Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2015 - 2016
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
This year's Season of Peace celebration marks the fifth year we have shared the messages of the Archangels here. We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. Thank you, and please enjoy the Season of Peace!
Archangel Gabriel on the Gift of Freedom
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel Gabriel, and I would speak to you at this time on the gift of Freedom, specifically as Freedom pertains to Peace in this time and space and place and dimension and so on, particularly in the dimensional shifts that are about to come.
First, let me ask you: What is Freedom?
What is Freedom to you?
Do you know true Freedom, or do you know the Illusion of Freedom?
This I would ask of you.
Many of you believe that you know what Freedom is. You have your definition that comes from the dictionary and so on. Freedom is an absence of control. That is what you might say. You are Free to do this. You are Free to do that. You are Free to do whatever you choose. And, I say to you that, in part, this could be considered Freedom, but it is certainly not Freedom in its greatest sense, its greatest potential.
Freedom is FAR more than that.
You see, you must consider Freedom in the aspect of repercussions of your choices. You must consider Freedom in everything that you do, everything that you say, everything that you think.
Are you hampered
in any of these things in your daily Life?
Are your thoughts hampered?
Are your expressions of your thoughts hampered?
Are you held back in any way?
Are you Free to simply be who you are, and what you are?
Now, we go back to Purpose. We go back to the core element of who you are, and what you are, and what you are in this lifetime to be.
Who are you meant to be in the world at this moment in time?
You are all here for a reason,
many, many reasons.
You have your Karma to work out. You have lessons to learn. You have a Purpose to fulfill. And, you have a Greater Purpose to fulfill, for it is not just an individual Purpose, you must know this.
None of you are here to fulfill only an individual Purpose.
You have many levels of Purpose, including the Collective Purpose – a Purpose of humanity, a Purpose that has to do with
And, in that respect, you are ALL here to assist in the birthing of a great new dimension, a great new Time and place and space where people can live together in Peace and in Harmony.
But, let us talk about individual Purpose for just a moment. Are you Free to fully experience and express who and what you are? No. You are not, for most of you do not know who and what you are nor what you are here for. And, until you do, you are not truly Free. And, only you can Free yourself in that respect.
You see, you must be able to go inside, as has been spoken, and find your Truth, and Understand it, and become Illumined, and follow the path of Love and the Joy of your Heart, and so on and so on. You must find your Strength. You must live it. You must live in a state of Grace. And when you do all these things,
then you find your true Freedom.
When you remove all the barriers within yourselves,
so that you may experience your own true Freedom within,
then you may share it without.
You may share it outside with others.
And, you see, as you begin to do this, then you do not find the need for greed, and control, and manipulation, and violence. Not only in not doing it yourself, but you also find no need to be party to it with other people whether they are in individual relationships with you, whether they are relationships at a community level, a state level, a nation level, a world level, and so on. You have no need of these things anymore. They become mute points. They are petty.
They have no value to you.
And, you are more easily aware of these things when you are in your own state of true Freedom.
In case you have not noticed, each of the gifts of the Dimension of Peace that we are celebrating here, that we are discussing here, and learning and sharing information with you on – they all reflect a state of being, not a state of doing.
You must first be in the state of being,
before you can be in the state of doing.
These are not action forms.
These are states of being.
They are not states of action.
And, you see, when you are in your state of Freedom, you are who you are. You are doing what you are meant to do.
There is nothing, and no one who can stop you.
And, none should ever fear this state of Freedom. You should never fear it in another.
There is so much mistrust in your world at this point in time, that it is nearly impossible for any of you to truly experience real Freedom because you do not Trust anyone. And, when someone does come into their state of Freedom, they are suspect by all. Everyone suspects them of some ulterior motive, some hidden agenda,
simply because they are afraid and they do not Trust the Truth of that person. Case in point, you might consider many spiritual leaders around the world. There are a few, precious few, political leaders, and there are many other leaders in your world. And when they bring forth a Truth, and they are standing in their own state of Freedom, living their Purpose, sharing it and so on, they are quite often ridiculed,
criticized, and greatly mistrusted.
Who among you will take the word of someone who can stand before you in their Complete state of Freedom and simply say, “I am who I am”?
Not many of you, I would guess.
So, now that we have a little more Understanding of the state of Freedom and the gift of Freedom, then I would ask you:
Do you know how to find
your Freedom?
Do you know how to reach inside and find your Freedom?
And, I would venture to say that most of you do not.
