Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2018 - 2019
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
If you'd like to learn more about channeling or the Season of Peace, please read our articles "What is Channeling?" and "What is the Season of Peace?" |
Mother Earth on Leaving Illusion
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Mother Earth speaks of leaving the fields of Illusion and moving into the Time and Dimension of Peace. She also speaks of changes she is making and why. It is an interesting and enlightening message.
“Yes, then, it is I, Mother Earth,
Sister Gaea,
Friend Terra,
and I would speak with you at this time
about the Earth,
about me,
and the fields of Illusion. I say to you that the fields of Illusion shall soon be no more upon my being, upon my breast.
I will no longer support Illusion.
As we have all been called into a Time and a place and a space of Peace,
I say to you that I have been
working for many years readying that place,
that space,
that time,
and that dimension within my own presence.
I offer
Illusion no more
to any who comes to dwell with me.
I say to you that I am
and ever more a place of Peace.
And those who would dwell with me in Peace shall remain and those who choose to continue with Illusion
will live it elsewhere.
It has been spoken many times that there are changes coming.
And I say that there are.
There are many changes coming.
But you should not fear them.
Come to me, as the children of mine that you are, for you are the flesh and blood of my being.
That is what your being is made of.
It is me,
my elements,
my parts.
Yes, you have the energies of the stars and the heavens within you.
But you exist in biological form because of me,
because I share myself with you.
Come to me,
and I shall care for you.
There is nothing to fear.
There is only something to look forward to.
It has been spoken
that in order to find Joy, sometimes you must leave behind something
and move toward something.
And this is one of those times.
There is great Joy in the Dimension of Peace.
There is great Joy in the Time of Peace,
the place of Peace, and so on.
We can all live together harmoniously, where each experiences Abundance
and Love
and happiness
and Strength and support and so on and so on.
Greed only serves Illusion. And there is no place for that with me any longer,
for I do not support Illusion, nor do I support greed,
nor do I support violence, and so on.
You each have come far on your spiritual journey, on your path of evolution, in your choices and your awareness, and the knowledge and Strength that build within you.
And I commend each and every one of you
for your undertaking, and your successes along the way, as they meet with your choices as you follow your Heart.
And I say to you that you must continue to follow your Heart.
And you must continue
to make these choices that support Peace every day, for only that way will you find an end to the Illusion
in your Life.
It will be difficult for many of you. But I say to you this, the more you leave the fields of Illusion, the more you become part of the Dimension of Peace.
You see, each and every step you take away from something is a step taken toward something.
And each step you take away from Illusion
is a step that you take
into a Time and place and space and Dimension of Peace.
It is this Transition that you are in at this moment.
And most of the world is in this Transition in one form or another. There are many, believe it or not,
that are walking away from Peace and further into Illusion.
And it saddens me so to see this, for they cannot live here any longer.
They must find a new place to dwell,
for it will not be with me.
As you take your steps every day further and further away from Illusion
and into Peacefulness,
you will begin to find greater contentment, greater Love, and greater Joy.
Again, these do not have to do with the Abundance of monies and riches and possessions. They do not have to do with adrenaline rushes
and so on. All of these things have been spoken already.
But I say to you, that together, we can join hands. We can join hearts. And, we can join in the Love that we are.
And together,
we will be
the Dimension of Peace.
I am supplying the time and the place, and even all the necessary elements.
There is so much damage that has been done in so many ways.
But I say to you that just as one loses a scab from an injury, so too shall I lose these contaminated places and spaces.
I will be made whole again
by the Love that I am,
and the Peace that I am and shall ever be.
And likewise, as you go through this journey of Transition,
and you have bumps and bruises and scabs of your own from the pains
of traversing the fields of Illusion,
I say to you that these will go away,
and once again you shall be made whole,
and you will find Peace and Love in your Hearts.
You will find Peace and Love in your lives.
And as you come together to share that Love and that Peace, you will find that you have one Life,
for you are all part of the same Life.
And that is Life itself, for that is Love.
