Voices of the Archangels
2016 Channeling
Recording & Transcript
We would like to express our deep gratitude to Chuck Wild for the assistance his music provides to our work. All of our channeling is done with the assistance of Chuck Wild's Liquid Mind music for relaxation and meditation.This channeling was done using the "Dream: A Liquid Mind Experience" album.
Please remember that sighs and pauses are indicative of great emotion or something of great importance that has been spoken.
We have been asked a number of times if we would consider accepting donations as a way of saying thanks. We do share these messages freely with all the world as our gift to you from the Foundation and from Guidance. A simple thanks is enough for us. However, if you feel moved to make a donation to express your appreciation, you may do so here. We do request donations for private channeling. If you're interested, just contact us to find out more.
Archangel of Love and a Valentine's Day Message
Channeled by Muriel Amore
Channeled by Muriel Amore
The Archangel of Love shares a very sweet, gentle, and rather conversational message with us here, along with a new challenge to open our Hearts wide and Love every being of Life with a "full throttle". He also shares guidance on the difference between true Love and lust, as well as living and Loving in a war-torn world. We found this message to be quite touching, and hope you will, too. Enjoy!
“Yes, then, it is I, the Archangel of Love. And, I would speak to you at this time when many of you celebrate a day of Love, a time of Love, the gift of Love. And, I say to you, as always, that every day should be a day of Love for every day that you are alive you have the gift of Life, which is the gift of Love. Every day that you are alive you have the opportunity to share Love, to experience and to express Love, to bring it more fully into your Life and into your awareness, to share it with others and to receive it yourself.
And, I ask you how many of you stop and think about this every day? Love is truly the greatest gift the Universe ever gives for it is truly Life itself.
Love is many things to many people, and it is expressed and experienced in many, many ways. But, I say to you that there is a time when Love must take a power. It must take a force, you might say. Love is a power, of course, but it must be allowed to mature, to flourish, to come out instead of being soft and gentle. Just as a mother can be quite a lioness, so to speak, in Protecting her young because she Loves them so deeply and so desperately. She would do anything to Protect them.
And, I say to you that it is time that you allow your own Hearts to Love with this fierce passion that is held within each and every one of you. Open your Hearts and do not hold back, for the time is upon you now to experience all that there is to experience with the gift of Love.
Your world faces many changes and many challenges, and I say to you that it is only Love that will see you through them. You must foster the Love in your Life – the Love for yourself, the Love for your spouse, the Love for your significant ones, your families, your friends, especially your children, those who rely and depend upon you for many things, but especially for Love.
You must come together to Love neighbors and communities, even nations. But, most importantly, it is time for you to fiercely and passionately Love each other as the beings of Life that you are. You must Love one another as brothers and sisters in humanity and put aside your differences, particularly your political differences.
You live in a war-torn world, and your world has known war for many, many, many, many centuries. Even eons, you might say. For thousands and thousands of years, even those which your history is unaware your world has known war in one form or another.
And yet, the Earth realm is the greatest place in the entire Universe for the sharing of Love, and that is because of the being that Gaea is – Mother Earth. As I have said many times, and others have spoken as well, there are those that come from throughout the Universe to observe how Love is shared in your realm.
And, rest assured, they do not just look at human Love interactions, but they also look at non-human Love interactions. Every creature shares Love in one way or another, and there are many beings in the Earth realm that are far more Loving than humans. And, I say to you that it is time to bridge that gap between human and non-human in terms of Love, and to begin to embrace every being of Life with Love, with respect. Each are beings of Life. Each are beings of Love.
I will give you a challenge as I did a year ago, but this time a different challenge. And, I challenge you to begin to Love and express your Love, whether it's mentally, telepathically, verbally, physically, however you wish to express it, but express your Love – in Illumination, in Truth, not Illusion – but express that Love with every being of Life that you encounter every day. And, see how your world then – your world, your Life – begins to change.
Remember that any being of Life is Love. I do not speak of inanimate objects such as possessions, as in cars, and clothing, and so on. I speak of beings of Life – the bird in the air, the snake upon the ground, the blades of grass beneath your feet, the leaves on the trees. The air that you breathe has Life and the water that you drink, the foods that you eat, and so on and so on. And, of course, this also includes the four-legged friends.
