Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2018 - 2019
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
If you'd like to learn more about channeling or the Season of Peace, please read our articles "What is Channeling?" and "What is the Season of Peace?" |
Archangel of Abundance on the Gift of Abundance
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
We are in the 13th day of the Season of Peace celebration now – the last day. Today, we honor and celebrate the Gift of Abundance. As always, the Archangel of Abundance has shared her words of wisdom with us. This year, she has given us a beautiful and moving message explaining how living by, with, and for the Heart can guide us to the Abundance that has been created to Support our lives and Purposes.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Abundance,
and I would speak with you at this time
on the gift of Abundance,
and especially as Abundance can be seen and experienced and shared through the fields of Illusion.
Abundance is the final gift in the Season of Peace celebrations, for it is the final part, you might say, of Peace.
It is the culmination of all the other gifts,
if it is seen properly.
But I say to you that Abundance can be challenging to see when you live among the fields of Illusions.
How can you see Abundance
when you are so surrounded by Illusion and deception, greed and violence, and betrayal and so on,
difficult situations and challenges on every front? How do you see Abundance?
And I say to you, truly it is very simple.
You must look for the Love.
You must look for the Heart, and with the Heart.
You must learn to live with the Heart,
and by the Heart,
and for the Heart.
You see, when you are living by the Heart,
it means you allow your Heart to guide you.
And as your Heart guides you in all things, you always see the Love, for that is where the Heart leads you.
As you do, you find Abundance.
And you must live by the Heart,
because you must let your Heart set the dictates and confines
that your choices must abide by.
Your Heart will leave the fields of Illusions on its own,
and it will guide you safely through them.
But you must also live for the Heart,
and that is to ever further the presence of Love in your Life.
You must live in such a way that you are ever,
the Love that you are,
the Love that you share,
the Love that you receive,
the Love that you experience and express
in every
in every choice that you make,
in every action and interaction.
From the water you drink and the food you eat
to where you lay your head at night,
to every word that is spoken and every deed that is done,
you must always seek to further the Love in your Life.
And when you do this,
when you live in such a fashion,
you will find Abundance flowing to you.
It is not always easy, and Abundance does not equate to money.
So many mistake Abundance for money and/or possession.
And true Abundance has nothing to do with money, nor possession.
Abundance has to do with Love.
It has to do with Peace.
It has to do with Joy and contentment.
You see, when you can look at your Life and say, ‘I have enough,
I am open to more, but for the time being, I have enough’,
then you have found Abundance.
And the more you practice this, the more, you might say, you become grateful,
because as you have enough, you can see that you are being taken care of.
It may not be the way you want it to be,
but you are being taken care of.
And in that sense, you are experiencing true Abundance.
As I have spoken,
the more you open to Love, the greater the Abundance will flow,
for the more Love you have in your Life, the more blessings shall come.
Yes, at some point, this equates to money. It equates to possession. But only those things that you need.
Those things,
when I say need, let me clarify,
those things that you need, as defined by your Heart. Someone else may not see them as a need. But your Heart may dictate to you that it is something that you need.
Let me explain,
for so many misunderstand the concept of need, and they equate it with a lack mentality.
And I say to you that a lack mentality is simply that: a lack mentality.
It is never being satisfied and always wanting more. But that does not mean the same thing that need does.
You need food to live. You need a safe place to live. You need clothing, etcetera, etcetera. These are needs. You must have them in order to live Life, to be healthy, to be happy, to be comfortable.
There is nothing wrong with having a need. It does not –
it does not –
express a lack mentality.
Each of you has your own specific Purpose that you live by, and with, and for.
Each of you has your own goals,
your own
behind everything that you do, because it is all connected with your Purpose, whether you realize it or not.
There are things that you need that serve your Purpose.
Just as a typist cannot type without something to type on. One who plays the guitar may not play if he or she does not have a guitar. Therefore you need the guitar, and you need the keyboard or the typewriter.
And likewise, anything that comes to fulfill your Purpose
is considered to be a need.
And that need
serves greater Love.
It serves your Purpose, it serves your mission in Life, so to speak, your very reason for being.
As you begin to live more and more by your Heart and recognize what are truly needs, and what are those things that serve lack or ego,
then you will have greater Abundance coming in your Life.
But again, this does not equate to possession or money, necessarily.
When you look for the Love, the first thing you will find are interactions - interactions with others. This may not mean other people. It may mean other beings of Life.
What are your needs in those respects?
Do you need other people around?
Do you need daily conversation?
Do you need this relationship and that relationship?
Do you need the traditions and the rituals and so on and so on that society so often delivers to you?
Do you need these things?
Do you want these things?
Are they simply something that you engage in because that's the way it’s always been?
You must ask yourself these questions.
And as you begin to follow your Heart more,
and you look at your needs,
and your wants, and your desires, I say there is nothing wrong with having any of these,
because these are the voice of the Heart. T
he Heart does not serve greed, it does not serve the ego.
It serves your Purpose, and that Purpose is always
some facet
of Love.