And, so what you must do is go on an inward journey,
a great adventure
You must go within your own Heart.
And, as you go within your own Heart,
you must follow your path of Joy,
follow the path of Love.
Look inside. Find out your Truth. Find your Peace. Come to know who you are. Come to know what you are. For some of you, this will happen within moments, because you are so ready for this great Transformation. And, yet, others of you, it will take days, or months, or years, and yes, some of you will take even lifetimes. But, persevere. Do not give up.
This is your greatest Joy. This IS the greatest Freedom you will ever have. And, you will find that once you come into connection with this Freedom, nothing else will satisfy your need for Freedom.
There are so many today in your world, who are fighting – purportedly for Freedom. And, in Truth, it really is the Illusion of Freedom that you are fighting for, for you are fighting to get rid of one set of controls so that you may live under another set of controls.
None of the controls that you live in
are real
They are only an Illusory set of Freedoms that are masking controls behind them. And, there are those that say, “We cannot live in true Freedom. One of us would run over the other.” And, I say to you this is not true. That is only the Illusion of Freedom, for real Freedom, as I said, comes from within. And, it comes from a place of Love and Joy and Peacefulness and Grace and so on.
So, when you look inside,
and you find who you are -
and it may take time -
when you begin to find who you are, your Freedom will come in little bits. “I am Free to be me in this respect. I am Free to be me in that respect.” Choose the things that come to you as being most important.
You will know what these are
by the way the voices of them haunt you in your mind. When the little voice is in your mind, and it won't go away, that is usually the voice of the Heart speaking. “I need to be Free.” And, as I said, there are so many of you fighting in this world, wanting to be Free. You want Freedom from this regime. You want Freedom from this bunch of laws. You want Freedom from this oppression, and so on and so on. And, this is a reflection of a greater need within each and every one of you to find your real Freedom, the Truth of Freedom, the Illumination of Freedom, which is inside you, because this is a Time when each of you is meant to shine. You are meant to be the Lights and the Love that you are. You are meant to fulfill your Purposes right here right now in this lifetime. For some of you, this is your last lifetime.
Therefore, finishing and fulfilling your Purpose is of paramount importance to you. Others are just beginning. You see, the world is a mixed bag right now, you might say, where the Earth population is concerned.
You are at a crossroads in your world and in your lives – many of you, those who are beginning lifetimes, those who are ending a series of lifetimes, and so on. But also, the Earth is at a crossroads. It is time for changes. And the question for each of you is: Which side of the changes will you be on?
Will you live more in Illusion, or will you live in Illumination now? Where is your Freedom calling to you?
Are you willing to let go of the convenient Illusions in order to live the inconvenient Illumination of real Freedom?
Sometimes it is difficult to give up the Illusions for they make Life easy. They make Life convenient. It is easy to go along with the flow - “Yes, this Freedom has been taken. Yes, this Freedom is lost. But, it's okay, because I gained this in respect.”
Never ever, ever, ever, ever
If you must bargain, you are dealing with Illusion. It does not matter whether you are speaking about a law in your world, a benefit of your world, a relationship issue, even with yourself. You look into your mirror and you say to yourself, “If I have to give up my Freedom to do this, to have that, to be someone else”, then I say you are dealing in Illusion.
This will never bring you Joy. It will never bring you more than momentary satisfaction. It will not lend itself to your Life in any way, shape, or form. Sometimes you must put aside what you might term as the “party favors”, the party gifts. And, you must face reality.
And, sometimes real Freedom is far deeper than the convenience of quick and easy.
Sometimes, if it is real, it is worth waiting for, working for, striving for, digging for, and more importantly evolving for.
What about your food, for example? Would you have Freedom with your food?
Do you realize at this time how much of your food is dictated?
Sure, you go to your grocery stores and you have choices. You can buy this. You can buy that. You can buy the other thing. But, are you seeing the parameters on what is available to buy?
On the other hand, if you would have true Freedom with your food, you would grow whatever you wanted,
and eat whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted with or without money. Do you see where money, in many cases, is part of the loss of Freedom?
Can you see where the parameters that define your choices are a loss of Freedom? You see, when you have to have parameters, there is no Freedom, because Freedom is endless and boundless. It does not have boundaries. It does not have parameters.
And, some of you would come back and say, “Sure, I grow my own garden. I grow my own food. I have my own farm. I live off the land. But, the weather only allows me to grow this, this, and the other thing.” And, I say to you this is true.
