Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2018 - 2019
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
If you'd like to learn more about channeling or the Season of Peace, please read our articles "What is Channeling?" and "What is the Season of Peace?" |
Archangel Uriel on the Gift of Trust
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
The 12th day of the Season of Peace celebration brings us to the Gift of Trust. Trust is one of the most difficult gifts to master and to accept. Archangel Uriel offers beautiful words of guidance on how to Trust while living amidst the betrayals and deceptions of Illusion. This is a wonderful message we know you’ll enjoy!
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Uriel,
and I would speak with you,
at this time,
about the gift of Trust,
during your Season of Peace celebration as we are reviewing all the gifts of Life,
and the Dimension of Peace,
from the eyeglasses of Illusion.
I say to you that Trust is one of the most important elements,
and gifts,
that will serve you well as you search your path through the fields of Illusion.
You live in a world of Duality,
and with Duality comes Illusion,
and Illumination. Illumination is Truth,
and of course, Truth is Love.
And I say to you, in order for you to traverse
your path of Peace,
and your path through the fields of Illusion,
you must learn, first and foremost, how to Trust.
There are many different aspects of this,
as has been spoken,
following your path of Peace, looking for Truth, Understanding, seeing the Illumination and the Joy, and finding the Grace, and so on and so on and so on.
But I say to you
that it is difficult, when dealing with Illusion, to know what to Trust and what you cannot Trust and should stay away from,
what you should reject
and refuse.
And I say to you, as has been spoken, you must follow the path of Love.
Love is Truth,
and it is Love and only Love that you can Trust.
Anything else is Illusion.
When it all boils down to brass tacks, as the saying goes,
the only thing you can do
is follow Love,
for it is the only Truth,
and it is the only thing which you can Trust.
You live in a world where there is much deception.
And there are many who would deceive you intentionally. There are others who would deceive or perhaps even betray you without intention.
Life happens.
That is what some people say. ‘I didn’t mean to betray you, I didn’t mean to deceive you, I didn't meant to manipulate you.’ And I say to you that yes, all these things are true, and perhaps individuals do not intend to hurt, to betray, to deceive, to manipulate.
And yet it happens.
And so how do you Trust people,
how do you Trust situations,
how do you Trust an experience in Life,
or even an opportunity,
when you do not know whether the person or the situation will turn sour, so to speak.
And again, I say it is quite simple.
Look for the Love.
When you find the Love, you have found the Truth.
When you have found the Truth, you have found the path of Peace.
You have found Love.
You have found Light.
You have found Trust.
how do you find Love
when you are buying groceries at the store?
And I say to you this: Do you Trust the labels you read?
Is there Love to be shared?
Do you know where your food comes from?
How about your clothing?
How about your employer?
Let’s take a look at people interactions for a moment.
How about your employer?
How about your neighbors?
How about the people you do business with, the places you go shopping?
How do you know
that you are following the path of Love?
How do you know who to Trust?
And I say to you this: Look and listen with your Heart.
Do you feel a connection?
Do you see it?
Do you hear it?
Can you touch the connection there?
And if the answer is yes,
then you can be fairly certain that you are following the path of Love, and you can Trust it.
If you cannot,
look more deeply.
What is there to be shared?
Is there real caring and compassion being exchanged?
If there is,
again, you are on the correct path, and you may Trust it.
If there is not, if it is empty, if you feel nothing, if you experience and share nothing,
nor do you receive anything back,
then it is of Illusion, and you must let it go.
So at this point, you might be asking, why is it so important
to put aside
the fields of Illusion, the experiences of Illusion?
And I say to you this: If you ever wish to Transcend, you might say, into a place and space and time
of Peace,
then you must.
For you cannot live in Peace as long as you are living with Illusions.
The two are not synonymous,
and they cannot coexist.
They do not coexist at this time.
They never have, and they never will.
So if you are sincere about wishing to live a Life of Peacefulness,
then you must begin by putting aside the fields of Illusion, and choosing Peace and Love, in every interaction,
every day,
every moment.
