We just wanted to take a moment to say thanks to all of you who visit our website. We have visitors from lots of countries around the world. We are truly delighted to have you here. We invite each of you to drop us a line, "like" or "share" our posts, or make a comment any time. Blessings to you all! ~ The staff of The New Gaea Foundation
If you are not aware of GMOs (genetically modified organisms), now is the time to learn all you can! The labeling of GMO ingredients in foods is a critical element to our health. In Europe and many other places in the world, GMO labeling is mandatory. In the U.S. it is not. Do you know what you are eating? Don't you have the right to know? A label is not cost restrictive to doing business. Disclosing the health hazards of ingesting GMOs might be. Make your own informed decisions based on facts, not propaganda. Video credit: Youtube user "Nutiva" at https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=UUuoiFH5n-sjjr1D1Zw9Ef1g&v=Lni6OAJz3sk&feature=player_embedded
Update....In the previous post, we shared a video disclosing the findings of the team of French scientists who did a two-year study on the health impacts of the consumption of GMO corn. Their findings were not a surprise to those of us who are aware of the dangers of GMOs to our health. However, we were shocked to find out just how damaging the GMO ingestion was. If you haven't seen the video yet, we encourage you to do so!
Since the public disclosure of the findings of this study by the French, Russia has taken the initiative to protect its people from GMO corn. The Russian government has banned all imports of GMO corn from the U.S. While this news is not good for American GMO corn farmers, it is wonderful news for the people of Russia. Unfortunately, the people of the U.S. will still be subject to the dangers of GMO corn that they are unknowingly consuming, as GMO labeling is not required and the U.S. government seems to promote GMO usage. We hope that you were all able to watch "Genetic Roulette" over the last week. If you were not able to watch this incredible film on GMOs - or didn't get to watch all of it - you can use the links in the posts below to watch it for a small donation. We Understand that a version of the film is available on Youtube, as well. For those who still need further proof that GMOs are a dangerous experiment played out on humanity, you might find that proof in the video below. This video is the result of a secret two-year study done by a team of scientists in France who tested 200 rats on GMO corn and Roundup. This is reportedly the first time that a study of GMO corn has been tested outside of the Monsanto labs. It is also the first time a test exceeding 90 days has been done. The results are shocking, even though they are not surprising. We agree with the French scientists in saying that a moratorium should be put on all GMO growth world-wide immediately. It is interesting to note that in the French study, the damages from the GMO ingestion didn't really begin until around four months - after the normal testing time would have been done. It does bring a question to mind that we will pose to each of you to consider: If GMO grass that had been in place for 15 years suddenly began producing cyanide, killing all the animals who grazed on it, what are the GMOs that humans have consumed going to produce inside our bodies? Time will tell, and when it does, it will be too late.....unless we act now. Video credit: Youtube user "Francois Le Bayon" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njd0RugGjAg&feature=player_embedded#!
We have an update and a review on Chuck Wild's latest Liquid Mind album (Liquid Mind X - Meditation) posted on our Artists' Hall of Gratitude Chuck Wild - Liquid Mind page. You can read more and find the link to the page on the Publishing and Productions blog. We also have a video of the title track up on the page. This is a fantastic album! We are happy to Support Chuck Wild and Liquid Mind. We know you'll enjoy it!
The Institute for Responsible Technology announced a big movie "oops" this afternoon. The Free screening of the movie, "Genetic Roulette", that was posted on their website was the wrong version of the film. The initial posting of this movie was in the wrong format that did not include the soundtrack for the film. They have corrected their post and are inviting everyone to watch the movie again. As one individual said, "this time with feeling".
If you have already watched "Genetic Roulette", no doubt you will enjoy the movie much more a second time around with the soundtrack in place. If you haven't seen it, you won't want to miss it! You can watch the film on the "Genetic Roulette Movie" website. We showed you the trailer for "Genetic Roulette" several weeks ago. Now the movie is here. For one week only, you can watch the full-length movie on the Genetic Roulette website. You will have until 9-22-12 to see the film in this Free screening. "Genetic Roulette" is a production from The Institute for Responsible Technology and Founder Jeffrey M. Smith, who provide an excellent resource in Understanding more when it comes to the dangers and consequences of GMOs. For some, it is a real eye- We urge you all to make whatever changes you need to make to eliminate GMOs from your Life. We urge you all to watch this film. Here's the trailer again if you've forgotten what "Genetic Roulette" is all about. Video Credit: Youtube user "GeneticRoulette" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vv96D_ZURzs&feature=player_embedded#!
Sacred Earth Gardens has discovered a great documentary in the making, "Seeds of Permaculture". The trailer is on their blog. This looks like it is going to be a great film. Check it out!
Winding down on a Monday evening with yoga and a little help from Sevara (Johannes Linstead)....
In Support of Bless the Children....This is a most worthy cause, representing the kind of education and Support the children of the world need and deserve. You can learn more about this endeavor and share your Support here. The Green Living Resource Center has a beautiful video and post on making choices wisely for all the tomorrows to come up on their blog. Check it out.
The Healing Arts Center still has the channeling page open for those of you who haven't listened to the latest recording yet. You can find links on their blog post. Here's a little Liquid Mind to help relax for the weekend. This beautiful piece is entitled "My Orchid Spirit" from the Liquid Mind VII:Reflection album. Enjoy!!! Video Credit: Youtube user "sunsty1e" at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK_2fgj_Vts&feature=related
For those of you who enjoy the Liquid Mind music we share on this website, we know you will be pleased to hear that Chuck Wild's latest album, Liquid Mind X - Meditation, is nearly here. This album is scheduled to be released on September 12, 2012. It is sure to be another wonderful addition to the Liquid Mind collection providing us all with soft, slow music to relax and meditate with. You can listen to a sample of the title track of this new album on the Liquid Mind website. If you haven't visited the Chuck Wild - Liquid Mind page in our Artists' Hall of Gratitude, you can find it here.
The Healing Arts Center has a new recording of a channeling session with Archangel Michael up. If you are interested in the Age of Peace, the power of Love, and grounding with Gaea, read the HAC blog post and follow the links to hear this session.
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