For too many centuries human beings have been isolated from the rest of the world with whom you share Life and Love. For too many years humans have been separated from one another. That is, in some ways, how it is that the difference between Love and lust has been lost, for there are many who view lust as Love. They make that mistake. For, each of you is hungry inside for the connection that you feel only comes through sharing Love in the form of lust – a romantic connection.
And, I say to you that that is a sad loss, truly, for you may experience that depth of connection with any being of Life with whom you are willing and ready to open your Heart completely to and receive their Heart in return. It is a give and take connection and it must be equally balanced.
When you truly Love another, you cannot have agendas. You cannot have measurements. “Yes, he Loves me this much, and yes, she Loves me that much.” Are they equal? Yes or no?
That is not Love.
That is not
That is a fantasy of Love.
That is an Illusion of Love.
That is a misrepresentation of Love. You may want him or her to Love you in such a way, but that is your want.
Is it Truth? Maybe. Maybe not.
But, you see, when you truly open your Heart, and allow the Love to simply flow, then you have no need of measurement.
There is no need of comparison.
There is no need to wonder and worry. “Does she Love me as much as I Love her? Does he Love me the way I Love him?”
There is no need to fear or hold back. You simply open your Heart and allow it all to flow. And, as you do, as your Heart is opened, you can also receive the same.
And, it is time to put aside the notions that Love can only happen romantically, or from parent to child, and so on and so on. This is simply not true.
As was spoken in the past, these different Loves should never vary by quality, because Love is Love, and you either Love or you do not, and, that is that. It is the amount of Love that you open to share, not the quality which you cut back, you might say.
And, so I ask and challenge each of you to open your Hearts to Love every being. And, when you do, you will begin to make changes in your Life and in the world that you live in. Because the more of you that open to Love, yourselves, your families, your communities, your neighbors, and so on the more Loving your place becomes – your place in Life. And the more you begin Loving other beings of Life, then the more they can Love you. And, they will flourish and help you to flourish as you help them to flourish. And, you see, it is an ever upward spiraling cycle of Love shared by all.
So, as you celebrate your day of Love, I ask each of you to think,
what does Love really mean?
What truly is Love?
Is it bouquets of flowers, and chocolates in hand?
Is it a romantic night with your significant ones?
What actually is Love?
And, I say to you that if you would experience greater Love in your Life you must come to look beyond that tiny, little slice of the pie, so to speak, that you call Love.
Look beyond that. Embrace each other. Do not be held back by labels. Do not be held back by fears.
As I have spoken many times, those who are willing and brave enough to Love and have their Hearts hurt in return need only to remember that the more Love you allow to come through your Heart the less chance of the hurt, and, the greater chance that it Heals quickly when you do feel an “ouch”, so to speak, in the Heart.
There are those of you who will hear my words, and think that they are silly, perhaps even frivolous and frilly, and a waste of time, because you cannot fathom what it means to simply put your hand out and touch a tree and mentally tell that tree “I Love you” and wait to hear a response back.
There will be others of you who will hear my words, and say, “Yes, I see the Truth in this. This is something I need to do.”
And, there will be those who will not even take the time to register what I have spoken. But, I say to you this: There is a great gift that has been shared with you. And, yet you cannot receive it until you open your arms and your Heart. You must embrace the Love that you are. You must embrace the Love that we all are. And, you must embrace Life as the Love that we have and do share with you.
Do not hold back. Reach out and touch the world with your Love. Do the things that bring you Love. Never hold back when it comes to sharing Love. You must allow yourself a full throttle, so to speak.
You would be so amazed at what your Life would be like if you simply looked at everything with the eyes of Love. When you look at each other through the eyes of Love, you see no differences. You see no separation. And, you begin to feel satisfied and content inside. Your Life becomes rich and full, and you know Joy. You know happiness. And, you know Trust.
And, you see, the more you can experience these feelings, the more easy it is go let go of fears and hesitations. And, as you begin to let go of fears and the hesitancy of feeling as if you need to hold back and Protect yourself all the time, then, you see, that opens the door for greater Love to come into you - into your body, into your mind, into your Heart, into your Life. Every action, every interaction is filled with greater Love.
So, I say to you: Do not hold back.
And, on this day of Love, reach out with your Heart – even for only a few minutes, a few precious moments of your time – and reach out with your thoughts and send Love throughout the world to every being of Life. If you have a plant in your house, tell it that you Love it. If you have trees, tell them that you Love them. The air that you breathe, and the water that you drink, every being of Life – tell them that you Love them, and mean it, and, allow them to Love you in return.