This is true.
However, do you not have the Freedom, where you are at – where you have chosen to live (and many of you are stuck there, I realize this you cannot leave because there is no way for you to leave), but do you not, in that space, that place, that time where you are at, do you not have the ability to grow the things that you wish
that will grow there?
A parameter put on a place by the very nature of the climate that you live in is not a boundary. That is different. It is different by the very fact that you are dealing with the Earth and her body. If you reside in a certain area, you certainly have to live by her
conditions, her gifts. This is what she's giving to you – the ability to do these things. But, within those things, you may do anything. There are places in the world where anything will grow. And, yet there are places in the world where nothing will grow.
And, the Truth of the matter is that some things are meant to grow in some parts of the world, and other things are meant to grow in other areas of the world. But, that is a story for another day,
and the issue at the moment is Freedom. And, I believe that you Understand the illustration then, the parameters put upon your Freedom. You see, as we speak of unconditional Love, and unconditional acceptance, and so on, and so on we must also consider unconditional Freedom.
If your Freedom must have conditions, then it is not Freedom. Period. End of story. Think about that for just a moment.
If your Freedom
has to have conditions,
it is not
If your Freedom comes at a cost,
it is not real Freedom.
And, some of you would say, “But, we have to fight for our Freedom, and some of us die, or lose limbs, or have injuries, or so on and so on. Our families suffer because we are gone”, and whatever, and so on. And, this is true. All of this is true. And, I say to you: It is Illusion that you are fighting for,
because if you have to make a sacrifice,
a payment,
if you have to give up something in order to gain Freedom, then it is NOT Freedom. It is Illusion. It is the Illusion of Freedom.
It is control.
You have traded one set of controls for another. So, how does your world experience real Freedom without making sacrifices?
And, I say to you this: Each of you must go within and find your own personal Freedoms, and then share them. As has been spoken,
shine your Light. Share your passions. Join with one another. Accept each other unconditionally. Love each other unconditionally. Recognize the states of Grace of each being of Life. Live your own, and allow others to live theirs. This is where you find your Freedom.
This is where real Freedom happens. And, all it takes is for all of you to stop for just a moment, and put aside the blinders, the shackles of Illusion.
Your Freedom has been shackled by Illusion. Take the shackles off. All that you need to do this is to make a choice: “I choose my Freedom in Illumination, please.”
And, then start seeing it. See where it has been taken from you and claim it back.
Come together and share. And, do not step upon another person's Freedom.
Allow them to have their Freedom.
And, each of you, as you experience and express your own Freedoms, keep in mind that if your Freedom comes at the cost of someone else's Freedom, again, you are living with Illusion. And, you have not found your true Freedom,
nor did they have theirs.
It all boils down to tolerance,
unconditional acceptance,
unconditional Love.
It doesn't matter how many people populate the Earth. There is no need for fighting ever.
There is no need for war.
There is no need for violence.
And, some of you would say, “But, Gabriel, it happens. We can't control what someone else does down the street. If a person wants to go insane and shoot up the world, or if a leader causes bombs to be dropped, and so on and so on, we have no way to stop this.” And, I say, yes you do.
As has been spoken, send them Love. You see, if you are smart -
which I know you are,
you simply haven't thought of this,
so I will tell you -
you would be wise,
every day,
to send Love,
to every being of Life
throughout your entire world,
throughout your entire cosmos.
Send Love out, every day to every being everywhere. Then, it doesn't matter who might have had the inclination to be the shooter or the bomber or someone with a gun in their hand somewhere else in the world, or a knife, or a machete, or a high heeled shoe, or whatever it might be. You are addressing the Hearts of every living being. And, the more Love you share the greater Freedoms they will feel, the greater Freedoms you will feel.
And, as you begin to feel more and more Freedom – you find it little bit by little bit – the other person also begins to feel the Love working in their bodies, working in their Hearts, soothing the hurts, easing the pains. And, you see, eventually with more and more and more of you doing this, sending out Love, then Love will reign supreme and Illusion will be no more for it is no longer needed.
Illusion only exists because you need it, because you haven't chosen Illumination. And, you have the Freedom to make this choice right here right now.
Every day.
Every moment.
The choice is available to you to be made.
So, I say to each of you: Chose your Freedom,
And, then go find it.
Look inside. If you have trouble, call upon me and I will assist you. There is no need for you to not be Free. In Truth, you already are, but you have allowed the Illusions of Freedom to shackle you to the point where you cannot see it, live it, experience it, express it.
