Voices of the Archangels
Season of Peace 2014-2015
Recording & Transcript
Mother Earth (Sister Gaea) on Changing to a Life of Peace
Channeled by Muriel Amore
“Yes, then it is I, Mother Earth, Gaea, Terra, whatever name you choose to call me.
It is I, who is your Earth Mother.
It is I who support your bodies, your beings incarnate.
And it is I who Loves you more than anything – ever. There is no other that Loves you greater than I, except perhaps the Great Mother of All, Creator of All.
I would speak to you at this time of the concept of Peace. It has been spoken now for many days. The ideas of Peace, Love, Truth, Understanding, Illumination, and so on and so on, and how you live together in a time of Peace, and more importantly, perhaps in a changing time, a time of great change and challenge, for that is where you are at this moment. That is where we all are, myself included.
It is time for each and every one of us to make changes, and you have heard the words spoken throughout the entire Season of Peace celebration that each of you must make your choice. And you must stand in your Truth and live by your Truth. You must live Love. You must live your Peace. And so on.
And so shall I.
I, too, have a choice to make. And I have long since made mine.
And so you see, I must stand in my Truth, too. Who am I? What am I?
So many see me as nothing more than a big chunk of resources to be used and abused and thrown away. They do not see me as a being of Life. They do not see me as a being who has thoughts and feelings, much less one that has goals or aspirations, and certainly not one with a Divine Purpose
such as I have,
as all of you do as well.
At this time, I will speak to you of my choices and hope that they are yours as well. For you see, I have chosen to live in a state of Peace. And so I shall. The question is, what does this mean for you? You see, I must make changes, just as you must make changes. If you choose to live in a state of Peace, then there are changes you must make.
You must change the way you live from day to day. Your daily Life must change. And mine must change also.
Yes, I still spin around on my axis. And I still rotate around the sun, or so the saying goes. It's not necessarily accurate, I will add.
As you change your daily Life, so shall I change mine.
And just as your daily changes affect all of those with whom you are connected,
my daily changes will affect each and every one of you, because you are all connected to me. Some of you will not like hearing those words. Or shall I say, most of you who hear my words will, of course, agree with me and like hearing them. My words, that is.
But there are many, many, many in your realm who would not see that as anything else
for they do not see me as a being of Life. And yet, when I begin to make my changes, and it begins to impact them, perhaps they will wake up. Then the question becomes, will it be too late? For you see, my changes must be monumental.
There is an old saying that you cannot clean house without stirring up a little bit of dust. And so when I clean my house, there will be a little bit of dust that will be raised, stirred. The pot will be stirred, so to speak.
There are those who believe they control me. They control my weather. They control my air flows. They control my soil and my water, and so on. There are many who want to possess that which I am, such as my waters, my Life bloods, my breath, my air. There are those who wish to own this and control it.
This is not only absurd, it is enormously disrespectful.
Would you like it if I owned you? Would you like it if I controlled your blood? Or your breath?
I do not like it when someone chooses to try to own me in that fashion. And so you see, as I make my changes, they are going to have huge impacts on those who would try to own me, to control me.
I do not mean to sound “doomsday-ish”. But in some ways, you might say I am giving each and every one of you a fair warning that there are changes coming. For some of you, they will be subtle. For others, they will me monumental. And for others, they may be complete devastation. I must make changes. You see, it is a part of my purpose for being that I provide a place for other beings to dwell, to evolve, to grow, to Love, to share Joys and Peace together. And many other things. I have many parts to my purpose, just as you do. But I can do none of these things if I continue in a fashion that is making my body very sick.
I am ill. I am in pain. There are parts of my being that suffer, every moment. And it saddens me beyond words to say that the greatest part of the reason for this suffering is that the human hands have gotten out of control. That is to say, the human hands try to control what is not theirs to control. Do I wish to have holes punched into my breast? Do I wish to have explosives set off within my being? Do I wish to have parts of my body drained to be used for someone else?
It is ironic, is it not, that when a mosquito drinks of your blood, you wish to smash it.
And kill it. Or at the very least, put something on your skin to repel the mosquito.
