Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2018 - 2019
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
If you'd like to learn more about channeling or the Season of Peace, please read our articles "What is Channeling?" and "What is the Season of Peace?" |
Archangel Gabriel on the Gift of Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Archangel Gabriel begins our time of reflection on the gifts, attributes, Time, and Dimension of Peace with words of wisdom. He sets this year’s theme of living through the Illusions of Duality. How does one find Peace while living in a world of Illusion? Gabriel offers sound guidance on this most difficult of endeavors.
“Yes then, it is I, Archangel Gabriel, and I would speak with you at this time, as you begin, yet again, to celebrate another Season of Peace. I would speak to you of Peace, and this time in which you live, and how Peace reigns among you. How it can and how it should, and how it is only there in the Illusion of living every day.
To begin with, let me say this, your world has become a place of increasingly difficult challenges to overcome, to live with. Your world has become a place fraught with Illusion. But never more has there been a greater opportunity for you to thrive in a state of Peacefulness. Let me explain.
Sometimes it is difficult to see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes, and yet other times it becomes crystal clear. Sometimes, when you need a little help to see something, the extremes happen. And in those moments when extremes are present, then it is easy to see the difference between right and wrong, left and right, good and bad, Love and hate, and so on. And such is the time that you live in, for at this time in your history, in your present, and in your future, you have never been faced with such challenges, and yet such a stark contrast between right and wrong, Peacefulness and non-Peacefulness, real Love and the Illusion of it, Illumination versus Illusion, and so on. And to that end,
and with respect to that,
then I must say that it should never have been easier than it is today
to see Truth, to see Peace, to choose Peace and to live it.
Now with that said, let us begin. How do you live amidst all the strife and chaos that your world is presenting at this time? There are many, many reasons why the world is in this state. There are many, many causes for this state, and there are many whose hands are in the pots, you might say, stirring these states. And yet it is not all bad, no matter what it may seem like. It is not all bad, for there is always good to come out of bad. The key is you must look for the Truth, you must look past the Illusions of what the world is presenting and see the Truth, see the element of Truth.
And therein shall you find your Peace, and only therein shall you find your Peace.
When Life is at its worst, it is easy to find Peace, because when Life is at its worst, it is easy to see where the Peace needs to be, and where it is not. That does not mean that the changes will be easy. It does not mean that the changes you need to make will be without repercussion. You cannot clean house without stirring up a bit of dust, as the saying goes. And at this time in the world you live in, it’s going to be more than just a bit of dust. It is going to be the proverbial dust storm, for there is much Illusion.
There are many in your realm who would see the world never find Peace, and yet each and every one of you yearns for it within your own Hearts, no matter what your station in Life is, no matter what your position, no matter what your circumstances. Each and every one of you yearns for Peace within. The time has come. And your clock is ticking for it. This is the time for making choices and changes.
At some point in the not too distant future, changes will be made, and then you will be reacting instead of creating. And I would suggest to each and every one of you to not wait until that time, that point in time, to make your choices, for it is much easier to choose and act than it is to not choose and react.
And that is where you are at.
So let us look at Life for just a moment.
How do you know what to do to choose Peace?
How do you know how to find Peace in the world that has so very little of it that is evident?
And I say that you must begin with your own Heart. You must begin with your own Heart.
When you begin with your Heart, everything else flows from there. And you must learn to see through the Illusion.
It is not about self gratification. It is not about pleasure. It is not about pleasing the mind, or the ego, or even the physical senses. It is about finding contentment within your Heart. What are you content with, where do you find that sense of contentment?
Look at anything in your world at this moment. There are wars happening throughout the world, where do you find Peace with that?
If you are not actively involved in these wars, then your Peace should come
by saying no to war.
If you are actively engaged in battle, in war, where do you find your Peace?
Do you find it in firing yet another round?
Or do you find it with the idea of being at home with your families?
And I say to you that as you find your Peace, and as you find your Truth, looking through the Illusions, you will find Love -
always, first and foremost.
Love is your basis for Peace.
Love is your Truth.
Only when you stand upon that base of Love will you find your Peace.
And you will not find it if you do not look for it.
There will be times when you think you have found Love, and instead, what you find is another Illusion,
whispering through your fingers,
as it is whisked away in the winds of change, for it was not real and it was not true. It was an Illusion. Look deep within.
What is the abiding Truth, the abiding Love that never leaves you? Where are these things in your family, in your convictions, in your own Truths that you choose and wish to live by, the things that you hold great importance with, and to, and for, as you might say?
Therein shall you find your Peace.
And in this time of great strife and chaos, it has never been more important for you to search for it. For if you do not, Life will continue to become more and more difficult and chaotic. It will become more challenging, as you then are challenged on a personal and individual level, to look within, to find the Peace within, and as you do, make your choices and live accordingly, for you cannot have Peace within and not have Peace without.