There are times coming that are going to be challenging for many,
and perhaps even for some of you.
And I say to you that as you go through these challenging times, remember that I do not change things in order to punish anyone,
just as you do not change your appearance,
or your inside workings,
you do not become more healthy to punish someone,
but only to make yourself a better person, a more healthy person,
as do I.
And so the changes that I have coming,
are present
and are coming,
so that I may be
in my best health,
to be the best that I may be,
so that I may serve each and every one who dwells with me
as a better place and space and Time,
so that I may offer each of you better elements.
And as I am made whole through these changes,
so shall you find your own wholeness coming into play,
greater health,
greater happiness,
and so on and so on.
And so I say to you, in these times that may be challenging,
call upon me to help you.
Always stay grounded
with me.
Join with me. And this is how you do it.
You ground with me.
And I will hold you to my breast
to make it as easy as possible for you. And do not forget that.
It is difficult, I know,
when one is experiencing painful or challenging times to remember to ask for help,
to remember that help is there for you.
But I say to you that I am here.
No matter what the external situation is, I am here, and I will help you.
But make no mistake,
I serve not Illusion anymore.
Those of you who continue to serve Illusion yourselves
will find the challenges extremely difficult.
Those of you who serve Light,
who serve Love,
and Peace, and so on,
shall find resonance with the changes that I am making. And while there may be times of difficulty, the overall experience will be one of increasing ease and great Joy and great Love.
And so I say to you, realign yourself. Leave behind the fields of Illusion.
Let the mists of Duality clear.
Look through the fogs
in your minds
that have been planted there by Illusion and those who serve it.
Open you eyes and open your Hearts,
and allow Love to show you the way.
And as you do,
you will find the green pastures that so many of you have longed for,
for they are
the fields of Peace,
the fields of Illumination,
the fields of Love.
And therein shall we all share great Joy.
And so, remember these words as you continue on in Life.
And know that changes are coming rapidly.
And the changes will come rapidly.
I leave you with these words and the greatest of my Love and Joy.
Be at one with me,
and let us be Peace together,
outside of the fields of Illusion,
for they are no longer needed,
and they are no longer accepted.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
Sister Gaea,
Friend Terra,
and I would speak with you at this time
about the Earth,
about me,
and the fields of Illusion. I say to you that the fields of Illusion shall soon be no more upon my being, upon my breast.
I will no longer support Illusion.
As we have all been called into a Time and a place and a space of Peace,
I say to you that I have been
working for many years readying that place,
that space,
that time,
and that dimension within my own presence.
I offer
Illusion no more
to any who comes to dwell with me.
I say to you that I am
and ever more a place of Peace.
And those who would dwell with me in Peace shall remain and those who choose to continue with Illusion
will live it elsewhere.
It has been spoken many times that there are changes coming.
And I say that there are.
There are many changes coming.
But you should not fear them.
Come to me, as the children of mine that you are, for you are the flesh and blood of my being.
That is what your being is made of.
It is me,
my elements,
my parts.
Yes, you have the energies of the stars and the heavens within you.
But you exist in biological form because of me,
because I share myself with you.
Come to me,
and I shall care for you.
There is nothing to fear.
There is only something to look forward to.
It has been spoken
that in order to find Joy, sometimes you must leave behind something
and move toward something.
And this is one of those times.
There is great Joy in the Dimension of Peace.
There is great Joy in the Time of Peace,
the place of Peace, and so on.
We can all live together harmoniously, where each experiences Abundance
and Love
and happiness
and Strength and support and so on and so on.
Greed only serves Illusion. And there is no place for that with me any longer,
for I do not support Illusion, nor do I support greed,
nor do I support violence, and so on.
You each have come far on your spiritual journey, on your path of evolution, in your choices and your awareness, and the knowledge and Strength that build within you.
And I commend each and every one of you
for your undertaking, and your successes along the way, as they meet with your choices as you follow your Heart.
And I say to you that you must continue to follow your Heart.
And you must continue
to make these choices that support Peace every day, for only that way will you find an end to the Illusion
in your Life.