And, so I leave you with these words and my thanks for listening.
And, I leave you with a great gift – the Gift of Freedom.
That is all for this time.”
First, let me ask you: What is Freedom?
What is Freedom to you?
Do you know true Freedom, or do you know the Illusion of Freedom?
This I would ask of you.
Many of you believe that you know what Freedom is. You have your definition that comes from the dictionary and so on. Freedom is an absence of control. That is what you might say. You are Free to do this. You are Free to do that. You are Free to do whatever you choose. And, I say to you that, in part, this could be considered Freedom, but it is certainly not Freedom in its greatest sense, its greatest potential.
Freedom is FAR more than that.
You see, you must consider Freedom in the aspect of repercussions of your choices. You must consider Freedom in everything that you do, everything that you say, everything that you think.
Are you hampered
in any of these things in your daily Life?
Are your thoughts hampered?
Are your expressions of your thoughts hampered?
Are you held back in any way?
Are you Free to simply be who you are, and what you are?
Now, we go back to Purpose. We go back to the core element of who you are, and what you are, and what you are in this lifetime to be.
Who are you meant to be in the world at this moment in time?
You are all here for a reason,
many, many reasons.
You have your Karma to work out. You have lessons to learn. You have a Purpose to fulfill. And, you have a Greater Purpose to fulfill, for it is not just an individual Purpose, you must know this.
None of you are here to fulfill only an individual Purpose.
You have many levels of Purpose, including the Collective Purpose – a Purpose of humanity, a Purpose that has to do with
And, in that respect, you are ALL here to assist in the birthing of a great new dimension, a great new Time and place and space where people can live together in Peace and in Harmony.
But, let us talk about individual Purpose for just a moment. Are you Free to fully experience and express who and what you are? No. You are not, for most of you do not know who and what you are nor what you are here for. And, until you do, you are not truly Free. And, only you can Free yourself in that respect.
You see, you must be able to go inside, as has been spoken, and find your Truth, and Understand it, and become Illumined, and follow the path of Love and the Joy of your Heart, and so on and so on. You must find your Strength. You must live it. You must live in a state of Grace. And when you do all these things,
then you find your true Freedom.
When you remove all the barriers within yourselves,
so that you may experience your own true Freedom within,
then you may share it without.
You may share it outside with others.
And, you see, as you begin to do this, then you do not find the need for greed, and control, and manipulation, and violence. Not only in not doing it yourself, but you also find no need to be party to it with other people whether they are in individual relationships with you, whether they are relationships at a community level, a state level, a nation level, a world level, and so on. You have no need of these things anymore. They become mute points. They are petty.
They have no value to you.
And, you are more easily aware of these things when you are in your own state of true Freedom.
In case you have not noticed, each of the gifts of the Dimension of Peace that we are celebrating here, that we are discussing here, and learning and sharing information with you on – they all reflect a state of being, not a state of doing.
You must first be in the state of being,
before you can be in the state of doing.
These are not action forms.
These are states of being.
They are not states of action.
And, you see, when you are in your state of Freedom, you are who you are. You are doing what you are meant to do.
There is nothing, and no one who can stop you.
And, none should ever fear this state of Freedom. You should never fear it in another.
There is so much mistrust in your world at this point in time, that it is nearly impossible for any of you to truly experience real Freedom because you do not Trust anyone. And, when someone does come into their state of Freedom, they are suspect by all. Everyone suspects them of some ulterior motive, some hidden agenda,
simply because they are afraid and they do not Trust the Truth of that person. Case in point, you might consider many spiritual leaders around the world. There are a few, precious few, political leaders, and there are many other leaders in your world. And when they bring forth a Truth, and they are standing in their own state of Freedom, living their Purpose, sharing it and so on, they are quite often ridiculed,
criticized, and greatly mistrusted.
Who among you will take the word of someone who can stand before you in their Complete state of Freedom and simply say, “I am who I am”?
Not many of you, I would guess.
So, now that we have a little more Understanding of the state of Freedom and the gift of Freedom, then I would ask you:
Do you know how to find
your Freedom?
Do you know how to reach inside and find your Freedom?
And, I would venture to say that most of you do not.
And, so what you must do is go on an inward journey,
a great adventure
You must go within your own Heart.
And, as you go within your own Heart,
you must follow your path of Joy,
follow the path of Love.