Let me say that again.
Your Purpose
is always
some facet
of Love.
Therefore, following your Heart’s desires,
your Heart’s wants, your Heart’s needs
is also following your Purpose,
and these things must be present in your Life in order for you to fulfill it.
Now, that said, how do you fulfill your Purpose
when you are lacking
the necessary funding to live Life,
to experience it and express it
as your Purpose and your Heart call for?
And I say to you this,
look for the Love, and allow Love to deliver the means to you. The rest will fall into place.
Your job,
in fulfilling your Purpose,
and living a Life of Abundance,
is to live Love,
to foster the Love, to help it to grow.
As you put your “thing” out there in the world, so to speak - “your thing”:
your Purpose, that which you do, the one thing that you do that make you individually you,
individually, being used, of course, as a loose term;
but uniquely you is perhaps a better way to state it,
the things that you do
that make you uniquely you,
those things which you share of yourself with others.
Allow me to guide you
with each choice that you make in following your Heart.
Allow me to guide you
when it comes to meeting those needs and desires and wants of the Heart.
Do not let them
dictate and define your actions.
Let them serve as guideposts,
for you are fulfilling your Purpose as you follow them.
And as you do, you will find an Abundance of all that you need in this lifetime,
all that you need
to find Love, to be Love, to share Love,
to find happiness and Joy,
and to share that as well.
To share compassion and empathy and kindness
and so on.
All of these are forms of Abundance.
To know the Love of another is to know an Abundance.
To share Love with another is to know true Abundance.
And so do not be caught up in the Illusion of what Abundance is,
or is not.
Remain firmly steadfast in the Truth,
and Understand that when I tell you Abundance is not rooted in money or possession,
those things are of the ego.
They are of Illusion.
And you, beloved ones,
you have Life to live and Life to fulfill.
You need not be trivialized
by the Illusions of Abundance and those who would keep you away from real Abundance in your Life.
And there are many who would keep you from this.
For you see, the world becomes a very Abundant and rich place when each and every one of you fulfill your Purpose for being. And you share that part of yourself with others,
and allow them to share with you
and the exchanges, then, that happen, the gratefulness and gratitude, the Love that is shared, the appreciation for one another, and acceptance.
You see, it amplifies the Abundance of all.
Your world can know Utopia.
But only if you put aside the fields of Illusion.
Your world can know plenty for all,
and never more have a lack for anything.
But only when you put aside the fields of Illusion,
and live by and with and for Love,
through your Heart,
every single day.
Think about my words.
Think about this guidance.
And know that I am here,
and all you must do for my assistance is simply ask it
and be open to what I show you.
I leave you with an Abundance of my Love.
That is all for this time, beloved children.
and I would speak with you at this time
on the gift of Abundance,
and especially as Abundance can be seen and experienced and shared through the fields of Illusion.
Abundance is the final gift in the Season of Peace celebrations, for it is the final part, you might say, of Peace.
It is the culmination of all the other gifts,
if it is seen properly.
But I say to you that Abundance can be challenging to see when you live among the fields of Illusions.
How can you see Abundance
when you are so surrounded by Illusion and deception, greed and violence, and betrayal and so on,
difficult situations and challenges on every front? How do you see Abundance?
And I say to you, truly it is very simple.
You must look for the Love.
You must look for the Heart, and with the Heart.
You must learn to live with the Heart,
and by the Heart,
and for the Heart.
You see, when you are living by the Heart,
it means you allow your Heart to guide you.
And as your Heart guides you in all things, you always see the Love, for that is where the Heart leads you.
As you do, you find Abundance.
And you must live by the Heart,
because you must let your Heart set the dictates and confines
that your choices must abide by.
Your Heart will leave the fields of Illusions on its own,
and it will guide you safely through them.
But you must also live for the Heart,
and that is to ever further the presence of Love in your Life.
You must live in such a way that you are ever,
the Love that you are,
the Love that you share,
the Love that you receive,
the Love that you experience and express
in every
in every choice that you make,
in every action and interaction.
From the water you drink and the food you eat
to where you lay your head at night,
to every word that is spoken and every deed that is done,
you must always seek to further the Love in your Life.
And when you do this,
when you live in such a fashion,
you will find Abundance flowing to you.
It is not always easy, and Abundance does not equate to money.
So many mistake Abundance for money and/or possession.
And true Abundance has nothing to do with money, nor possession.
Abundance has to do with Love.
It has to do with Peace.
It has to do with Joy and contentment.
You see, when you can look at your Life and say, ‘I have enough,
I am open to more, but for the time being, I have enough’,
then you have found Abundance.
And the more you practice this, the more, you might say, you become grateful,
because as you have enough, you can see that you are being taken care of.
It may not be the way you want it to be,
but you are being taken care of.
And in that sense, you are experiencing true Abundance.
As I have spoken,
the more you open to Love, the greater the Abundance will flow,
for the more Love you have in your Life, the more blessings shall come.
