In our view, it would appear that the public school systems are either teaching preparedness for more, and obviously homeland, terrorism - which our country has fought an on-going battle for years now to eradicate - or perhaps they are teaching preparedness for the much speculated coming police state. Either way, we feel it is wrong. We encourage parents to find out what is going on in your children's schools and Protect them according to your beliefs.
(Here is just one of the articles that we read on this subject that has brought about our comment here. )
It is good to be prepared. But, true wisdom comes in teaching right action as opposed to reaction. When we all learn how to live in a state of Peace, the world will be a Peaceful place. The more we subscribe to the ideas of terrorism, intolerance, fear, and violence, the more our world will become these very things. Is this what we want to teach future generations? Or will we teach our children to stand firm against violence and fear, knowing well that the Peace within that is shared with others will prevail if we make it so. It is our choice. We must teach our children to make their own right choices - and not by shooting blanks at them!