And, at this moment, I would ask each of you to take a deep breath and feel the Love that I am sharing with you at this moment, and allow me to fill your Heart with the gift of Love, the gift of Life.
I Love you with the greatest of the energies of that which I am. And I am Love, and you are Love. And, we are one and the same. We come from One Source. We all come from One Source, and that Source is Love. So, open your Hearts and remember who you are, and remember what you are. Remember the Love that you are, and share that Love today and every day.
So, I leave you now with my Love and the greatest of it. It is here for you always. All you need to do to find it is open your Hearts and allow it to flow.
Thank you for listening.
That is all for this time.”
And, I ask you how many of you stop and think about this every day? Love is truly the greatest gift the Universe ever gives for it is truly Life itself.
Love is many things to many people, and it is expressed and experienced in many, many ways. But, I say to you that there is a time when Love must take a power. It must take a force, you might say. Love is a power, of course, but it must be allowed to mature, to flourish, to come out instead of being soft and gentle. Just as a mother can be quite a lioness, so to speak, in Protecting her young because she Loves them so deeply and so desperately. She would do anything to Protect them.
And, I say to you that it is time that you allow your own Hearts to Love with this fierce passion that is held within each and every one of you. Open your Hearts and do not hold back, for the time is upon you now to experience all that there is to experience with the gift of Love.
Your world faces many changes and many challenges, and I say to you that it is only Love that will see you through them. You must foster the Love in your Life – the Love for yourself, the Love for your spouse, the Love for your significant ones, your families, your friends, especially your children, those who rely and depend upon you for many things, but especially for Love.
You must come together to Love neighbors and communities, even nations. But, most importantly, it is time for you to fiercely and passionately Love each other as the beings of Life that you are. You must Love one another as brothers and sisters in humanity and put aside your differences, particularly your political differences.
You live in a war-torn world, and your world has known war for many, many, many, many centuries. Even eons, you might say. For thousands and thousands of years, even those which your history is unaware your world has known war in one form or another.
And yet, the Earth realm is the greatest place in the entire Universe for the sharing of Love, and that is because of the being that Gaea is – Mother Earth. As I have said many times, and others have spoken as well, there are those that come from throughout the Universe to observe how Love is shared in your realm.
And, rest assured, they do not just look at human Love interactions, but they also look at non-human Love interactions. Every creature shares Love in one way or another, and there are many beings in the Earth realm that are far more Loving than humans. And, I say to you that it is time to bridge that gap between human and non-human in terms of Love, and to begin to embrace every being of Life with Love, with respect. Each are beings of Life. Each are beings of Love.
I will give you a challenge as I did a year ago, but this time a different challenge. And, I challenge you to begin to Love and express your Love, whether it's mentally, telepathically, verbally, physically, however you wish to express it, but express your Love – in Illumination, in Truth, not Illusion – but express that Love with every being of Life that you encounter every day. And, see how your world then – your world, your Life – begins to change.
Remember that any being of Life is Love. I do not speak of inanimate objects such as possessions, as in cars, and clothing, and so on. I speak of beings of Life – the bird in the air, the snake upon the ground, the blades of grass beneath your feet, the leaves on the trees. The air that you breathe has Life and the water that you drink, the foods that you eat, and so on and so on. And, of course, this also includes the four-legged friends.
For too many centuries human beings have been isolated from the rest of the world with whom you share Life and Love. For too many years humans have been separated from one another. That is, in some ways, how it is that the difference between Love and lust has been lost, for there are many who view lust as Love. They make that mistake. For, each of you is hungry inside for the connection that you feel only comes through sharing Love in the form of lust – a romantic connection.
And, I say to you that that is a sad loss, truly, for you may experience that depth of connection with any being of Life with whom you are willing and ready to open your Heart completely to and receive their Heart in return. It is a give and take connection and it must be equally balanced.
When you truly Love another, you cannot have agendas. You cannot have measurements. “Yes, he Loves me this much, and yes, she Loves me that much.” Are they equal? Yes or no?
That is not Love.
That is not
That is a fantasy of Love.
That is an Illusion of Love.
That is a misrepresentation of Love. You may want him or her to Love you in such a way, but that is your want.