You cannot share experiences
that are outside the scope of Love and Peacefulness
and expect them to serve you as you live in Love and Peacefulness.
You cannot go out and engage in non-Peaceful interactions,
and then go home,
inside your castle, so to speak,
close the doors,
draw up the moat,
and say, ‘Ha, here is my time of Peace.’
For you cannot have Peace until the whole world has Peace.
None of you can.
And this will never be attained as long as you remain separate
and individual
and ignoring the fields of Illusion around you.
There are many who get caught up in what we might call the “feel goods”.
It feels good to say this, and it feels good to say that, and it feels good to do this and do that. And there are those who believe they are on a very high and mighty spiritual path, or they are better than another, or perhaps it is their money which allows them to live a better Life, so to speak.
And I say to you that all of these things are but Illusion, for none is better than the other.
And this most of you already know.
But I say to you that the path of Peacefulness and the path of Truth, the path of Love, are not always easy.
They are not always easy.
But they can be Trusted.
Sometimes you must go through difficult things in order to walk away from something,
or to walk to something.
You must make changes, and those changes are not always easy.
But it is imperative for you
to move through them as quickly and surefootedly as you can, so to speak.
And the way you do this is by knowing what to Trust
and what to avoid.
And I say that if
you can find Love,
then you have found something or someone to Trust.
You must look with the eyes of the Heart.
You must listen with the ears of the Heart.
And you must feel with your Heart.
Is this right?
Don't listen to the mind.
Don't listen to the ego.
Follow the guidance of the Heart.
It always knows, and it will never lead you astray.
That is where your Trust must begin.
Trust your Heart.
Trust yourself to listen to it, and do it.
Do not say you will
and then ignore it.
That does not serve you at all.
So for this time, these are my words of guidance.
Trust your Heart, and Trust the path of Love.
If you cannot find Love,
and you cannot see, feel, and hear it through your Heart,
then you cannot Trust it.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to my words.
I leave you with my Love,
and my Trust
to find your way along the path of Peace
and to leave behind forever the fields of Illusion.
That is all for this time.
and I would speak with you,
at this time,
about the gift of Trust,
during your Season of Peace celebration as we are reviewing all the gifts of Life,
and the Dimension of Peace,
from the eyeglasses of Illusion.
I say to you that Trust is one of the most important elements,
and gifts,
that will serve you well as you search your path through the fields of Illusion.
You live in a world of Duality,
and with Duality comes Illusion,
and Illumination. Illumination is Truth,
and of course, Truth is Love.
And I say to you, in order for you to traverse
your path of Peace,
and your path through the fields of Illusion,
you must learn, first and foremost, how to Trust.
There are many different aspects of this,
as has been spoken,
following your path of Peace, looking for Truth, Understanding, seeing the Illumination and the Joy, and finding the Grace, and so on and so on and so on.
But I say to you
that it is difficult, when dealing with Illusion, to know what to Trust and what you cannot Trust and should stay away from,
what you should reject
and refuse.
And I say to you, as has been spoken, you must follow the path of Love.
Love is Truth,
and it is Love and only Love that you can Trust.
Anything else is Illusion.
When it all boils down to brass tacks, as the saying goes,
the only thing you can do
is follow Love,
for it is the only Truth,
and it is the only thing which you can Trust.
You live in a world where there is much deception.
And there are many who would deceive you intentionally. There are others who would deceive or perhaps even betray you without intention.
Life happens.
That is what some people say. ‘I didn’t mean to betray you, I didn’t mean to deceive you, I didn't meant to manipulate you.’ And I say to you that yes, all these things are true, and perhaps individuals do not intend to hurt, to betray, to deceive, to manipulate.
And yet it happens.
And so how do you Trust people,
how do you Trust situations,
how do you Trust an experience in Life,
or even an opportunity,
when you do not know whether the person or the situation will turn sour, so to speak.