And yet, there are those who take my Lifeblood every day. Many, many, many take my Lifeblood every day. Should I squash each of them?
Or shall I just repel them all
so that they stay away? But yet, these beings live on my being. How can they go away? It it a question to ponder.
But let us speak
of changes to come that are more delightful to the Soul, to the Heart, and even to the mind.
Let us speak of a time of Peace.
There has been much discussion of a time of Peace, an age of Peace, and a dimension of Peace. And yet not one of you knows what the Dimension of Peace is all about. And I will say to you this.
The Dimension of Peace was anchored within my being a number of years ago. And since that time, it has grown. It has developed. It has matured. You see, dimensional spaces are not created by a simple snap of a finger. They require certain processes and time and energies and so on. There are those who have assisted in this process. And at this time, I can say to you that the dimension of Peace is ready for habitation.
It is a place where Peace reigns. All of these attributes that you have celebrated through the Season of Peace are truly attributes of this dimensional space which we call the Dimension of Peace. And the reason it is called this is because you simply must master each of the levels, each of the lessons, in order to ascend or Transcend into this dimensional space. So it is literally a Dimension of Peace. If you cannot live in Peace in its fullest measure, you cannot live within this dimensional space.
Dimensions are not something that many of you know very much about. But I will say this. The dimensions are separated, and there are many, many of them within my realm. Just like you have layers of skin. You have three layers of skin as a human being. Well, each layer is a space, a place unto itself. You may have an injury to one layer of skin, but it will not affect the others, and yet sometimes it cuts through all three, you might say.
Dimensions work in a similar fashion. Just as you have layers of onion, one layer after another after another, and so on, and so on. I believe you Understand the correlation here. And so I will say to you that this dimensional space may be lived in only by those who have evolved into this place,
those who can evolve into this space, this time, and it is a part of the Age of Peace, as well.
The Dimension of Peace is what you might call a paradise. Imagine what Life would be like if you lived every day in Peaceful Abundance.
What if you truly did Love your neighbor, and your neighbor Loved you? What if you truly did live in a state of complete and total unconditional acceptance and Love and Trust, with every being of Life?
What if your best friend had four legs and a tail, and could speak the same language you could?
What if there were no more greed?
And no more power struggles?
No more control, one over another?
What if every being of Life lived on equal terms? And what if each being of Life had everything they needed to be comfortable, to be happy, to fill their days with Joys and sharing?
What if every day, your Purpose was fulfilled, simply by being who you were and doing what brought you the most Joyous passion that your Heart could deliver?
What if there were no more fears of war, or violence, not having enough money or enough food or enough water?
What if illnesses did not happen anymore?
And what if death was looked upon not as a loss, but into a simple transition into another way of being?
What if Life was easy?
And what if there were no more struggles?
If you can imagine any of these things,
or all of these things,
and put that together with immense beauty, and cleanliness, a clean, living, vibrant, environment, then you have a very small glimpse of what the Dimension of Peace has to offer. It is by far the best dimensional space that has ever been created in my being. And I see no need to go any further than where it is, for it is the ultimate state for one to inhabit, for one to live, to share, to Love, to grow, and simply to be.
And at this time, I would invite each and every one of you to join me here. I have prepared a place for you. Will you accept it?
If you would, then you must walk the path of Peace. You must walk the path of Love and Truth. You must be the Light that you are.
I so wish that each and every one of you could come into this space, right now. Right at this moment.
Join me here.
Do not wait.
The time for making choices is growing short. As the Great Mother/Creator has spoken, she has given the direction for each and every one of us to come into alignment with Peace. And yet, in order for Peace to reign, Duality must spit it out, so to speak.
And I am afraid, as are many, that there are too many within your realm who would not accept the ways of Peace. Therefore, at some point, a great battle will ensue. This will be, literally, a battle for your Souls, you might say. For, will you continue in Duality, and take what comes with that space, or will you walk the path of Peace, and come and dwell in the dimension that I have created for you?
The time to make your choice is right now. And for those of you who have made your choice, I thank you with all my Heart. And I say to you this.
Ground with me.
Connect with me.
