Thank you for joining us in celebrating the Season of Peace this year. We hope you have had many good reflections and gained a deeper understanding of yourself, the world around us, and the ways we can come together to share it in a state of Peace.
If you've enjoyed the quotes, you can read the full transcriptions of the channeled messages they came from here in the 2018-2019 Season of Peace transcriptions.
"Your world can know Utopia.
But only if you put aside the fields of Illusion.
Your world can know plenty for all,
and never more have a lack for anything.
But only when you put aside the fields of Illusion,
and live by and with and for Love,
through your Heart,
every single day."
"I say to you that the fields of Illusion shall soon be no more upon my being, upon my breast.
I will no longer support Illusion.
As we have all been called into a Time and a place and a space of Peace,
I say to you that I have been
working for many years readying that place,
that space,
that time,
and that dimension within my own presence.
I offer
Illusion no more
to any who comes to dwell with me.
I say to you that I am
and ever more a place of Peace.
And those who would dwell with me in Peace shall remain and those who choose to continue with Illusion
will live it elsewhere."
“You have been given the tools. You have been given the knowledge, the information. There is nothing now that holds you back from leaving the fields of Duality and Illusion,
except for your own choices.
You have full Support from myself,
and all of those
who serve as guidance, all of those who serve as Support,
the Leagues of Light,
and the realms of the angels.
We are all here to Support you as you move now away from Illusion, away from Duality, and into the Time of Peace. I have issued this command and this edict, and this plea for many years,
and now it is at last time
when the doors of one realm are closing as the doors of the other realm are opening,…”