It will be difficult for many of you. But I say to you this, the more you leave the fields of Illusion, the more you become part of the Dimension of Peace.
You see, each and every step you take away from something is a step taken toward something.
And each step you take away from Illusion
is a step that you take
into a Time and place and space and Dimension of Peace.
It is this Transition that you are in at this moment.
And most of the world is in this Transition in one form or another. There are many, believe it or not,
that are walking away from Peace and further into Illusion.
And it saddens me so to see this, for they cannot live here any longer.
They must find a new place to dwell,
for it will not be with me.
As you take your steps every day further and further away from Illusion
and into Peacefulness,
you will begin to find greater contentment, greater Love, and greater Joy.
Again, these do not have to do with the Abundance of monies and riches and possessions. They do not have to do with adrenaline rushes
and so on. All of these things have been spoken already.
But I say to you, that together, we can join hands. We can join hearts. And, we can join in the Love that we are.
And together,
we will be
the Dimension of Peace.
I am supplying the time and the place, and even all the necessary elements.
There is so much damage that has been done in so many ways.
But I say to you that just as one loses a scab from an injury, so too shall I lose these contaminated places and spaces.
I will be made whole again
by the Love that I am,
and the Peace that I am and shall ever be.
And likewise, as you go through this journey of Transition,
and you have bumps and bruises and scabs of your own from the pains
of traversing the fields of Illusion,
I say to you that these will go away,
and once again you shall be made whole,
and you will find Peace and Love in your Hearts.
You will find Peace and Love in your lives.
And as you come together to share that Love and that Peace, you will find that you have one Life,
for you are all part of the same Life.
And that is Life itself, for that is Love.
There are times coming that are going to be challenging for many,
and perhaps even for some of you.
And I say to you that as you go through these challenging times, remember that I do not change things in order to punish anyone,
just as you do not change your appearance,
or your inside workings,
you do not become more healthy to punish someone,
but only to make yourself a better person, a more healthy person,
as do I.
And so the changes that I have coming,
are present
and are coming,
so that I may be
in my best health,
to be the best that I may be,
so that I may serve each and every one who dwells with me
as a better place and space and Time,
so that I may offer each of you better elements.
And as I am made whole through these changes,
so shall you find your own wholeness coming into play,
greater health,
greater happiness,
and so on and so on.
And so I say to you, in these times that may be challenging,
call upon me to help you.
Always stay grounded
with me.
Join with me. And this is how you do it.
You ground with me.
And I will hold you to my breast
to make it as easy as possible for you. And do not forget that.
It is difficult, I know,
when one is experiencing painful or challenging times to remember to ask for help,
to remember that help is there for you.
But I say to you that I am here.
No matter what the external situation is, I am here, and I will help you.
But make no mistake,
I serve not Illusion anymore.
Those of you who continue to serve Illusion yourselves
will find the challenges extremely difficult.
Those of you who serve Light,
who serve Love,
and Peace, and so on,
shall find resonance with the changes that I am making. And while there may be times of difficulty, the overall experience will be one of increasing ease and great Joy and great Love.
And so I say to you, realign yourself. Leave behind the fields of Illusion.
Let the mists of Duality clear.
Look through the fogs
in your minds
that have been planted there by Illusion and those who serve it.
Open you eyes and open your Hearts,
and allow Love to show you the way.
And as you do,
you will find the green pastures that so many of you have longed for,
for they are
the fields of Peace,
the fields of Illumination,
the fields of Love.
And therein shall we all share great Joy.
And so, remember these words as you continue on in Life.
And know that changes are coming rapidly.
And the changes will come rapidly.
I leave you with these words and the greatest of my Love and Joy.
Be at one with me,
and let us be Peace together,
outside of the fields of Illusion,
for they are no longer needed,
and they are no longer accepted.
That is all for this time, my beloved ones.
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. However, if you feel moved to say thanks by making a donation you may do so here with our gratitude. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
© Copyright 2012-2019 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.