And I will help show you the way. I will help anchor you in the times of change to come. Stay connected with me. Grow with me. Share with me. And most importantly, allow me to share with you.
Let us be perfectly clear about something. Human beings have this mindset, some might call it even an arrogant ego about them. Not all of you are arrogant or have an ego, but there is this mindset, amongst many, who believe that you do not need anything or anyone in order to live.
This is simply not true.
You need me.
The question is, do I need you?
For the most part, that answer would be no. I can live without you, except for one thing. There is one thing that I need from human beings.
There is one thing that you, as a human being, can give to me, that I need, just as you need me. You need my sustenance. You need my minerals to keep your biological body alive. You need enzymes and vitamins, and so on.
You need my water.
My blood. My breath. My air.
What do I need from you?
I need the only thing that you can give to me. I need your Love.
I need all the Love that you can share with me.
And in return, I will share mine with you. Not only in energy, not only in thought, but also in your biological makeup, your requirements that you need to maintain your incarnate body.
I need you.
And you need me.
So let us come together then, and stay together.
Those of you who have already chosen Peace, come to me, and let us be One together. Let us accept each other in Oneness. I have already accepted you. Please accept me now. Let us be family, as we are.
Let us be One together. Connect with me. And let me connect with you. And let us move forward into a lifetime of Peace, a lifetime of Abundance,
a lifetime of Love and Joy, and unconditional acceptance,
of absolute Oneness.
For those of you who have not chosen yet, I ask you with all my Heart to please do so. And do it now. I do not wish to see any suffer. But I sincerely fear that that is exactly what you shall experience if you do not choose, and sincerely choose, to walk the path of Peace.
So think about my words. Think about what I have proposed to you and shared with you. And make your choice right now. Understand it. And Understand what you are choosing. You are giving up Duality, but you are gaining paradise, for that is what Peace is. Which will you choose? Continued struggle? Or Abundance for all?
That is all for this time.
I leave you with my Love.”
It is I, who is your Earth Mother.
It is I who support your bodies, your beings incarnate.
And it is I who Loves you more than anything – ever. There is no other that Loves you greater than I, except perhaps the Great Mother of All, Creator of All.
I would speak to you at this time of the concept of Peace. It has been spoken now for many days. The ideas of Peace, Love, Truth, Understanding, Illumination, and so on and so on, and how you live together in a time of Peace, and more importantly, perhaps in a changing time, a time of great change and challenge, for that is where you are at this moment. That is where we all are, myself included.
It is time for each and every one of us to make changes, and you have heard the words spoken throughout the entire Season of Peace celebration that each of you must make your choice. And you must stand in your Truth and live by your Truth. You must live Love. You must live your Peace. And so on.
And so shall I.
I, too, have a choice to make. And I have long since made mine.
And so you see, I must stand in my Truth, too. Who am I? What am I?
So many see me as nothing more than a big chunk of resources to be used and abused and thrown away. They do not see me as a being of Life. They do not see me as a being who has thoughts and feelings, much less one that has goals or aspirations, and certainly not one with a Divine Purpose
such as I have,
as all of you do as well.
At this time, I will speak to you of my choices and hope that they are yours as well. For you see, I have chosen to live in a state of Peace. And so I shall. The question is, what does this mean for you? You see, I must make changes, just as you must make changes. If you choose to live in a state of Peace, then there are changes you must make.
You must change the way you live from day to day. Your daily Life must change. And mine must change also.
Yes, I still spin around on my axis. And I still rotate around the sun, or so the saying goes. It's not necessarily accurate, I will add.
As you change your daily Life, so shall I change mine.
And just as your daily changes affect all of those with whom you are connected,
my daily changes will affect each and every one of you, because you are all connected to me. Some of you will not like hearing those words. Or shall I say, most of you who hear my words will, of course, agree with me and like hearing them. My words, that is.
But there are many, many, many in your realm who would not see that as anything else
for they do not see me as a being of Life. And yet, when I begin to make my changes, and it begins to impact them, perhaps they will wake up. Then the question becomes, will it be too late? For you see, my changes must be monumental.