If you have not Peace outside of your Life,
outside of your own intimate, personal confines of your mind and your Heart,
if you do not have Peace outside of that, then you will not have Peace within it.
And I say to you the only way to have Peace on the outside is to have Peace on the inside first.
You must find it, you must choose it, and then you must be strong enough in your convictions to live it.
Therein lies your real challenge.
When you look, it is easy to see Peace versus Illusion, you might say. It is easy to make the choices, but it is not so easy to live it. And that is where you will have to find your Strength and your courage every single day.
You must be courageous. You must be brave in the face of adversity. You must be strong in your convictions and never give up.
This is difficult, especially when you are only one person. And I say to you, join with others who also share your Peace, who share your convictions, and be strong for one another.
And together in your collective Strength,
you will raise all others
who share in your moments of Peace, in your viewpoints of Peace. And what happens when you have more than one viewpoint, for what is Peace to one person might be war to another, and vice versa.
And I say to you this, there is only one Love in this world. Therefore there is only one Peace.
And you will not have either until you can see that every being of Life shares that one Truth,
the one Love,
the one Heart,
the one Peace.
Only then will you know true Peace,
for you cannot have Peace when another does not.
And yet you must all work together to create Peace for all. And there will be those who refuse to participate in this state of Peacefulness, and I say to you that those may walk a different path.
It does not matter what person walks which path.
What matters is what path you walk.
And when each of you is steadfast and firm in your convictions to walk upon this Earth Peacefully, to walk every step of you Life Peacefully, to engage in every interaction from a Peaceful standpoint, and to accept no less from any other,
then you will find Peacefulness falling into place,
for yourself and those around you.
And every person, every being of Life that you touch, verily, I say to you this:
You will share Peace only when you share it from your Heart, within the auspices of the Love that you are,
within the auspices of the Love that you all are,
each of you but one facet, one shining moment
on the face of Love,
shining in the Illumination of All That Is.
And I say to you, never give up.
Find that Peace and hold onto it.
It is time to change the world, and you do that one choice at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time, but always, always, always stay firmly rooted in Peace, in Truth, and in Love in those moments. And when you do, you will find all else falling into alignment with it.
Be Peaceful in all that you do, in all that you think, and all that you say. Accept nothing less from any other, for if they cannot interact with you from the auspices of Peace then they are not interacting in Truth. It is but Illusion. And I say to you, let the Illusion go.
Let the Illusion go.
Accept only Peace.
Accept only Truth.
And accept only Love.
And with these words, I will leave you with my Peace,
and my promise to help you find your Peace within.
It is the answer to the prayers that each of you has uttered,
individually, intimately, and collectively.
The Peace is within you. You must live it, and you must live it now.
I leave you with these words, and the greatest of my Love.
That is all for this time.
To begin with, let me say this, your world has become a place of increasingly difficult challenges to overcome, to live with. Your world has become a place fraught with Illusion. But never more has there been a greater opportunity for you to thrive in a state of Peacefulness. Let me explain.
Sometimes it is difficult to see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes, and yet other times it becomes crystal clear. Sometimes, when you need a little help to see something, the extremes happen. And in those moments when extremes are present, then it is easy to see the difference between right and wrong, left and right, good and bad, Love and hate, and so on. And such is the time that you live in, for at this time in your history, in your present, and in your future, you have never been faced with such challenges, and yet such a stark contrast between right and wrong, Peacefulness and non-Peacefulness, real Love and the Illusion of it, Illumination versus Illusion, and so on. And to that end,
and with respect to that,
then I must say that it should never have been easier than it is today
to see Truth, to see Peace, to choose Peace and to live it.
Now with that said, let us begin. How do you live amidst all the strife and chaos that your world is presenting at this time? There are many, many reasons why the world is in this state. There are many, many causes for this state, and there are many whose hands are in the pots, you might say, stirring these states. And yet it is not all bad, no matter what it may seem like. It is not all bad, for there is always good to come out of bad. The key is you must look for the Truth, you must look past the Illusions of what the world is presenting and see the Truth, see the element of Truth.
And therein shall you find your Peace, and only therein shall you find your Peace.
When Life is at its worst, it is easy to find Peace, because when Life is at its worst, it is easy to see where the Peace needs to be, and where it is not. That does not mean that the changes will be easy. It does not mean that the changes you need to make will be without repercussion. You cannot clean house without stirring up a bit of dust, as the saying goes. And at this time in the world you live in, it’s going to be more than just a bit of dust. It is going to be the proverbial dust storm, for there is much Illusion.
There are many in your realm who would see the world never find Peace, and yet each and every one of you yearns for it within your own Hearts, no matter what your station in Life is, no matter what your position, no matter what your circumstances. Each and every one of you yearns for Peace within. The time has come. And your clock is ticking for it. This is the time for making choices and changes.