Is it Truth? Maybe. Maybe not.
But, you see, when you truly open your Heart, and allow the Love to simply flow, then you have no need of measurement.
There is no need of comparison.
There is no need to wonder and worry. “Does she Love me as much as I Love her? Does he Love me the way I Love him?”
There is no need to fear or hold back. You simply open your Heart and allow it all to flow. And, as you do, as your Heart is opened, you can also receive the same.
And, it is time to put aside the notions that Love can only happen romantically, or from parent to child, and so on and so on. This is simply not true.
As was spoken in the past, these different Loves should never vary by quality, because Love is Love, and you either Love or you do not, and, that is that. It is the amount of Love that you open to share, not the quality which you cut back, you might say.
And, so I ask and challenge each of you to open your Hearts to Love every being. And, when you do, you will begin to make changes in your Life and in the world that you live in. Because the more of you that open to Love, yourselves, your families, your communities, your neighbors, and so on the more Loving your place becomes – your place in Life. And the more you begin Loving other beings of Life, then the more they can Love you. And, they will flourish and help you to flourish as you help them to flourish. And, you see, it is an ever upward spiraling cycle of Love shared by all.
So, as you celebrate your day of Love, I ask each of you to think,
what does Love really mean?
What truly is Love?
Is it bouquets of flowers, and chocolates in hand?
Is it a romantic night with your significant ones?
What actually is Love?
And, I say to you that if you would experience greater Love in your Life you must come to look beyond that tiny, little slice of the pie, so to speak, that you call Love.
Look beyond that. Embrace each other. Do not be held back by labels. Do not be held back by fears.
As I have spoken many times, those who are willing and brave enough to Love and have their Hearts hurt in return need only to remember that the more Love you allow to come through your Heart the less chance of the hurt, and, the greater chance that it Heals quickly when you do feel an “ouch”, so to speak, in the Heart.
There are those of you who will hear my words, and think that they are silly, perhaps even frivolous and frilly, and a waste of time, because you cannot fathom what it means to simply put your hand out and touch a tree and mentally tell that tree “I Love you” and wait to hear a response back.
There will be others of you who will hear my words, and say, “Yes, I see the Truth in this. This is something I need to do.”
And, there will be those who will not even take the time to register what I have spoken. But, I say to you this: There is a great gift that has been shared with you. And, yet you cannot receive it until you open your arms and your Heart. You must embrace the Love that you are. You must embrace the Love that we all are. And, you must embrace Life as the Love that we have and do share with you.
Do not hold back. Reach out and touch the world with your Love. Do the things that bring you Love. Never hold back when it comes to sharing Love. You must allow yourself a full throttle, so to speak.
You would be so amazed at what your Life would be like if you simply looked at everything with the eyes of Love. When you look at each other through the eyes of Love, you see no differences. You see no separation. And, you begin to feel satisfied and content inside. Your Life becomes rich and full, and you know Joy. You know happiness. And, you know Trust.
And, you see, the more you can experience these feelings, the more easy it is go let go of fears and hesitations. And, as you begin to let go of fears and the hesitancy of feeling as if you need to hold back and Protect yourself all the time, then, you see, that opens the door for greater Love to come into you - into your body, into your mind, into your Heart, into your Life. Every action, every interaction is filled with greater Love.
So, I say to you: Do not hold back.
And, on this day of Love, reach out with your Heart – even for only a few minutes, a few precious moments of your time – and reach out with your thoughts and send Love throughout the world to every being of Life. If you have a plant in your house, tell it that you Love it. If you have trees, tell them that you Love them. The air that you breathe, and the water that you drink, every being of Life – tell them that you Love them, and mean it, and, allow them to Love you in return.
And, at this moment, I would ask each of you to take a deep breath and feel the Love that I am sharing with you at this moment, and allow me to fill your Heart with the gift of Love, the gift of Life.
I Love you with the greatest of the energies of that which I am. And I am Love, and you are Love. And, we are one and the same. We come from One Source. We all come from One Source, and that Source is Love. So, open your Hearts and remember who you are, and remember what you are. Remember the Love that you are, and share that Love today and every day.
So, I leave you now with my Love and the greatest of it. It is here for you always. All you need to do to find it is open your Hearts and allow it to flow.
Thank you for listening.
That is all for this time.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore.