Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2018 - 2019
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
If you'd like to learn more about channeling or the Season of Peace, please read our articles "What is Channeling?" and "What is the Season of Peace?" |
Archangel of Truth on the Gift of Truth
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
The Archangel of Truth shares insights on the importance of looking for Truth in our daily living. He offers his guidance for how to see the Truth through the Illusions so we will know which choice to make and which path to take. This is a very empowering message.
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Truth, and I would speak with you at this time, as you begin, yet again, another Season of Peace celebration. I would speak with you on the gift of Truth,
and how it pertains to this time of Peace. For you see, you are coming now into a time of Peace. And you are seeing the last vestiges of Duality and Illusion fading away. And you have within your power, right at this moment in time, the ability to see through the Illusions. To see past them. And to see nothing but Truth.
The Truth in the path before you.
The path that you must take to everlasting Peace,
to everlasting Love,
and Joy, and so on.
And you will find this path only by seeing with the eyes of Truthfulness.
How do you see with the eyes of Truthfulness?
I say to you that you see
As has been spoken, you must look through the Illusion. You must look past the Illusion, and find the kernel of Truth within each and every presentation to you. No matter what that presentation is. No matter what angle it comes from. No matter who delivers it. Every presentation to you in Life, whether it is from yourself from within, or from someone else outside of yourself.
You will find that every presentation has within it a kernel of Truth, and that kernel of Truth is Love.
You must look for the Love,
and when you see the Love, then you see the Truth.
The Illusion will then fade away. You may take this principle into every aspect of your Life - your relationship with yourself, with your spouse or partner, with your children, with your parents, with your family, your friends, your communities, your countries, and so on. Every interaction that you have
contains within it both an Illusion and a Truth.
That is the nature of Duality, and that is the dimension that most of you are living in, and many of you are exiting from at this time.
The dimension of Duality is, in fact, a physical space, and that is where most are residing, and it is where all, at this point in time, are interacting, to one degree or another. There are many of you who are interacting from the following dimension, which is the Fourth Dimension, one might say, a Dimension of Transition, going from Duality into Peacefulness. Peace, you might say, is the Fifth Dimension, for the purposes of this discussion at any rate.
As you are moving back and forth between dimensions, remember that if you would live in a state of Truth, and if you would continually move away from the perils of Illusion and Duality, then you must stay firmly focused on Truth, on Love, and on Peace. That is the only true path away from the Dimension of Duality.
It is the only true path of Life.
It has always been the only true path, for if you are to find your true nature, your true self, your true Purpose in Life, your reason for being, your greatest Love, your greatest Joy, your greatest Abundance and so on, it will only come to you if you walk a path of Truth,
a path of Peace,
and a path of Love.
You must understand that your Creator, the Universe at large, whatever you wish to call the point of origin for yourself, for your own being, for each and every one of you, that point is Love. That is the very nature of Life itself, is Love. That is Truth. That is Peace. To go with anything else is to engage in Illusion, and as many of you must know by now, Illusion spreads Illusion. It grows Illusion. The more you focus on the Illusion, the more energy you put into Illusion, the greater the Illusion will be. And likewise, the more you place your energy and your focus on Love, the greater Love will come into your Life, the greater Peacefulness, and the greater Truth.
There is always greater strength,
and greater promise, in the correct path in Life.
Illusion will always be weak, no matter how strong it appears to be. It is rooted in falsehoods, and those falsehoods will vanish like smoke in the wind
when they are held up to the Light of Love and the Light of Truth, for therein lies true power.
Illusion has no power, except that which you give it.
If you do not give Illusion power, then it has none.
True power comes with Love.
That is all.
There is no more.
True power comes only
That is one of the great Truths of Life, for it is Life itself.
When you look at the world around you, whether it is in your own home, in your own community, your nation, or just the world in general, you will see many, many Illusions, as the world is fraught with difficulties and challenges on every front. How do you know which way to turn? How do you know how to find your Truth?
And I say that you must take every interaction that you engage in
and you must look for the Truth within.
If there is a question, look for the Truth.
If you are unsure, look for the Truth.
Re-examine your entire Life. And I strongly encourage each and every one of you to do this. Re-examine your entire Life, hold every action, interaction, and relationship,
every cause that you champion, every thought that you think, hold them all up to the Light of Truth. Search them out. Do they contain the element of Love, or do they not?