There is an old saying that you cannot clean house without stirring up a little bit of dust. And so when I clean my house, there will be a little bit of dust that will be raised, stirred. The pot will be stirred, so to speak.
There are those who believe they control me. They control my weather. They control my air flows. They control my soil and my water, and so on. There are many who want to possess that which I am, such as my waters, my Life bloods, my breath, my air. There are those who wish to own this and control it.
This is not only absurd, it is enormously disrespectful.
Would you like it if I owned you? Would you like it if I controlled your blood? Or your breath?
I do not like it when someone chooses to try to own me in that fashion. And so you see, as I make my changes, they are going to have huge impacts on those who would try to own me, to control me.
I do not mean to sound “doomsday-ish”. But in some ways, you might say I am giving each and every one of you a fair warning that there are changes coming. For some of you, they will be subtle. For others, they will me monumental. And for others, they may be complete devastation. I must make changes. You see, it is a part of my purpose for being that I provide a place for other beings to dwell, to evolve, to grow, to Love, to share Joys and Peace together. And many other things. I have many parts to my purpose, just as you do. But I can do none of these things if I continue in a fashion that is making my body very sick.
I am ill. I am in pain. There are parts of my being that suffer, every moment. And it saddens me beyond words to say that the greatest part of the reason for this suffering is that the human hands have gotten out of control. That is to say, the human hands try to control what is not theirs to control. Do I wish to have holes punched into my breast? Do I wish to have explosives set off within my being? Do I wish to have parts of my body drained to be used for someone else?
It is ironic, is it not, that when a mosquito drinks of your blood, you wish to smash it.
And kill it. Or at the very least, put something on your skin to repel the mosquito.
And yet, there are those who take my Lifeblood every day. Many, many, many take my Lifeblood every day. Should I squash each of them?
Or shall I just repel them all
so that they stay away? But yet, these beings live on my being. How can they go away? It it a question to ponder.
But let us speak
of changes to come that are more delightful to the Soul, to the Heart, and even to the mind.
Let us speak of a time of Peace.
There has been much discussion of a time of Peace, an age of Peace, and a dimension of Peace. And yet not one of you knows what the Dimension of Peace is all about. And I will say to you this.
The Dimension of Peace was anchored within my being a number of years ago. And since that time, it has grown. It has developed. It has matured. You see, dimensional spaces are not created by a simple snap of a finger. They require certain processes and time and energies and so on. There are those who have assisted in this process. And at this time, I can say to you that the dimension of Peace is ready for habitation.
It is a place where Peace reigns. All of these attributes that you have celebrated through the Season of Peace are truly attributes of this dimensional space which we call the Dimension of Peace. And the reason it is called this is because you simply must master each of the levels, each of the lessons, in order to ascend or Transcend into this dimensional space. So it is literally a Dimension of Peace. If you cannot live in Peace in its fullest measure, you cannot live within this dimensional space.
Dimensions are not something that many of you know very much about. But I will say this. The dimensions are separated, and there are many, many of them within my realm. Just like you have layers of skin. You have three layers of skin as a human being. Well, each layer is a space, a place unto itself. You may have an injury to one layer of skin, but it will not affect the others, and yet sometimes it cuts through all three, you might say.
Dimensions work in a similar fashion. Just as you have layers of onion, one layer after another after another, and so on, and so on. I believe you Understand the correlation here. And so I will say to you that this dimensional space may be lived in only by those who have evolved into this place,
those who can evolve into this space, this time, and it is a part of the Age of Peace, as well.
The Dimension of Peace is what you might call a paradise. Imagine what Life would be like if you lived every day in Peaceful Abundance.
What if you truly did Love your neighbor, and your neighbor Loved you? What if you truly did live in a state of complete and total unconditional acceptance and Love and Trust, with every being of Life?
What if your best friend had four legs and a tail, and could speak the same language you could?
What if there were no more greed?
And no more power struggles?
No more control, one over another?
What if every being of Life lived on equal terms? And what if each being of Life had everything they needed to be comfortable, to be happy, to fill their days with Joys and sharing?
What if every day, your Purpose was fulfilled, simply by being who you were and doing what brought you the most Joyous passion that your Heart could deliver?