And again, I say it is quite simple.
Look for the Love.
When you find the Love, you have found the Truth.
When you have found the Truth, you have found the path of Peace.
You have found Love.
You have found Light.
You have found Trust.
how do you find Love
when you are buying groceries at the store?
And I say to you this: Do you Trust the labels you read?
Is there Love to be shared?
Do you know where your food comes from?
How about your clothing?
How about your employer?
Let’s take a look at people interactions for a moment.
How about your employer?
How about your neighbors?
How about the people you do business with, the places you go shopping?
How do you know
that you are following the path of Love?
How do you know who to Trust?
And I say to you this: Look and listen with your Heart.
Do you feel a connection?
Do you see it?
Do you hear it?
Can you touch the connection there?
And if the answer is yes,
then you can be fairly certain that you are following the path of Love, and you can Trust it.
If you cannot,
look more deeply.
What is there to be shared?
Is there real caring and compassion being exchanged?
If there is,
again, you are on the correct path, and you may Trust it.
If there is not, if it is empty, if you feel nothing, if you experience and share nothing,
nor do you receive anything back,
then it is of Illusion, and you must let it go.
So at this point, you might be asking, why is it so important
to put aside
the fields of Illusion, the experiences of Illusion?
And I say to you this: If you ever wish to Transcend, you might say, into a place and space and time
of Peace,
then you must.
For you cannot live in Peace as long as you are living with Illusions.
The two are not synonymous,
and they cannot coexist.
They do not coexist at this time.
They never have, and they never will.
So if you are sincere about wishing to live a Life of Peacefulness,
then you must begin by putting aside the fields of Illusion, and choosing Peace and Love, in every interaction,
every day,
every moment.
You cannot share experiences
that are outside the scope of Love and Peacefulness
and expect them to serve you as you live in Love and Peacefulness.
You cannot go out and engage in non-Peaceful interactions,
and then go home,
inside your castle, so to speak,
close the doors,
draw up the moat,
and say, ‘Ha, here is my time of Peace.’
For you cannot have Peace until the whole world has Peace.
None of you can.
And this will never be attained as long as you remain separate
and individual
and ignoring the fields of Illusion around you.
There are many who get caught up in what we might call the “feel goods”.
It feels good to say this, and it feels good to say that, and it feels good to do this and do that. And there are those who believe they are on a very high and mighty spiritual path, or they are better than another, or perhaps it is their money which allows them to live a better Life, so to speak.
And I say to you that all of these things are but Illusion, for none is better than the other.
And this most of you already know.
But I say to you that the path of Peacefulness and the path of Truth, the path of Love, are not always easy.
They are not always easy.
But they can be Trusted.
Sometimes you must go through difficult things in order to walk away from something,
or to walk to something.
You must make changes, and those changes are not always easy.
But it is imperative for you
to move through them as quickly and surefootedly as you can, so to speak.
And the way you do this is by knowing what to Trust
and what to avoid.
And I say that if
you can find Love,
then you have found something or someone to Trust.
You must look with the eyes of the Heart.
You must listen with the ears of the Heart.
And you must feel with your Heart.
Is this right?
Don't listen to the mind.
Don't listen to the ego.
Follow the guidance of the Heart.
It always knows, and it will never lead you astray.
That is where your Trust must begin.
Trust your Heart.
Trust yourself to listen to it, and do it.
Do not say you will
and then ignore it.
That does not serve you at all.
So for this time, these are my words of guidance.
Trust your Heart, and Trust the path of Love.
If you cannot find Love,
and you cannot see, feel, and hear it through your Heart,
then you cannot Trust it.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to my words.
I leave you with my Love,
and my Trust
to find your way along the path of Peace
and to leave behind forever the fields of Illusion.
That is all for this time.
Since we began this website in early 2012, we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. However, if you feel moved to say thanks by making a donation you may do so here with our gratitude. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
© Copyright 2012-2019 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.