At some point in the not too distant future, changes will be made, and then you will be reacting instead of creating. And I would suggest to each and every one of you to not wait until that time, that point in time, to make your choices, for it is much easier to choose and act than it is to not choose and react.
And that is where you are at.
So let us look at Life for just a moment.
How do you know what to do to choose Peace?
How do you know how to find Peace in the world that has so very little of it that is evident?
And I say that you must begin with your own Heart. You must begin with your own Heart.
When you begin with your Heart, everything else flows from there. And you must learn to see through the Illusion.
It is not about self gratification. It is not about pleasure. It is not about pleasing the mind, or the ego, or even the physical senses. It is about finding contentment within your Heart. What are you content with, where do you find that sense of contentment?
Look at anything in your world at this moment. There are wars happening throughout the world, where do you find Peace with that?
If you are not actively involved in these wars, then your Peace should come
by saying no to war.
If you are actively engaged in battle, in war, where do you find your Peace?
Do you find it in firing yet another round?
Or do you find it with the idea of being at home with your families?
And I say to you that as you find your Peace, and as you find your Truth, looking through the Illusions, you will find Love -
always, first and foremost.
Love is your basis for Peace.
Love is your Truth.
Only when you stand upon that base of Love will you find your Peace.
And you will not find it if you do not look for it.
There will be times when you think you have found Love, and instead, what you find is another Illusion,
whispering through your fingers,
as it is whisked away in the winds of change, for it was not real and it was not true. It was an Illusion. Look deep within.
What is the abiding Truth, the abiding Love that never leaves you? Where are these things in your family, in your convictions, in your own Truths that you choose and wish to live by, the things that you hold great importance with, and to, and for, as you might say?
Therein shall you find your Peace.
And in this time of great strife and chaos, it has never been more important for you to search for it. For if you do not, Life will continue to become more and more difficult and chaotic. It will become more challenging, as you then are challenged on a personal and individual level, to look within, to find the Peace within, and as you do, make your choices and live accordingly, for you cannot have Peace within and not have Peace without.
If you have not Peace outside of your Life,
outside of your own intimate, personal confines of your mind and your Heart,
if you do not have Peace outside of that, then you will not have Peace within it.
And I say to you the only way to have Peace on the outside is to have Peace on the inside first.
You must find it, you must choose it, and then you must be strong enough in your convictions to live it.
Therein lies your real challenge.
When you look, it is easy to see Peace versus Illusion, you might say. It is easy to make the choices, but it is not so easy to live it. And that is where you will have to find your Strength and your courage every single day.
You must be courageous. You must be brave in the face of adversity. You must be strong in your convictions and never give up.
This is difficult, especially when you are only one person. And I say to you, join with others who also share your Peace, who share your convictions, and be strong for one another.
And together in your collective Strength,
you will raise all others
who share in your moments of Peace, in your viewpoints of Peace. And what happens when you have more than one viewpoint, for what is Peace to one person might be war to another, and vice versa.
And I say to you this, there is only one Love in this world. Therefore there is only one Peace.
And you will not have either until you can see that every being of Life shares that one Truth,
the one Love,
the one Heart,
the one Peace.
Only then will you know true Peace,
for you cannot have Peace when another does not.
And yet you must all work together to create Peace for all. And there will be those who refuse to participate in this state of Peacefulness, and I say to you that those may walk a different path.
It does not matter what person walks which path.
What matters is what path you walk.
And when each of you is steadfast and firm in your convictions to walk upon this Earth Peacefully, to walk every step of you Life Peacefully, to engage in every interaction from a Peaceful standpoint, and to accept no less from any other,
then you will find Peacefulness falling into place,
for yourself and those around you.
And every person, every being of Life that you touch, verily, I say to you this:
You will share Peace only when you share it from your Heart, within the auspices of the Love that you are,
within the auspices of the Love that you all are,
each of you but one facet, one shining moment
on the face of Love,
shining in the Illumination of All That Is.
And I say to you, never give up.
Find that Peace and hold onto it.
It is time to change the world, and you do that one choice at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time, but always, always, always stay firmly rooted in Peace, in Truth, and in Love in those moments. And when you do, you will find all else falling into alignment with it.
Be Peaceful in all that you do, in all that you think, and all that you say. Accept nothing less from any other, for if they cannot interact with you from the auspices of Peace then they are not interacting in Truth. It is but Illusion. And I say to you, let the Illusion go.
Let the Illusion go.
Accept only Peace.
Accept only Truth.
And accept only Love.
And with these words, I will leave you with my Peace,
and my promise to help you find your Peace within.
It is the answer to the prayers that each of you has uttered,
individually, intimately, and collectively.
The Peace is within you. You must live it, and you must live it now.
I leave you with these words, and the greatest of my Love.
That is all for this time.
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. However, if you feel moved to say thanks by making a donation you may do so here with our gratitude. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
© Copyright 2012-2019 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.