Yes, at some point, this equates to money. It equates to possession. But only those things that you need.
Those things,
when I say need, let me clarify,
those things that you need, as defined by your Heart. Someone else may not see them as a need. But your Heart may dictate to you that it is something that you need.
Let me explain,
for so many misunderstand the concept of need, and they equate it with a lack mentality.
And I say to you that a lack mentality is simply that: a lack mentality.
It is never being satisfied and always wanting more. But that does not mean the same thing that need does.
You need food to live. You need a safe place to live. You need clothing, etcetera, etcetera. These are needs. You must have them in order to live Life, to be healthy, to be happy, to be comfortable.
There is nothing wrong with having a need. It does not –
it does not –
express a lack mentality.
Each of you has your own specific Purpose that you live by, and with, and for.
Each of you has your own goals,
your own
behind everything that you do, because it is all connected with your Purpose, whether you realize it or not.
There are things that you need that serve your Purpose.
Just as a typist cannot type without something to type on. One who plays the guitar may not play if he or she does not have a guitar. Therefore you need the guitar, and you need the keyboard or the typewriter.
And likewise, anything that comes to fulfill your Purpose
is considered to be a need.
And that need
serves greater Love.
It serves your Purpose, it serves your mission in Life, so to speak, your very reason for being.
As you begin to live more and more by your Heart and recognize what are truly needs, and what are those things that serve lack or ego,
then you will have greater Abundance coming in your Life.
But again, this does not equate to possession or money, necessarily.
When you look for the Love, the first thing you will find are interactions - interactions with others. This may not mean other people. It may mean other beings of Life.
What are your needs in those respects?
Do you need other people around?
Do you need daily conversation?
Do you need this relationship and that relationship?
Do you need the traditions and the rituals and so on and so on that society so often delivers to you?
Do you need these things?
Do you want these things?
Are they simply something that you engage in because that's the way it’s always been?
You must ask yourself these questions.
And as you begin to follow your Heart more,
and you look at your needs,
and your wants, and your desires, I say there is nothing wrong with having any of these,
because these are the voice of the Heart. T
he Heart does not serve greed, it does not serve the ego.
It serves your Purpose, and that Purpose is always
some facet
of Love.
Let me say that again.
Your Purpose
is always
some facet
of Love.
Therefore, following your Heart’s desires,
your Heart’s wants, your Heart’s needs
is also following your Purpose,
and these things must be present in your Life in order for you to fulfill it.
Now, that said, how do you fulfill your Purpose
when you are lacking
the necessary funding to live Life,
to experience it and express it
as your Purpose and your Heart call for?
And I say to you this,
look for the Love, and allow Love to deliver the means to you. The rest will fall into place.
Your job,
in fulfilling your Purpose,
and living a Life of Abundance,
is to live Love,
to foster the Love, to help it to grow.
As you put your “thing” out there in the world, so to speak - “your thing”:
your Purpose, that which you do, the one thing that you do that make you individually you,
individually, being used, of course, as a loose term;
but uniquely you is perhaps a better way to state it,
the things that you do
that make you uniquely you,
those things which you share of yourself with others.
Allow me to guide you
with each choice that you make in following your Heart.
Allow me to guide you
when it comes to meeting those needs and desires and wants of the Heart.
Do not let them
dictate and define your actions.
Let them serve as guideposts,
for you are fulfilling your Purpose as you follow them.
And as you do, you will find an Abundance of all that you need in this lifetime,
all that you need
to find Love, to be Love, to share Love,
to find happiness and Joy,
and to share that as well.
To share compassion and empathy and kindness
and so on.
All of these are forms of Abundance.
To know the Love of another is to know an Abundance.
To share Love with another is to know true Abundance.
And so do not be caught up in the Illusion of what Abundance is,
or is not.
Remain firmly steadfast in the Truth,
and Understand that when I tell you Abundance is not rooted in money or possession,
those things are of the ego.
They are of Illusion.
And you, beloved ones,
you have Life to live and Life to fulfill.
You need not be trivialized
by the Illusions of Abundance and those who would keep you away from real Abundance in your Life.
And there are many who would keep you from this.
For you see, the world becomes a very Abundant and rich place when each and every one of you fulfill your Purpose for being. And you share that part of yourself with others,
and allow them to share with you
and the exchanges, then, that happen, the gratefulness and gratitude, the Love that is shared, the appreciation for one another, and acceptance.
You see, it amplifies the Abundance of all.
Your world can know Utopia.
But only if you put aside the fields of Illusion.
Your world can know plenty for all,
and never more have a lack for anything.
But only when you put aside the fields of Illusion,
and live by and with and for Love,
through your Heart,
every single day.
Think about my words.
Think about this guidance.
And know that I am here,
and all you must do for my assistance is simply ask it
and be open to what I show you.
I leave you with an Abundance of my Love.
That is all for this time, beloved children.
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. However, if you feel moved to say thanks by making a donation you may do so here with our gratitude. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
© Copyright 2012-2019 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.