And if they do not, cast them aside, for they are an Illusion that will drag you down. It will keep you from finding the Peace within. It will keep you from finding everlasting Love.
At this time, the world has greatly segregated. There are many who are waking up and seeing Truths, and they are seeing a path of Peacefulness, even though that path itself may not always seem to be Peaceful. When it leads to greater Peace, when it leads to greater Love, it is indeed a Peaceful path.
But there are many who are still entrenched in the Illusions. They enjoy the Illusion. They find comfort in it. They find solace. And I say to you, it is because they will not look themselves in the mirror and see their own Truth. However, some of these people, these beings,
are regrettably in a position of power, and so they force their own Illusions upon others. And I say to you, each and every one, it is up to you to say no.
No one can make you say yes to Illusion.
No one can make you choose a path of non-Peacefulness. Only you can choose that. Only you can accept it. If you accept it, then that is your choice. And if you refuse it, that is your choice. Both choices come with repercussions. The question is: Which one is Truth, and which one is not? Which one will lead you to greater Joy in Life? Which one will not? And when you consider your Joys and your Loves in Life, and so on, you must also hold them to the candle of Truth, you might say. Hold them up to the scrutiny of Truth. Are they real Joy? Are they real Love?
Ask yourself these questions, and examine carefully,
for your future depends
on the choices you make today.
There has never been a more important time in your history,
in your Life.
There has never been a more important time
to find your Truth and live it.
It is your power, it is your strength, it is your guidance.
As the saying has been spoken, sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees. And I say to you that when you look for the Light of Truth, you will always know your way, and you will never be lost. And so I encourage each and every one of you
to stand up within your own Truth.
Stand firm, stand tall, stand strongly convicted, and therein shall you find your Peace, and therein shall you find the way to change your world.
Join together, arm in arm, hand in hand, Heart to Heart.
Share the Love.
Share the Joy.
Share the Peace.
It is the Truth of the Light that you are.
Be not afraid.
Embrace the Light.
Embrace the Truth.
Your path will unfold
in a most joyous fashion as you do.
Think about my words,
for they would bear scrutiny and contemplation.
It is my wish to help you.
It is my wish to answer your prayers.
And so I have done.
And so I shall continue to do.
Reach out to those of us who guide you,
and we will help you, every moment of every day,
with every step you take upon your way.
With these words, I leave you with my Love.
That is all for this time.
Namaste, my children,
and how it pertains to this time of Peace. For you see, you are coming now into a time of Peace. And you are seeing the last vestiges of Duality and Illusion fading away. And you have within your power, right at this moment in time, the ability to see through the Illusions. To see past them. And to see nothing but Truth.
The Truth in the path before you.
The path that you must take to everlasting Peace,
to everlasting Love,
and Joy, and so on.
And you will find this path only by seeing with the eyes of Truthfulness.
How do you see with the eyes of Truthfulness?
I say to you that you see
As has been spoken, you must look through the Illusion. You must look past the Illusion, and find the kernel of Truth within each and every presentation to you. No matter what that presentation is. No matter what angle it comes from. No matter who delivers it. Every presentation to you in Life, whether it is from yourself from within, or from someone else outside of yourself.
You will find that every presentation has within it a kernel of Truth, and that kernel of Truth is Love.
You must look for the Love,
and when you see the Love, then you see the Truth.
The Illusion will then fade away. You may take this principle into every aspect of your Life - your relationship with yourself, with your spouse or partner, with your children, with your parents, with your family, your friends, your communities, your countries, and so on. Every interaction that you have
contains within it both an Illusion and a Truth.
That is the nature of Duality, and that is the dimension that most of you are living in, and many of you are exiting from at this time.
The dimension of Duality is, in fact, a physical space, and that is where most are residing, and it is where all, at this point in time, are interacting, to one degree or another. There are many of you who are interacting from the following dimension, which is the Fourth Dimension, one might say, a Dimension of Transition, going from Duality into Peacefulness. Peace, you might say, is the Fifth Dimension, for the purposes of this discussion at any rate.
As you are moving back and forth between dimensions, remember that if you would live in a state of Truth, and if you would continually move away from the perils of Illusion and Duality, then you must stay firmly focused on Truth, on Love, and on Peace. That is the only true path away from the Dimension of Duality.
It is the only true path of Life.
