At present, The New Gaea Foundation is located in the Rocky Mountain region of the United States. As you may be aware, we have been in the process of relocating the Foundation for some time now. It has been our intent to secure a place in which we can put down permanent roots for the Foundation in order to allow each of its branches to grow in the services that we share. While we have reviewed a number of locations both within and outside the U.S., the “right” place has eluded us thus far. The Universe/Great Mother and Mother Earth/Sister Gaea must have a wonderful surprise in store for us!
We have no doubt that when we come together in stewardship of our sacred land, it will be a most magical and inspiring place to share with all of you. Until then, we Trust that you will continue to enjoy the small things we share here on our website and the limited distance procedures that we offer through our Healing Arts Center. Mother Earth offers a beautiful home to all of us. When we have the Foundation securely settled in our special place upon her breast, we hope that each of you will come to share a part of the Journey of Life with us there in some fashion - but always in Peace, in Truth, and with infinite Love and Joy.