Look inside. Find out your Truth. Find your Peace. Come to know who you are. Come to know what you are. For some of you, this will happen within moments, because you are so ready for this great Transformation. And, yet, others of you, it will take days, or months, or years, and yes, some of you will take even lifetimes. But, persevere. Do not give up.
This is your greatest Joy. This IS the greatest Freedom you will ever have. And, you will find that once you come into connection with this Freedom, nothing else will satisfy your need for Freedom.
There are so many today in your world, who are fighting – purportedly for Freedom. And, in Truth, it really is the Illusion of Freedom that you are fighting for, for you are fighting to get rid of one set of controls so that you may live under another set of controls.
None of the controls that you live in
are real
They are only an Illusory set of Freedoms that are masking controls behind them. And, there are those that say, “We cannot live in true Freedom. One of us would run over the other.” And, I say to you this is not true. That is only the Illusion of Freedom, for real Freedom, as I said, comes from within. And, it comes from a place of Love and Joy and Peacefulness and Grace and so on.
So, when you look inside,
and you find who you are -
and it may take time -
when you begin to find who you are, your Freedom will come in little bits. “I am Free to be me in this respect. I am Free to be me in that respect.” Choose the things that come to you as being most important.
You will know what these are
by the way the voices of them haunt you in your mind. When the little voice is in your mind, and it won't go away, that is usually the voice of the Heart speaking. “I need to be Free.” And, as I said, there are so many of you fighting in this world, wanting to be Free. You want Freedom from this regime. You want Freedom from this bunch of laws. You want Freedom from this oppression, and so on and so on. And, this is a reflection of a greater need within each and every one of you to find your real Freedom, the Truth of Freedom, the Illumination of Freedom, which is inside you, because this is a Time when each of you is meant to shine. You are meant to be the Lights and the Love that you are. You are meant to fulfill your Purposes right here right now in this lifetime. For some of you, this is your last lifetime.
Therefore, finishing and fulfilling your Purpose is of paramount importance to you. Others are just beginning. You see, the world is a mixed bag right now, you might say, where the Earth population is concerned.
You are at a crossroads in your world and in your lives – many of you, those who are beginning lifetimes, those who are ending a series of lifetimes, and so on. But also, the Earth is at a crossroads. It is time for changes. And the question for each of you is: Which side of the changes will you be on?
Will you live more in Illusion, or will you live in Illumination now? Where is your Freedom calling to you?
Are you willing to let go of the convenient Illusions in order to live the inconvenient Illumination of real Freedom?
Sometimes it is difficult to give up the Illusions for they make Life easy. They make Life convenient. It is easy to go along with the flow - “Yes, this Freedom has been taken. Yes, this Freedom is lost. But, it's okay, because I gained this in respect.”
Never ever, ever, ever, ever
If you must bargain, you are dealing with Illusion. It does not matter whether you are speaking about a law in your world, a benefit of your world, a relationship issue, even with yourself. You look into your mirror and you say to yourself, “If I have to give up my Freedom to do this, to have that, to be someone else”, then I say you are dealing in Illusion.
This will never bring you Joy. It will never bring you more than momentary satisfaction. It will not lend itself to your Life in any way, shape, or form. Sometimes you must put aside what you might term as the “party favors”, the party gifts. And, you must face reality.
And, sometimes real Freedom is far deeper than the convenience of quick and easy.
Sometimes, if it is real, it is worth waiting for, working for, striving for, digging for, and more importantly evolving for.
What about your food, for example? Would you have Freedom with your food?
Do you realize at this time how much of your food is dictated?
Sure, you go to your grocery stores and you have choices. You can buy this. You can buy that. You can buy the other thing. But, are you seeing the parameters on what is available to buy?
On the other hand, if you would have true Freedom with your food, you would grow whatever you wanted,
and eat whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted with or without money. Do you see where money, in many cases, is part of the loss of Freedom?
Can you see where the parameters that define your choices are a loss of Freedom? You see, when you have to have parameters, there is no Freedom, because Freedom is endless and boundless. It does not have boundaries. It does not have parameters.
And, some of you would come back and say, “Sure, I grow my own garden. I grow my own food. I have my own farm. I live off the land. But, the weather only allows me to grow this, this, and the other thing.” And, I say to you this is true.
This is true.
However, do you not have the Freedom, where you are at – where you have chosen to live (and many of you are stuck there, I realize this you cannot leave because there is no way for you to leave), but do you not, in that space, that place, that time where you are at, do you not have the ability to grow the things that you wish
that will grow there?
