. Trust yourself to be Loving and kind and compassionate.
Trusting yourself may be difficult,
but you have no choice.
You being self Trust by accepting who and what you are. What can you Trust yourself to do and not to do?
Look at yourself first, and if there are things that you can't Trust yourself, in Illumination, to do, or not to do, to say or not to say,
then work on those things.
And do not tarry. Do not tarry with these things, for you do, indeed, have a timetable here. The clock is ticking, as the saying goes.
The time is now for self improvement, you might say, self discovery, self awareness, self Love, self Trust, self Freedom, and so on.
The time is now.
You are being called into a state of motion. For several years now, we have spoken of states of being, making choices and so on. Now we are calling you into a state of motion.
It is time to act.
Start with Trusting yourself.
Trust yourself to do right.
Trust yourself to choose Peace, and Love, and so on.
Do not beat yourself up when you make a mistake, or you realize you've been doing something all along that you thought was grand and wonderful, and then you realize that maybe it wasn't so grand and wonderful. Do not beat yourself up. Acknowledge it. Forgive it. Ask for Forgiveness. Move on.
Keep moving on. The world needs you, every being of Life needs you at your best, at your most brilliant.
So shine your light.
Trust yourself.
You can do this.
You can do this, and you will.
Remember my words.
And you may Trust me to have spoken Truth to you, for that is all I ever speak.
Remember your journey.
Remember the lessons.
I leave you with my Love.
I am Trusting each of you to continue in your path of Peacefulness.
That is all for this time.
Namaste, beloved ones.
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.