It has always been the only true path, for if you are to find your true nature, your true self, your true Purpose in Life, your reason for being, your greatest Love, your greatest Joy, your greatest Abundance and so on, it will only come to you if you walk a path of Truth,
a path of Peace,
and a path of Love.
You must understand that your Creator, the Universe at large, whatever you wish to call the point of origin for yourself, for your own being, for each and every one of you, that point is Love. That is the very nature of Life itself, is Love. That is Truth. That is Peace. To go with anything else is to engage in Illusion, and as many of you must know by now, Illusion spreads Illusion. It grows Illusion. The more you focus on the Illusion, the more energy you put into Illusion, the greater the Illusion will be. And likewise, the more you place your energy and your focus on Love, the greater Love will come into your Life, the greater Peacefulness, and the greater Truth.
There is always greater strength,
and greater promise, in the correct path in Life.
Illusion will always be weak, no matter how strong it appears to be. It is rooted in falsehoods, and those falsehoods will vanish like smoke in the wind
when they are held up to the Light of Love and the Light of Truth, for therein lies true power.
Illusion has no power, except that which you give it.
If you do not give Illusion power, then it has none.
True power comes with Love.
That is all.
There is no more.
True power comes only
That is one of the great Truths of Life, for it is Life itself.
When you look at the world around you, whether it is in your own home, in your own community, your nation, or just the world in general, you will see many, many Illusions, as the world is fraught with difficulties and challenges on every front. How do you know which way to turn? How do you know how to find your Truth?
And I say that you must take every interaction that you engage in
and you must look for the Truth within.
If there is a question, look for the Truth.
If you are unsure, look for the Truth.
Re-examine your entire Life. And I strongly encourage each and every one of you to do this. Re-examine your entire Life, hold every action, interaction, and relationship,
every cause that you champion, every thought that you think, hold them all up to the Light of Truth. Search them out. Do they contain the element of Love, or do they not?
And if they do not, cast them aside, for they are an Illusion that will drag you down. It will keep you from finding the Peace within. It will keep you from finding everlasting Love.
At this time, the world has greatly segregated. There are many who are waking up and seeing Truths, and they are seeing a path of Peacefulness, even though that path itself may not always seem to be Peaceful. When it leads to greater Peace, when it leads to greater Love, it is indeed a Peaceful path.
But there are many who are still entrenched in the Illusions. They enjoy the Illusion. They find comfort in it. They find solace. And I say to you, it is because they will not look themselves in the mirror and see their own Truth. However, some of these people, these beings,
are regrettably in a position of power, and so they force their own Illusions upon others. And I say to you, each and every one, it is up to you to say no.
No one can make you say yes to Illusion.
No one can make you choose a path of non-Peacefulness. Only you can choose that. Only you can accept it. If you accept it, then that is your choice. And if you refuse it, that is your choice. Both choices come with repercussions. The question is: Which one is Truth, and which one is not? Which one will lead you to greater Joy in Life? Which one will not? And when you consider your Joys and your Loves in Life, and so on, you must also hold them to the candle of Truth, you might say. Hold them up to the scrutiny of Truth. Are they real Joy? Are they real Love?
Ask yourself these questions, and examine carefully,
for your future depends
on the choices you make today.
There has never been a more important time in your history,
in your Life.
There has never been a more important time
to find your Truth and live it.
It is your power, it is your strength, it is your guidance.
As the saying has been spoken, sometimes you cannot see the forest for the trees. And I say to you that when you look for the Light of Truth, you will always know your way, and you will never be lost. And so I encourage each and every one of you
to stand up within your own Truth.
Stand firm, stand tall, stand strongly convicted, and therein shall you find your Peace, and therein shall you find the way to change your world.
Join together, arm in arm, hand in hand, Heart to Heart.
Share the Love.
Share the Joy.
Share the Peace.
It is the Truth of the Light that you are.
Be not afraid.
Embrace the Light.
Embrace the Truth.
Your path will unfold
in a most joyous fashion as you do.
Think about my words,
for they would bear scrutiny and contemplation.
It is my wish to help you.
It is my wish to answer your prayers.
And so I have done.
And so I shall continue to do.
Reach out to those of us who guide you,
and we will help you, every moment of every day,
with every step you take upon your way.
With these words, I leave you with my Love.
That is all for this time.
Namaste, my children,
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. However, if you feel moved to say thanks by making a donation you may do so here with our gratitude. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
© Copyright 2012-2019 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.