Goats for Weed Control
Don't spray those noxious weeds! There is a natural alternative to spraying weeds with chemicals. Use goats instead! Using goats for weed control is a very viable, sustainable method for managing our lands in a holistic manner. Even some of our government agencies are seeing the wisdom and savings in using goats to manage weeds on public lands. If you'd rather not own your own goats, you can just rent them to take care of your problem areas. Check out these videos and see for yourself.
As an additional note, we'd like to add that in a couple of these videos, a reference is made to spraying herbicides just on plants that come back after the goat cleanup. We would recommend using either boiling water on a newly risen plant. You can also use a very small amount of sea salt water applied to the base of the plant. As a last resort, we have used a drop or two of bleach directly on the base of the plant for stubborn thistle plants.
As an additional note, we'd like to add that in a couple of these videos, a reference is made to spraying herbicides just on plants that come back after the goat cleanup. We would recommend using either boiling water on a newly risen plant. You can also use a very small amount of sea salt water applied to the base of the plant. As a last resort, we have used a drop or two of bleach directly on the base of the plant for stubborn thistle plants.
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