Living Buildings
An New Model and Standard in Green Building
Those of us here at the Foundation were especially excited when we discovered "Living Buildings". The concepts put to use in the design elements of a "Living Building" are
more than just commendable in a "green" sense. They are more than just cutting edge. The design elements of a "Living Building" are responsible to the environment and to Life itself in a way that reflects a true evolution of consciousness in building. These buildings take nothing from the Earth that isn't re-used time and again. They create no waste or pollution. They are self-sufficient in every way - energy, water, and air. They are "net-zero" for energy requirements. A "Living Building" does not add to the problems of an overtaxed environment in any way. It simply lives and breathes in Harmony with Nature. We are truly thrilled to be able to share the "Living Building Challenge" with all of you. The Living Building designs and concepts present a new standard in "green building", and a fresh look at construction in general. We sincerely offer our congratulations and thanks to Ashoko FellowJason McKlennan and everyone involved with a "Living Building"!
more than just commendable in a "green" sense. They are more than just cutting edge. The design elements of a "Living Building" are responsible to the environment and to Life itself in a way that reflects a true evolution of consciousness in building. These buildings take nothing from the Earth that isn't re-used time and again. They create no waste or pollution. They are self-sufficient in every way - energy, water, and air. They are "net-zero" for energy requirements. A "Living Building" does not add to the problems of an overtaxed environment in any way. It simply lives and breathes in Harmony with Nature. We are truly thrilled to be able to share the "Living Building Challenge" with all of you. The Living Building designs and concepts present a new standard in "green building", and a fresh look at construction in general. We sincerely offer our congratulations and thanks to Ashoko FellowJason McKlennan and everyone involved with a "Living Building"!
Video Credit: YouTube user "FriendsofCedar" at
Video Credit: YouTube user "SkanskaUSA" at
Video Credit: YouTube user "Ashokavideos" at
Video Credit: YouTube user "Ashokovideos" at
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