What if there were no more fears of war, or violence, not having enough money or enough food or enough water?
What if illnesses did not happen anymore?
And what if death was looked upon not as a loss, but into a simple transition into another way of being?
What if Life was easy?
And what if there were no more struggles?
If you can imagine any of these things,
or all of these things,
and put that together with immense beauty, and cleanliness, a clean, living, vibrant, environment, then you have a very small glimpse of what the Dimension of Peace has to offer. It is by far the best dimensional space that has ever been created in my being. And I see no need to go any further than where it is, for it is the ultimate state for one to inhabit, for one to live, to share, to Love, to grow, and simply to be.
And at this time, I would invite each and every one of you to join me here. I have prepared a place for you. Will you accept it?
If you would, then you must walk the path of Peace. You must walk the path of Love and Truth. You must be the Light that you are.
I so wish that each and every one of you could come into this space, right now. Right at this moment.
Join me here.
Do not wait.
The time for making choices is growing short. As the Great Mother/Creator has spoken, she has given the direction for each and every one of us to come into alignment with Peace. And yet, in order for Peace to reign, Duality must spit it out, so to speak.
And I am afraid, as are many, that there are too many within your realm who would not accept the ways of Peace. Therefore, at some point, a great battle will ensue. This will be, literally, a battle for your Souls, you might say. For, will you continue in Duality, and take what comes with that space, or will you walk the path of Peace, and come and dwell in the dimension that I have created for you?
The time to make your choice is right now. And for those of you who have made your choice, I thank you with all my Heart. And I say to you this.
Ground with me.
Connect with me.
And I will help show you the way. I will help anchor you in the times of change to come. Stay connected with me. Grow with me. Share with me. And most importantly, allow me to share with you.
Let us be perfectly clear about something. Human beings have this mindset, some might call it even an arrogant ego about them. Not all of you are arrogant or have an ego, but there is this mindset, amongst many, who believe that you do not need anything or anyone in order to live.
This is simply not true.
You need me.
The question is, do I need you?
For the most part, that answer would be no. I can live without you, except for one thing. There is one thing that I need from human beings.
There is one thing that you, as a human being, can give to me, that I need, just as you need me. You need my sustenance. You need my minerals to keep your biological body alive. You need enzymes and vitamins, and so on.
You need my water.
My blood. My breath. My air.
What do I need from you?
I need the only thing that you can give to me. I need your Love.
I need all the Love that you can share with me.
And in return, I will share mine with you. Not only in energy, not only in thought, but also in your biological makeup, your requirements that you need to maintain your incarnate body.
I need you.
And you need me.
So let us come together then, and stay together.
Those of you who have already chosen Peace, come to me, and let us be One together. Let us accept each other in Oneness. I have already accepted you. Please accept me now. Let us be family, as we are.
Let us be One together. Connect with me. And let me connect with you. And let us move forward into a lifetime of Peace, a lifetime of Abundance,
a lifetime of Love and Joy, and unconditional acceptance,
of absolute Oneness.
For those of you who have not chosen yet, I ask you with all my Heart to please do so. And do it now. I do not wish to see any suffer. But I sincerely fear that that is exactly what you shall experience if you do not choose, and sincerely choose, to walk the path of Peace.
So think about my words. Think about what I have proposed to you and shared with you. And make your choice right now. Understand it. And Understand what you are choosing. You are giving up Duality, but you are gaining paradise, for that is what Peace is. Which will you choose? Continued struggle? Or Abundance for all?
That is all for this time.
I leave you with my Love.”
Although some of you may not Understand the verbal channeling as it is spoken in English, we encourage you to listen to it as you read this transcript. In so doing, you will better experience the emotion and intensity of this channeling as you can hear the speaker's voice, the wavering in it, the sighs, the pauses, and so on.
(Note: The pauses are indicated through the spacing of the text. Sighs and long pauses are noted within the text (ie; (sigh)).
© Copyright 2012-2018 The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona Muriel Amore. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this page may be reproduced, copied, or downloaded in any form or through any media without the written permission of The New Gaea Foundation Healing Arts Center™ and Mia Mona MurielAmore.