A parameter put on a place by the very nature of the climate that you live in is not a boundary. That is different. It is different by the very fact that you are dealing with the Earth and her body. If you reside in a certain area, you certainly have to live by her
conditions, her gifts. This is what she's giving to you – the ability to do these things. But, within those things, you may do anything. There are places in the world where anything will grow. And, yet there are places in the world where nothing will grow.
And, the Truth of the matter is that some things are meant to grow in some parts of the world, and other things are meant to grow in other areas of the world. But, that is a story for another day,
and the issue at the moment is Freedom. And, I believe that you Understand the illustration then, the parameters put upon your Freedom. You see, as we speak of unconditional Love, and unconditional acceptance, and so on, and so on we must also consider unconditional Freedom.
If your Freedom must have conditions, then it is not Freedom. Period. End of story. Think about that for just a moment.
If your Freedom
has to have conditions,
it is not
If your Freedom comes at a cost,
it is not real Freedom.
And, some of you would say, “But, we have to fight for our Freedom, and some of us die, or lose limbs, or have injuries, or so on and so on. Our families suffer because we are gone”, and whatever, and so on. And, this is true. All of this is true. And, I say to you: It is Illusion that you are fighting for,
because if you have to make a sacrifice,
a payment,
if you have to give up something in order to gain Freedom, then it is NOT Freedom. It is Illusion. It is the Illusion of Freedom.
It is control.
You have traded one set of controls for another. So, how does your world experience real Freedom without making sacrifices?
And, I say to you this: Each of you must go within and find your own personal Freedoms, and then share them. As has been spoken,
shine your Light. Share your passions. Join with one another. Accept each other unconditionally. Love each other unconditionally. Recognize the states of Grace of each being of Life. Live your own, and allow others to live theirs. This is where you find your Freedom.
This is where real Freedom happens. And, all it takes is for all of you to stop for just a moment, and put aside the blinders, the shackles of Illusion.
Your Freedom has been shackled by Illusion. Take the shackles off. All that you need to do this is to make a choice: “I choose my Freedom in Illumination, please.”
And, then start seeing it. See where it has been taken from you and claim it back.
Come together and share. And, do not step upon another person's Freedom.
Allow them to have their Freedom.
And, each of you, as you experience and express your own Freedoms, keep in mind that if your Freedom comes at the cost of someone else's Freedom, again, you are living with Illusion. And, you have not found your true Freedom,
nor did they have theirs.
It all boils down to tolerance,
unconditional acceptance,
unconditional Love.
It doesn't matter how many people populate the Earth. There is no need for fighting ever.
There is no need for war.
There is no need for violence.
And, some of you would say, “But, Gabriel, it happens. We can't control what someone else does down the street. If a person wants to go insane and shoot up the world, or if a leader causes bombs to be dropped, and so on and so on, we have no way to stop this.” And, I say, yes you do.
As has been spoken, send them Love. You see, if you are smart -
which I know you are,
you simply haven't thought of this,
so I will tell you -
you would be wise,
every day,
to send Love,
to every being of Life
throughout your entire world,
throughout your entire cosmos.
Send Love out, every day to every being everywhere. Then, it doesn't matter who might have had the inclination to be the shooter or the bomber or someone with a gun in their hand somewhere else in the world, or a knife, or a machete, or a high heeled shoe, or whatever it might be. You are addressing the Hearts of every living being. And, the more Love you share the greater Freedoms they will feel, the greater Freedoms you will feel.
And, as you begin to feel more and more Freedom – you find it little bit by little bit – the other person also begins to feel the Love working in their bodies, working in their Hearts, soothing the hurts, easing the pains. And, you see, eventually with more and more and more of you doing this, sending out Love, then Love will reign supreme and Illusion will be no more for it is no longer needed.
Illusion only exists because you need it, because you haven't chosen Illumination. And, you have the Freedom to make this choice right here right now.
Every day.
Every moment.
The choice is available to you to be made.
So, I say to each of you: Chose your Freedom,
And, then go find it.
Look inside. If you have trouble, call upon me and I will assist you. There is no need for you to not be Free. In Truth, you already are, but you have allowed the Illusions of Freedom to shackle you to the point where you cannot see it, live it, experience it, express it.
And, so I leave you with these words and my thanks for listening.
And, I leave you with a great gift – the Gift of Freedom.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses,
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
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